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Damage Inc.


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This has to be the single most amusing topic I've read in a long time.

I'll pay you to destroy/ZI this nation: Here.

Shouldn't cost much, right?

i'm afraid your attempt at being original failed

see page 1&2 ^_^

and really i dont care if you dont like me

i'm just trying to get excited about CN agian

collecting taxes and paying bills just isnt doing it anymore

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i'm afraid your attempt at being original failed

It got you to click the link, so odds are it succeeded.

That said, here's what I recommend you do:

1) Join a real alliance.

2) Get some political/military experience under your belt about how Standard Edition works.

3) ????

4) Then look at starting an alliance when you have friends and allies under your belt.

5) Profit!

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It got you to click the link, so odds are it succeeded.

That said, here's what I recommend you do:

1) Join a real alliance.

2) Get some political/military experience under your belt about how Standard Edition works.

3) ????

4) Then look at starting an alliance when you have friends and allies under your belt.

5) Profit!

that is the 50,048th time ive been told to join a freakin alliance

really i dont care if my AA succeeds or not i just want to have fun with no charter to be bound by

but i guess since i'm just a major noob and everyone wants me ZI'd i'll just have to go play something else am i right?

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As much as I love throwing spice at this game and enjoy people thinking outside the box.

You did this wrong, I would have never gone public, this type of op needs to be handled in the back room, then anyone buying your service needs to know are " You Trustworthy" meaning can you keep your mouth shut.

First appearance I would say no, then again I could be wrong.

Good Luck to you, honestly I like your style,


I was especially amused at the comment that got you warned, it has such a familiar ring :P


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As much as I love throwing spice at this game and enjoy people thinking outside the box.

You did this wrong, I would have never gone public, this type of op needs to be handled in the back room, then anyone buying your service needs to know are " You Trustworthy" meaning can you keep your mouth shut.

First appearance I would say no, then again I could be wrong.

Good Luck to you, honestly I like your style,


I was especially amused at the comment that got you warned, it has such a familiar ring :P


yeah i fear the mods about as much as i fear a kitten

theyre all just a bunch of pricks if you ask me!

and lookie there another warn! :D

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Lay off the innovative people sometimes... he's not just some new guy to the game, he actually knows what he's doing...

The idea may not be popular, but if that's the case it seems like he's asking people to do something about it honestly.

For 3mil he handled an aid and trade scammer for me, much easier than having to scramble the 2 or 3 guys I had in that range to attack the fool who did it, especially when my guys at that size can't fight worth a lick. And the best part, is that he didn't complain, he didn't whine, I asked and offered payment, he attacked and the guy paid back his debt almost immediately!

If his alliance idea fails, then it's not going to affect anyone here I think. I think we're all just grasping for things to whine about these days without a big war to focus our attention.

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I actually think this looks like loads of fun. I wouldn't mind being paid for beating on jerks. And I do love war. However, up towards the higher tiers the money you'd need to spend rebuilding would exceed 3 mill. By a LOT.

And if you want to bother Kriekfreak, hit his tech deal partners. Big boys hate that. Not that I'm recommending any rash action on your part. Speaking of which, protecting tech investments could bring in a lot of money for you guys.

edited for silly spelling mistakes.

Edited by sir pwnage
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that is the 50,048th time ive been told to join a freakin alliance

really i dont care if my AA succeeds or not i just want to have fun with no charter to be bound by

but i guess since i'm just a major noob and everyone wants me ZI'd i'll just have to go play something else am i right?

Ah, there it is. Patriot's true colors. "I want to play by my rules or not at all". You still obviously haven't learnt

that it's not the case on here. Shame. You could have had a great nation.

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if the matter arises that we are contracted to attack a nation flying an AA we will contact the customer to deal with anything political. we will not take any definate political position for or agianst any Alliance at any time, meaning we are only attacking that one nation, we are simply providing services to the customer, it is the position of the customer to deal with any political fallout and we are simply a tool of war. The opinions expressed by employees of damage inc are theirs and theirs only and do not reflect the political stance of Damage inc as a whole

Ahhh. Not to throw stones, but have you read what you wrote?

You've just covered the fatal flaw in your own logic. If you should be contracted by anyone who wants you to hit a member of an alliance (not a ghost), unless said alliance is led by a real looser, they will never allow an attack on one of their own members. After all, isn't that the point of an alliance? To protect their membership. You attack them, then they are retaliate against you, and probably whomever hired you. Not a great strategy for growth. Your statement of not being responsible because you are merely a tool will not hold any water with the community at large. They will just sit around a laugh while you get curb stomped.

I know you're thinking that "If I can get enough nations together, no one would dare touch us and my concept will work.", but this argument also contains a fatal flaw. No one with any experience going to sign up for an alliance who's sole purpose is to skirt with self destruction, nor will any of the larger alliances be your protector as they won't put up with a bit player protectorate blindly running down the treadmill of picking fights with friend and foe alike.

My suggestion, join an alliance that best reflects your playing style and leave the starting of pissing matches to the big boys. God knows there's enough knuckleheads in CN that will gladly oblige in firing up the CM's for you. I'm sure you can find a position as a meat shield one of the more unstable alliances. Consider it "on the job training". :rolleyes:

Edited by Kahnite
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