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Apologies and a good bye


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I would like to take this time to make a formal apology. I first started playing cybernations about 1 year ago. In that time I joined the United Blue Directorate (UBD) and because I had misunderstandings of the game, argued against there form of government, and did the most despicable thing some one on this game can do, I left just when the UBD entered into the Karma war. I had accepted first aid from them and did not fulfill my obligation of stay for the minimum time. To the UBD, I greatly apologize for my actions of what can only be described as cowardice.

Later I re-rolled and formed my own alliance that ended in failure, and then joined the Democratic Open Community (DOC). I was happy there, finally getting to do that which I wanted to do, the whole reason I joined cybernations, to debate and legislate. While there I started a thread where we could sit and plan out our strategies in an OOC form. One of the ideas that I suggested for long term goals was to eventually end all dictatorships or at the very least place direct democracies in the top positions, which as you can tell is a very long term goal. I was told it could not be done and was not to be tried. However, I had visions of grandeur and decided to go ahead and try. So I began to formulate my plan, which was a stepped program. The first step was to introduce an ideology and cause people to question there beliefs. Second was to get the DOC to form alliances with only other direct-democracies, creating a sort of bloc treaty. The next step was to gradually infiltrate several persons into several of the larger alliances that were desperately loyal to direct democracy, but have them pose as loyal members of those alliances and eventually pitting them against each other to make way for the direct democratic bloc to move up.

So believing that my plan would work, I decided to act. I tried recruiting former members of Vox Populi, while not loyal to direct democracy, they did have a hatred of the NPO, but none would join, they pretty much all told me I was crazy, which now looking back, yeah I am. After that did not work, I left the DOC.

I just want to take this moment to state that the DOC had no idea that I had these plans.

And so I joined the NpO to gather info and learn to start a corruption from inside and conduct those operations from within. The first thing I did was post an article about how horrible Direct democracy is in a cheap PR attempt to garner support from the members of the NpO. That paper had eventually started to fall apart as the members of the DOC started to point out its blatant lies. So I would like to apologize to the DOC for such betrayal. I hang my head low at bashing my ideals that I so reverently supported. I hang my head in shame.

I have come to several realizations about myself and this game. Firstly, loyalty is key, second, I suck at this game, I am not a politican, i am not a ambassador and I can not convey an ideology. When you have tarnished your reputation as badly as I have, I have but one option, I must leave. And so I bid planet bob good bye, and the world will be better off with out the presence of people like me.


Edited by kamino
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The best laid plans of mice and men, eh?

I'll give you credit for ambition but the lack of any tangible benefit to such enormous effort places it squarely within the category of pointless. If you are going to put that much effort into something, might as well just make it an alliance you can call home and push that up the ranks.

I don't see any reason for you to re-roll though. Even if you feel this is some sort of blunder, you'll gain more respect from your peers if you just brush yourself off, learn from it, and resolve not to quit.

I've discovered that this is an arena that requires patience, thick skin, and a need towards seeing things several steps ahead. You've got, at least in theory, the last one.

Best of luck with what ever you decide to do, but I'd suggest you just suck it up, use the experience to learn a little bit more about humility, find an alliance that really appeals to you and put your brain power to work for them.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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And just to address a few more points:

Firstly, loyalty is key,


second, I suck at this game, I am not a politican, i am not a ambassador and I can not convey an ideology.

You are what you determine yourself to be. That doesn't mean that you'll be good at it right out of the gate, but it's what you set your mind to that creates your future self.

Not a politician or ambassador? C'mon, do you have any rl experience doing that? It's something you have to learn. Debate and FA work takes practice and time. And no matter how good you are, you're still prone to make mistakes. That's the nature of the beast. Don't take a defeatist attitude. Instead, take a pragmatic one. You can learn and excel at anything with enough time invested in it. Is the time/skill trade off worth it? That's for you to decide.

In my brief experiences interacting with you, I would suggest you spend more time looking at the way things are and why they are that way, because what set these protocols in place are different from rl rules, instead of looking at how the way it is can be a platform for your advancement. Sure ambition and crafty thinking are good, but you must first understand some basics. In short, less talking, more listening, asking, and examining.

If you want to sharpen your skills in putting forth your ideas, step into the boiler room. That place is brutal and the folks that debate in there are often very skilled at rhetoric and logic. Get your feet wet in there.

When you have tarnished your reputation as badly as I have, I have but one option, I must leave. And so I bid planet bob good bye, and the world will be better off with out the presence of people like me.

Nonsense, you're being emotional. Which is fine, but take it with some perspective. There a handfull of people who tarnish their reputations on a weekly basis (I'll leave it up to others to point them out) but they are firmly committed towards their roles and get up after every fiasco to try it again. Take heart, perceptions can be changed and your skills will improve.

Remember: learn the basics inside and out. See things as they are, not as you would like them to be. Take everything, yourself included, less seriously. Don't give up and keep practicing.

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And who would have me? A person who commits these types of actions? Who could ever trust me again, or at the very least give pause when dealing with me?

I dunno, the LSF is pretty forgiving. You can always swing by and chill with us while we pass the pipe. B)

Link's right here, dude!

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And who would have me? A person who commits these types of actions? Who could ever trust me again, or at the very least give pause when dealing with me?

If you can place the goals of an alliance above the goals of yourself, almost everyone will. And, there are plenty of alliances that will take anyone regardless of their past if you agree to turn over a new leaf. There are a dozens of people who have committed much more heinous crimes that still find sanctuary.

If you doubt this, just change your AA to none and see what happens.

If you are truly determined to make your mark on the world I would suggest finding someone who is well versed in the political arena and approach them as an "apprentice."

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I dunno, the LSF is pretty forgiving. You can always swing by and chill with us while we pass the pipe. B)

Link's right here, dude!

OOC: Mongol, I really appreciate the offer, but as I am using a US government computer that is monitored, I doubt they would be to happy with a member with a security clearance visiting a socialist website, even if it is just a game. NCIS and the FBI are a bit funky that way. :rolleyes:

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OOC: Mongol, I really appreciate the offer, but as I am using a US government computer that is monitored, I doubt they would be to happy with a member with a security clearance visiting a socialist website, even if it is just a game. NCIS and the FBI are a bit funky that way. :rolleyes:

OOC: I was a Military Intelligence analyst in the Army with a TS/SCI and I've been a member ever since the /b/ alliance disbanded (with the occasional exploration of other 'New Left' alliances. Don't sweat it, dude. You're not breaking any laws or regs by joining a gaming clan that calls itself the Libertarian Socialist Federation. ;) Hell, I was even a card-carrying member of the SP-USA up to the day I was discharged! Honorably, mind you.

Edited by The Mongol-Swedes
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Seems like you need a place to start over and get a second chance now.

Anyway, although you seem to have planned a Vox-Populi-like revolution under my watch (which I didn't notice) and dragged a lot of internals out to the OWF (which I was forced to notice), I wish you the best of luck.

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