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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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Actually, this is the exact opposite of the truth.

Go on and ask the other Purple Unity alliances how much we try to control them. For example, go ask M*A*S*H. You guys fought alongside them in the recent war, so you should have some kind of relationship there still, right?

Your lack of negotiation skills are not our problem. But it'd be nice if you took off the blinders for a moment and realize that you're talking to alliances that are pretty independent-minded.

by no means do i suggest that you do or want to control the other purple alliances.

also don't mistake our not exercising our negotiating skills for not having any in the first place.

Edited by Jingoist
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by no means do i suggest that you do or want to control the other purple alliances.

Ah, just Stickmen is it then? That seems logical. An alliance not known for wanting to control anyone picks you guys out as being special and in need of special treatment.

also don't mistake our not exercising our negotiating skills for not having any in the first place.

Wasn't the party line supposed to be that we were the belligerent ones?

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by no means do i suggest that you do or want to control the other purple alliances.

also don't mistake our not exercising our negotiating skills for not having any in the first place.

i thought our intelligence was too limited to have any negoitiation skills? i read, in a post made by invicta gov, that we're not bright enough or active enough to do that.

i guess we should pack it up and go back to selling turnips.

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Ah, just Stickmen is it then? That seems logical. An alliance not known for wanting to control anyone picks you guys out as being special and in need of special treatment.

you can't possibly be this obtuse, can you? Obviously the point I'm trying to make is that our arrival was never welcomed by the majority of purple and that the only way you'd ever have consented to us trying to join in on your unity is if you could keep us in check and as low on the totem pole as possible. you can try and spin it all you like but that is an absolute fact. why else would your first reaction (official position or personal position) to our gaining a senate seat be telling us we'd just committed an act of war?

Wasn't the party line supposed to be that we were the belligerent ones?

you are.... or at least would be if you weren't so terrified

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i thought our intelligence was too limited to have any negoitiation skills? i read, in a post made by invicta gov, that we're not bright enough or active enough to do that.

i guess we should pack it up and go back to selling turnips.

I can't sell turnips if i just fell off the truck, can I?

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you can't possibly be this obtuse, can you? Obviously the point I'm trying to make is that our arrival was never welcomed by the majority of purple and that the only way you'd ever have consented to us trying to join in on your unity is if you could keep us in check and as low on the totem pole as possible. you can try and spin it all you like but that is an absolute fact. why else would your first reaction (official position or personal position) to our gaining a senate seat be telling us we'd just committed an act of war?

For the last time, it was a reaction to your instructing our membership to disregard the orders of their alliance leadership.

I made those statements before you held a senate seat as well ;)

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Ah, just Stickmen is it then? That seems logical. An alliance not known for wanting to control anyone picks you guys out as being special and in need of special treatment .

are you insinuating that we're special as is "special education" or "special olympics"? this is getting pretty juvenile... please don't resort to name calling.

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For the last time, it was a reaction to your instructing our membership to disregard the orders of their alliance leadership.

nice try. the message said nothing about "disregarding the orders of their alliance leadership". what a bunch of putrid garbage.

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are you insinuating that we're special as is "special education" or "special olympics"? this is getting pretty juvenile... please don't resort to name calling.

Your shallow pandering to the crowd is laughable. I fail to see how what he said could be interpreted in such a manner, you're just looking for someone to exploit to your advantage

Edited by Lord Fingolfin
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Your shallow and pedantic pandering to the crowd is laughable. I fail to see how what he said could be interpreted in such a manner, you're just looking for someone to exploit to your advantage

And you are just looking for a lesson in punctuation.


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Your shallow pandering to the crowd is laughable. I fail to see how what he said could be interpreted in such a manner, you're just looking for someone to exploit to your advantage

do ANY of you people have a sense of humour? at all? even a little bit?

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you are.... or at least would be if you weren't so terrified

Of what?

I am being tripled teamed by you guys (or at least one of you and two of your masters) for 6 days now, and I still havent seen anarchy. Tell me what I am supposed to be scared of exactly?

Oh and your guy is now in 3rd place now...

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you can't possibly be this obtuse, can you? Obviously the point I'm trying to make is that our arrival was never welcomed by the majority of purple and that the only way you'd ever have consented to us trying to join in on your unity is if you could keep us in check and as low on the totem pole as possible. you can try and spin it all you like but that is an absolute fact. why else would your first reaction (official position or personal position) to our gaining a senate seat be telling us we'd just committed an act of war?

Heh, sounds like there's plenty of obtuseness to pass around. First off: Haf isn't Stumpy :awesome: , his opinion doesn't represent all of purple's. Second, while I personally do believe Haf overreacted, I wouldn't be too pleased if this happened to myself: the same way I would think to NPO doing the same; so I do sympathize with Haf's sentiment. Third it sounds like to a third party (me), you're just finding any ax to grind.

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<br />Of what?<br />I am being tripled teamed by you guys (or at least one of you and two of your masters) for 6 days now, and I still havent seen anarchy. Tell me what I am supposed to be scared of exactly?<br /><br />Oh and your guy is now in 3rd place now...



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Of what?

I am being tripled teamed by you guys (or at least one of you and two of your masters) for 6 days now, and I still havent seen anarchy. Tell me what I am supposed to be scared of exactly?

Oh and your guy is now in 3rd place now...

A leopard never changes its spots.

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Regardless of when the proposals for change began and when Stickmen was told about the intent to change them you still made the changes which at that time would have realisticly locked any Stickmen alliance out of being a part of the senate rotation. Also how would you propose we negotiated the content of a treaty we were not a part of? (If Stickmen alliances were even at all aware of what the exact changes you planned to make were.)

Also thanks for telling us all the log you post on page 5 and page 21 were of the same conversation <_<

I wonder how many of the 36 are those who are locked in to trade circles in other spheres and looking at your resources haflinger I'm sure you could understand there relunctancy to leave them. On top of that whats the great rush for them to get onto purple? The rest of purple is more then willing to do our voting for us :lol1:

I still fail to see how a change that makes it possible to run a senator is preferable to one that makes it impossible. One that requires more than 50 members with a percentage on purple is better than one that does not give the option. And surely, if you had proposed a change, you could have very well had a chance at putting one through. That's how the PEACE addition to the senate rotation got there in the first place.

Well Haf, you know that forcing changes in an existing bloc-treaty, signed by a number of other alliances already, is quite hard. Normally, the existing signatories got all their wishes edited in the treaty and wouldn't let a new alliance change the whole bloc set-up.

If someone we like wanted to join LEO but first wanted us to change the treaty from lets say the current MDoAP to a MADP, then what is the use of that bloc treaty anyway? Then it would be better to disband the current bloc, draft a new treaty and start from 0 all over again.

I'm just going to echo Haf a bit here and say that yes, we're prefectly open to change and that PEACE has a history of adapting to the needs of its signatories.

nice try. the message said nothing about "disregarding the orders of their alliance leadership". what a bunch of putrid garbage.

We ordered our members to vote for PEACE candidates as per treaty obligations. You asked them not to. That's the plain and simple fact.

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Regardless of when the proposals for change began and when Stickmen was told about the intent to change them you still made the changes which at that time would have realisticly locked any Stickmen alliance out of being a part of the senate rotation. Also how would you propose we negotiated the content of a treaty we were not a part of? (If Stickmen alliances were even at all aware of what the exact changes you planned to make were.)

Is it really so hard to understand that if the changes had not be made NO PEACE SIGNATORY WOULD HAVE HAD ACCESS TO THE SENATE! You keep trying to misrepresent the changes being made as an impediment to your desire for a senate seat, but the facts are that the changes made would have been your only option to a seat had you signed.

I'll refer to the previous post so as to not make this any longer. PEACE changes treaty to allow member alliances other than Poseidon have senate seats.

....to our gaining a senate seat be telling us we'd just committed an act of war?

The act of war comment was in regards to the SPAM, not the senate seat itself.

are you insinuating that we're special as is "special education" or "special olympics"? this is getting pretty juvenile... please don't resort to name calling.

But I thought we were all just having fun?

nice try. the message said nothing about "disregarding the orders of their alliance leadership". what a bunch of putrid garbage.

Is that how you think about your treaties? Putrid garbage? Because OUR treaty says that we have to vote for the PEACE candidates. So yes, the orders from the alliance leadership that has signed on to that treaty are to comply with the treaty i.e. vote for the PEACE candidates. I'm sorry if you don't think trying to convince people to do things contrary to their alliance's wishes is inappropriate but hey, anything can be justified in the name of having fun right?

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Lets be honest the only change he will bring about is increased tensions not with me because I know senators are useless, but with people who put stock in such things. You can disagree with me but I'm pretty sure 99% of people couldn't even name their current senator.

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Its funny until a war breaks out.

Are you kidding me?

And then it's hilarious.


Also, *takes off hat and turns to stickmen.*

So long as you're having fun, right?

We may have had our disagreements, AUT, but you've encaptured the Stickman spirit right there.

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