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Declaration of War on the Duchy of Poland

Sargun II

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The United Government has used effort since the beginning of the crisis to bring about a peaceful settlement. In compliance with a wish expressed to him by His Majesty the King of the Union, the Union government had undertaken, in concert with Czech authorities, the part of mediator between the Cabinets of Czechoslovakia and Poland; but Poland, without waiting for any result, proceeded to a general mobilisation of her forces both on land and sea. In consequence of this threatening step, which was not justified by any military proceedings on the part of the Union or Czechoslovkia, the Union was faced by a grave and imminent danger. If the Union had failed to guard against this peril, they would have compromised the safety and the very existence of the Union. The Union were, therefore, obliged to make representations to the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of All the Poles and to insist upon a cessation of the aforesaid military acts. Poland having refused to comply with this demand, and having shown by this refusal that her action was directed against Poland and a threat to the Union, I have the honour, on the instructions of my Government, to inform your Excellency as follows:

His Majesty the King, my august Sovereign, in the name of the Union, accepts the challenge, and considers himself at war with Poland.

A group of about twenty thousand men, the closest to the Czech border, started streaming across into the nation. Fourty more were positioned at the Polish-Union border, and another ten from the Swiss section were being pulled in to the Czech area. The main group was accompanied by twelve hundred tanks and the use of the majority of the air force to gain air domination. Electronic warfare would be soon brought into play.

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OOC: kind of a dick move considering I was in school at this point... and unable to reply..

IC: My government holds no hostilities towards the Union, Only towards the Czech Rebels that were former members of the DoP government, however With the Declaration of hostilities between our nations It is with regret that we must announce full and open warfare on the Union. In accordance with this I authorise the deployment of 60 thousand extra troops into the Czech Theatre in addition to the 15 thousand already there. Also included in that deployment are all support vehicles that are necessary for the supply train. In addition to the 1500 tanks I authorise 500 more to be deployed to the Czech Theatre, Also a great majority of my airforce shall be in play.

Edited by graniteknight
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Zhana switched off the television, a smile creeping over her face. "So Europe is already descending into war. Shocking. Well when they are all united under one banner, perhaps we can have some peace on the lands east of the Rhine."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Verklaring van Neutraliteit en Algemene Mobilisatie

Op deze 15e dag van de maand januari in het jaar 2012 verklaart zijne koninklijke majesteit Willem-Alexander het volgende,

De situatie in Oost-Europa is op z'n minst zorgwekkend en op z'n ergst dramatisch, hoewel we de acties van de Unie niet kunnen goedkeuren moet onze neutraliteit intact blijven, aldus verklaar ik hierbij volledige neutraliteit in het conflict aan de zijde van het Groot Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. Volgens ons standaard beleid zal handel open blijven voor beide partijen in dit conflict. Echter om de nationale veiligheid niet in gevaar te brengen geef ik hierbij het bevel tot een algemene mobilisatie van alle Strijdkrachten.

Het Koninkrijk hoopt dat dit conflict zo snel mogelijk opgelost kan worden.

OOC: Translation

Declaration of Neutrality and General Mobilization

On this 15th day of the month January in the year 2012 his Royal Majesty Willem-Alexander declares the following,

The situation in Eastern Europe is at least troublesome and at worst dramatic, while we can not approve of the actions by the Union our neutrality has to be preserved, as such I declare full neutrality in this conflict on the side of the Greater Kingdom of the Netherlands. According to our general policy trade to both parties in this conflict will remain open. However to not jeopradize National Security I hereby order a General Mobilization of all Armed Forces.

The Kingdom hopes this conflict can be solved as soon as possible.

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[ 대한제국 / 大韓帝國 / Daehan-jeguk / Greater Korean Empire ]

Official Statement of the Daehan-jeguk

Once again, we see Europe erupt into war as Asia makes progress towards unity. While we are deeply saddened to see continental brethren fight against one another over territory, we shall not choose a side. As such, we prefer to remain neutral in any and all European affairs, unless noted otherwise. Consider this our firm stance, both for the time being, and for the future.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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My government and I hope fully for the resolution of this conflict, We mean no harm to the Union or her territories. the Duchy of Poland is just going after the rebels that control the Czech Republic because the rebels are from our former government and are traitors to the current one. If the Union wishes, I will turn the Czech Republic over to them in a peaceful manner if they stand down and let us take it over.

OOC: basically y'all back down let us take it and we'll give it to you for your troubles

Duke Jan Sobieski Kalsac I.

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*Private message to the Duchy of Poland*


Would you like to purchase weapons or other goods from the People's Republic for this war?"

*End of*

*Private message to the Union*


Would you like to purchase weapons or other goods from the People's Republic for this war?"

*End of*

The Chinese were not interested too much into Europe, aside from getting money to fund the socialist revolution within their own country. Europe, divided as it was, was not seen as any kind of danger to the great People's Republic, but as cash-cow which would surely buy both resources and weapons.

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The Union is not a landlord. We do not trade the countries of Europe for political gain. There are no Polish rebels in the Czech Republic; by your own words, they are your former government that was overthrown, not rebels. Your attempts to execute the former leaders of your nation - who are already exiles and outcasts - and then your attempts to sell the nation of the Czech Republic to us in order to kill a few people do not help.

The Union will not back down from our duties.

//private reply

"The Union has no need for Chinese weapons - and will be looking to make sure that you are not sending them to the Poles."

Edited by Sargun
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Union troops continued to advance through the Czech Republic, with air strikes going on near the Czech-Poland border and sorties flying near Prague.

OOC: I'm neglecting to put detail in here because of the lack of detail on the other side. I don't know where he is or what he's really doing at this point, so until I get some detail I'm gonna hold off.

Edited by Sargun
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Canada finds the aggressive nature of both Poland and The Union deplorable, especially the aggressive actions of the Duchy of Poland. The Czech Republic was not land that Poland needed, and it is certainly understandable with regards to why The Union would defend Czechia, considering their close relations in the past.

Canada will refrain from taking sides in this conflict and will not place trade restrictions on either side. We will remain neutral unless one of our allies is attacked.

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"Yugoslavia hereby declares its neutrality in this conflict, albeit we urge both parties to come to a resolution. A lot of our nations and people have gone through enough in the last three years - the least we need is more suffering. The country is open for refugees of either side of the war."

Classified to the Union:

"Given that we share borders - and quite honestly, we dislike Poland as it currently is right now, we are willing to secretly sell ammunition, weapons and assorted military equipment in order to aid your cause. What do you say?"

-Bozidar Blagojevic, CEO of Zastava Arms

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