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Is anyone else suffering from this malady?


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I must contradict you! CoJ makes no sex jokes.

wakka wakka

Yeah, I'm so bored I can't stand it. I told Doitzel the other night that I feel absolutely useless post-Vox. I have no clue who any of these people are, I can't seem to understand what the Hell they're talking about half the time, and every time I want to do something I find I haven't got enogh NS behind me to do it.

Don't you dare be leaving us, Shantanaman. Oh, and pretty much everyone important in Vox founded their own small alliances rather than going into big alliances where they could actually do something. If you wanted to have any influence on anything, perhaps founding CoJ wasn't the way to go about it, no offence. It'll be some time until you can do stuff.

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I might attribute it to the fact that this game is 99% anticipation and 1% payoff. After that realization sets in then it just becomes a matter of not wanting to lose a year+'s worth of work while at the same time struggling to find a compelling reason to keep going.

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I too have had this malady.

I put it down to the fact that the thing that made CN interesting was that there was an "Ebil" empire that everyone had an opinion about whether it was good or bad and it polarised the community, you were either pro hegemony or anti hegemony, there was very little middle ground. And this added vitality to the CN community, now that there is no hegemony there is nothing for people to passionately support or hate and a lot of the delightful drama has left the world.

I for one hope that something arises to take its place, a cause or ideal to polarise people and set them back into action again. But I do not see this as being something that will happen overnight. Karma had its chance to replace the hegemony with something better but they chose to return to the shadows from whence they came, they knew what they did not like, the hegemony, but they had no clear vision of what kind of system they would replace it with. Thus we have no central idea that the community can rally behind or against and there is the dreadful dreadful tedium of there being several alliances with ideas that they can not implement due to lacking the support to make it widespread enough to take hold.

Before the karma war there was two poles in politics of CN, Pro & Anti hegemony, Now there are as many poles as there are alliances and ideas that could unify the community are lost in a sea of mediocrity.

What this world needs is a leader with a vision that will galvanise the community into action, an idea that will electrify the peoples of CN into action to either support or oppose, something that makes us do things, drama is the lifeblood of CN and we have an appalling shortage of it now.

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This topic is relevant to my interests.

In this topic I learned

-Pegasus must die. Wait who's Pegasus? They start with a P so must be related to Purple or Pink, so I'll go with it.

-Purple will burn

-Stumpy will lead Purple to beat the Citadel by being too !@#$ty to attack

-Shattenman would be a much happier man in MK than in his current alliance

-People cannot agree on something as simple as "Is this game boring or not?"

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What this world needs is a leader with a vision that will galvanise the community into action, an idea that will electrify the peoples of CN into action to either support or oppose, something that makes us do things, drama is the lifeblood of CN and we have an appalling shortage of it now.

I really agree with this. The trouble is, that person is likely to be first on the kill list, and the few people who have enough power to think about it won't want to throw it all away to play the 'evil overlord' role in a world which is currently awash with anti-evil-overlord sentiment. 'Anti-lulz' is as close as we have at the moment, but 'lulz' is such a small group of players that that isn't really polarising things well enough.

Maybe I should take Citadel on a run for hegemony :awesome:

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There is too much "Private channels for the win". Seriously.

Things happen, that is a given ... but the world at large doesn't know about them.

Why keep so much private? This is a serious question.

(Do I need to do an OOC tag here?) This is a text-based political simulation. The text really needs to be accessible.

This is a very good point, each alliance only ever has about half a dozen members "in the know", but it's the sanctioned alliances which make the biggest decisions which effectively means the game is dominated by under one hundred people, a fuller but not so decisive version is being played by a couple of thousand of "those in the know", with everyone else expected to simply tag along and no more.

IMHO purple bloc has gone even more down this line, it's unity pacts have become methods of control and effectively etch the status quo in stone, with new alliances moving not welcomed rather than threatened in the style which originally led to a need for some unity within purple against NoWedge's leadership of Valhalla when he wanted to dominate the sphere. Stale, stale and stale.

Edited by Lord Philip
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This is a very good point, each alliance only ever has about half a dozen members "in the know", but it's the sanctioned alliances which make the biggest decisions which effectively means the game is dominated by under one hundred people, a fuller but not so decisive version is being played by a couple of thousand of "those in the know", with everyone else expected to simply tag along and no more.

IMHO purple bloc has gone even more down this line, it's unity pacts have become methods of control and effectively etch the status quo in stone, with new alliances moving not welcomed rather than threatened in the style which originally led to a need for some unity within purple against NoWedge's leadership of Valhalla when he wanted to dominate the sphere. Stale, stale and stale.

I couldn't agree more with you. I just want to point out that NoWedge has now been replaced by Jorost. His goal is the same (dominating the purple sphere) only the way to reach this goal is a little bit different.

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Really its because of the "private chans ftw" calls from the peanut gallery in any topic that could lean to potential drama or some sort of interest for the people who are "not in the know". Hell look at the Avalon thread.

The game would be a whole lot more interesting for people if everything didnt take place in back rooms. Plus if people had to show their FA skills on the OWF I guarentee you that some of the people the world regards highly would look like idiots.

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We just need to find a blud sucking, extreemist communist, small alliance invading, evil alliance and start another world war. Haha I remember reading that since the war ended people will start to say, "This is boring, we need a big war." Haha here I am.

~Hath Said The King~

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