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Ursarkar E Creed

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As the title says, this is my apology to the Polar alliance in it's entirety. I am sorry for the lies I put forward about spying that put my entire alliance at risk.

I acted in an improper manner giving information (albeit non sensitive) to anyone other than the alliance is resided in as well as logging into an account that was not mine. This was quite a stupid thing to do and I am sorry for that.

I hope after this we can go our separate ways and move back to better terms in the future as I still think you're all a great bunch of people.

Well, I hope you can accept my apology in the end as I am sorry for what I have done and I can assure you it will not happen again.

I wish you all the best of luck in the future and am sorry to those people that I once called friends and how badly I've disappointed you.


Ursarkar E Creed

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The question of whether material is sensitive or not is only able to be determined by the people who hold the information.

I accept your apology on behalf of Polaris, you have been granted an opportunity to redeem yourself, I suggest you take it.

For future reference, you now fall into the category of Zero-tolerance.


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you know it's funny... I was looking over old logs I had the other day... back from when you were in Atarax. Someone from NPO had mentioned how they thought you were an annoyance on the forums and "a loud mouth"... I personally vouched for you when you left Atarax and joined NpO, particularly because that person was an IO and we still had the OoO thing going on.

How times change.

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I'm sorry to hear this. At least your doing the proper thing and appologizing to your friends for your actions. Betraying your friends is a difficult thing. You may never be trusted ever again, but through time you may redeem yourself.

I will miss seeing your artwork on the Polaris forums. You are very talented. I wish you the best of luck.

Edited by Arwen
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Don't know you very well, except for that you made my awesome avatar. ;P

But I believe that apologies always mean something, especially if you're sincere about it.

Time heals all. Though I cannot speak for my whole alliance, I can get past the event and say that you're forgiven in my eyes.

I wish you good luck in your future endeavors, Ursarkar.


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