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Zhadum reveals NPO information: organized logs


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Well I never thought I'd see Xha'dam corroborating everything RV, sponge, Musso, myself, et al have been saying for the past 15 months. Really, what can I say but this?:


[20:30:44] <Katzith|Polaris> Also, what are your views on Doitzel these days?

[20:30:49] <+Zhadum> No, nothing like that

[20:31:05] <+Zhadum> Doitzel. That's a tough one

[20:31:50] <+Zhadum> Doitzel, I felt and still feel he genuinely betrayed my trust

[20:32:22] <+Zhadum> And from what followed, there was a lot of bad blood created that will never go away

[20:32:38] <+Zhadum> However, I regretted then, and still regret today losing him as a friend

[20:32:52] <+Zhadum> We were very good friends once and that is something I miss

[20:32:59] <+Zhadum> I sincerely do

But perhaps now you understand why. These are not new problems you've outlined. They are mostly two-year-old problems which are so remarkably well-known that the most shocking thing about them is the speaker.

You'll recall perhaps that I was disingenuously removed from an IO position once upon a time. The harshly conservative, secretive, and partisan nature of Pacific's culture that prevents any kind of frank discussion or honesty is why it will continue to produce 'traitors' at a much higher rate than other alliances. They treat everyone equally like crap, save for the very few that're the "in" crowd at the very top. You've been in that crowd a long time. Not so nice on the outside, is it?

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Now come on, I do believe we are seeing another NPO Radio Silence going on here. That means Zha seems to have struck a nerve. That means he has probably fielded some not so nice queries and missives. Hopefully that means he decides to make one hell of a doozy announcement himself.

At this point he might as well.

Dont get your hopes up, theres no radio silence. I mean, what are supposed to say? Zha was a doosh, and was kicked, then whined about it. I know all the drama llamas are &*&^ing over reading public information from the mouth of Zha, but hey, yall need to get your kicks somehow. I dont really feel the need to post, what am I supposed to say?

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Dont get your hopes up, theres no radio silence. I mean, what are supposed to say? Zha was a doosh, and was kicked, then whined about it. I know all the drama llamas are &*&^ing over reading public information from the mouth of Zha, but hey, yall need to get your kicks somehow. I dont really feel the need to post, what am I supposed to say?

Yes, I know. We already moved past the question of whether or not radio silence was called for. The only way you can get an answer to such a question from the likes of NPO is to simply say they are in Radio Silence and if such is not true you will get a couple coming forth to tell you otherwise. That's ok, not everyone understands such an approach.

I really do not know what you are supposed to say. It is your Pacifica. If you are happy with where it is going then there is little for you to say. Then again....perhaps it is the other way around.

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Yes, I know. We already moved past the question of whether or not radio silence was called for. The only way you can get an answer to such a question from the likes of NPO is to simply say they are in Radio Silence and if such is not true you will get a couple coming forth to tell you otherwise. That's ok, not everyone understands such an approach.

I really do not know what you are supposed to say. It is your Pacifica. If you are happy with where it is going then there is little for you to say. Then again....perhaps it is the other way around.

If I disapprove of its direction, then I'm doing everything in my power to steer the NPO in the best direction I can, not whining about it. I know this is a fundamentally different policy than most alliance members these days, but its one I try to implement.

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Well I never thought I'd see Xha'dam corroborating everything RV, sponge, Musso, myself, et al have been saying for the past 15 months. Really, what can I say but this?:


But perhaps now you understand why. These are not new problems you've outlined. They are mostly two-year-old problems which are so remarkably well-known that the most shocking thing about them is the speaker.

You'll recall perhaps that I was disingenuously removed from an IO position once upon a time. The harshly conservative, secretive, and partisan nature of Pacific's culture that prevents any kind of frank discussion or honesty is why it will continue to produce 'traitors' at a much higher rate than other alliances. They treat everyone equally like crap, save for the very few that're the "in" crowd at the very top. You've been in that crowd a long time. Not so nice on the outside, is it?

I actually enjoy it quite a bit.

Then again, I am known as a sunny-side up optimist. :awesome:

If I disapprove of its direction, then I'm doing everything in my power to steer the NPO in the best direction I can, not whining about it. I know this is a fundamentally different policy than most alliance members these days, but its one I try to implement.

Well, if even an IO can't do it, then I suppose you're just gonna be spinning the wheels in futility.

Edited by Chron
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Dont get your hopes up, theres no radio silence. I mean, what are supposed to say? Zha was a doosh, and was kicked, then whined about it. I know all the drama llamas are &*&^ing over reading public information from the mouth of Zha, but hey, yall need to get your kicks somehow. I dont really feel the need to post, what am I supposed to say?

Well, by precedent you should be undermining his credibility, calling into question his mental stability, insist that he'd never been trusted with truly vital information, attempt to rebuke each claim he's made whether it's true or not, and round it off with a nice "you're irrelevant".

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned.

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If I disapprove of its direction, then I'm doing everything in my power to steer the NPO in the best direction I can, not whining about it. I know this is a fundamentally different policy than most alliance members these days, but its one I try to implement.

That is because those who oppose the status quo are, how shall we say...

[17:55:26] <Zhadum> [...] unofficially blacklisted from ever being IO

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Well, by precedent you should be undermining his credibility, calling into question his mental stability, insist that he'd never been trusted with truly vital information, attempt to rebuke each claim he's made whether it's true or not, and round it off with a nice "you're irrelevant".

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned.

He's an asshat, but he's "credible". He is most ceartainly not mentally stable, he has been trusted with vital information, and most of the stuff he said is true, and you already know most of it.

Your irrelevant

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Well, by precedent you should be undermining his credibility, calling into question his mental stability, insist that he'd never been trusted with truly vital information, attempt to rebuke each claim he's made whether it's true or not, and round it off with a nice "you're irrelevant".

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned.

To be fair, to be fair.

That was his job. It's not like they still have Rebel Virginia, Anthony, Mussolandia, Ivan, Tyga, Sponge, Seerow, Pump, you, or myself to fall back on anymore.

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To be fair, to be fair.

That was his job. It's not like they still have Rebel Virginia, Anthony, Mussolandia, Ivan, Tyga, Sponge, Seerow, Pump, you, or myself to fall back on anymore.

You know, people gave GGA crap for their habit of turning on ex-gov, but NPO has got to have the longest list of high profile "traitors" the world has ever seen. Hell, they're at the point where you have traitors calling other traitors traitors and you're forgetting to list people in that enumeration of disaffected ex-Pacificans.

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He's an asshat, but he's "credible". He is most ceartainly not mentally stable, he has been trusted with vital information, and most of the stuff he said is true, and you already know most of it.

Your irrelevant

saying that someone who has played a major role in running NPO since before GWI is "not mentally stable" is not to your credit ;)

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You know, people gave GGA crap for their habit of turning on ex-gov, but NPO has got to have the longest list of high profile "traitors" the world has ever seen. Hell, they're at the point where you have traitors calling other traitors traitors and you're forgetting to list people in that enumeration of disaffected ex-Pacificans.

Actually, I know. It's a list with a specific criteria for those on it. Frankly, not all disaffected ex-Pacificans qualify for that list, to be honest.

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Certainly not mind-blowing, but at the expense of sounding like theAUT I'll admit that it was interesting none-the-less, and worth the read thanks to all the ex-Pacificans flocking to this thread, it's funny how they all seem to have the same opinion, and all revolve around having seen this stuff coming from a long time ago.. And now they're all gone.

Pacifica really doesn't deserve this kind of attention any more though.. And I think this thread proves they'll never be what they were again.

Wait and watch.

Yes, because they were destroyed in a major war they're now completely irrelevant and we should entirely ignore them.

They're just as relevant as any other alliance, possibly moreso, and to claim otherwise is ridiculous.

Then why are we surrounded on all sides by fear and hatred, particularly fear?

I love this line right here:

<+Zhadum> Well, in fairness, Sponge had $%&@ed us over quite a bit first

[19:06:40] <+Zhadum> He told Moo point blank he engineered the Unjust War just to get rid of NPO's allies so he would be the dominant partner in the relationship

Really sponge?

I loved you, then I hated you, then I respected you, and now this comes out.

We'll get our justice, never you fear. It'll come with the passing of time.

[7:03pm] electron_sponge: I know thats hard to believe

[7:04pm] electron_sponge: it was intended to convey your actual irrelevance in the larger world

[7:04pm] electron_sponge: which was of your own doing

[7:05pm] electron_sponge: also if you look at the alliances we were dismantling

[7:05pm] electron_sponge: you'll note that those alliances were all your allies

[7:06pm] electron_sponge: add it up, Comrade Emperor

[7:06pm] electron_sponge: there are no accidents where I am concerned

The famous instance where he mistook himself for a supervillain and went off on a monologue... old news.

Now come on, I do believe we are seeing another NPO Radio Silence going on here. That means Zha seems to have struck a nerve. That means he has probably fielded some not so nice queries and missives. Hopefully that means he decides to make one hell of a doozy announcement himself.

At this point he might as well.

We are not on radio silence and are unlikely to be on radio silence for some time.

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Then why are we surrounded on all sides by fear and hatred, particularly fear?

Gee, I wonder. It can't be because the same people who are primarily responsible for most of the NPO's past misdeeds are still in many of the top positions in Pacific leadership, can it? That's just not feasible.

It must be because everyone else is a mean doo-doo head and you're innocent victims in our mean plot of meanness.

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Looking forward to decent debate from you lot, then. Not going to get my hopes up, though.

Yeah, Planet Bob in general is renowned for it's intelligent debate and respectful commentary. You're an easy target, Chron, you actually think before you open your mouth. Fatal flaw in a community that reveres stupidity.

Gee, I wonder. It can't be because the same people who are primarily responsible for most of the NPO's past misdeeds are still in many of the top positions in Pacific leadership, can it? That's just not feasible.

Then you've just made my point. Pacifica is far from irrelevant.

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Didn't know our mutual posting automatically required debate. But I forget, whatever the NPO says, the opposite is whats cool to debate for.

Hah. See, thats what makes you younger, idealistic, and frankly ignorant Pacificans so amusing to tease.

You really do believe the nonsense that is coming out of your mouth, rather than realizing it is all spin and nonsense like older, more competent members did, thus leaving you with nowhere to go when it all blows up in your face when called out on.

And please dont try and say we ex-NPO members werent the !@#$. When we were on the wrong side of the planet, the NPO and Polaris were back up within weeks and the MDP web had to be formed just to contain us.

You lose a war, and folks are seriously debating whether or not you'll ever recover.

The same goes for your leadership as well.

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