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Raiders Beware


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Assuming you're counting score in terms of number of nations driven from the game, I agree with you.

Boohoooo <_<

Does it ever occur to you people that its not being raided that drives people away, but the boredom of NOTHING EVER HAPPENING?

Look, I've lead an alliance. I've been through the stuff. But frankly, the game got boring. And you know why? Cause people are too afraid of their pixels getting hurt.

It's people like YOU who are making the game boring Haflinger, not people like us.

So thumbs up for the raiders, at least they are trying to keep themselves entertained.

Edited by AvengerNL
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Yeah I also have to question the wisdom behind worrying about people quitting at the first sign of trouble (in the form of a tech raid) in a WAR GAME. Surely those guys will just quit when they join an alliance and it gets into a war too? Maybe we should stop having wars altogether and have everyone join GPA so we can increase membership numbers?

Edited by Aimee Mann
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Boohoooo <_<

Does it ever occur to you people that its not being raided that drives people away, but the boredom of NOTHING EVER HAPPENING?

Look, I've lead an alliance. I've been through the stuff. But frankly, the game got boring. And you know why? Cause people are too afraid of their pixels getting hurt.

It's people like YOU who are making the game boring Haflinger, not people like us.

So thumbs up for the raiders, at least they are trying to keep themselves entertained.

How many of the nations who were attacked in the LoFN war are still here?

That was roughly a dozen alliances. They're all gone. What was their crime?

Fighting raiders. Oh no.

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How many of the nations who were attacked in the LoFN war are still here?

That was roughly a dozen alliances. They're all gone. What was their crime?

Fighting raiders. Oh no.

How many FOK nations do you think have quit over the last year because the game wasn't entertaining enough since people like you were protecting unalligned nations all over the place?

You can twist it all you like, but if no one allowed tech raiding, the game wouldn't even have half the amount of players it has now. And by that I'm not saying that half of the players is currently actively techraiding, but they are benefitting from it nonetheless. Wether actively, having fun, or passively, by economic gain in their alliance.

Edited by AvengerNL
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How many FOK nations do you think have quit over the last year because the game wasn't entertaining enough since people like you were protecting unalligned nations all over the place?

You can twist it all you like, but if no one allowed tech raiding, the game wouldn't even have half the amount of players it has now. And by that I'm not saying that half of the players is currently actively techraiding, but they are benefitting from it nonetheless. Wether actively, having fun, or passively, by economic gain in their alliance.

The problem isn't people not allowing tech raiding; the problem is people not allowing fighting against raiders. For several years now, the price of attacking a raider has been permazi.

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So a nation won't quit because it passively gains from tech raiding through alliance growth, but will quit when it passively gains when its alliance grows through tech selling? weird.

And I am not against tech raiding per se, I am against the gang attacks when someone has the gall to fight back

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How many FOK nations do you think have quit over the last year because the game wasn't entertaining enough since people like you were protecting unalligned nations all over the place?

You can twist it all you like, but if no one allowed tech raiding, the game wouldn't even have half the amount of players it has now. And by that I'm not saying that half of the players is currently actively techraiding, but they are benefitting from it nonetheless. Wether actively, having fun, or passively, by economic gain in their alliance.

There are innumerable people who don't tech-raid and never will, whose existence in this game is not defined by being opposed to tech-raiding. Tech-raiding has only increased in scale as this game has progressed to the extent no nation can exit an alliance affiliation without being accosted, and yet the number of nations has plummeted from the days when tech-raiding was rarer. You're own enjoyment of watching other people suffer is not shared by most people- if it's people like you who would be quitting if tech-raiding was crushed, I doubt I'd shed a tear.

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There are innumerable people who don't tech-raid and never will, whose existence in this game is not defined by being opposed to tech-raiding. Tech-raiding has only increased in scale as this game has progressed to the extent no nation can exit an alliance affiliation without being accosted, and yet the number of nations has plummeted from the days when tech-raiding was rarer. You're own enjoyment of watching other people suffer is not shared by most people- if it's people like you who would be quitting if tech-raiding was crushed, I doubt I'd shed a tear.

You can't compare this time to a few years ago in terms of 'tech raiding vs no tech raiding'. People are mass quitting now because they've played the game for ages. I've been around for over two years and it got boring. Why? The game's stuck. FOK's been preparing for the last big war longer than it actually lasted...

There's a war engine in this game for a reason. The active and friendly community definitely adds to the game, but you don't need a treaty to talk friendly OOC to someone from a different alliance. I always have good contact with my opponents in war.

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You can't compare this time to a few years ago in terms of 'tech raiding vs no tech raiding'. People are mass quitting now because they've played the game for ages. I've been around for over two years and it got boring. Why? The game's stuck. FOK's been preparing for the last big war longer than it actually lasted...

There's a war engine in this game for a reason. The active and friendly community definitely adds to the game, but you don't need a treaty to talk friendly OOC to someone from a different alliance. I always have good contact with my opponents in war.

People mass quit after every global war. This is a long and well-documented trend. People mass quit after WotC, a much greater amount of people mass quit after UJW, and as I understand it a similar effect took place after GW3. This is nothing new. We will experience another long, slow peacetime rise in members as always, and then we will have another war and another member dropoff.

The game is not "stuck". Granted, it did not become the instantly mega-exciting world that some expected post-Karma, but if you listen closely, you can hear the machinery of future wars. For reasons I've explained elsewhere, I believe the next war will take a fairly long time to happen... But so did the Karma War and WotC. People always say "game over, boring, I quit" after every world war... But they fail to realize the unstable and chaotic nature of CN. Factions will form, enmity will breed, and empires will fall. The game is no more "stuck" than it was after GW3, UJW, and WotC. We are in the typical postwar lull, but it will pass. CN is a political game first and foremost. If all you can enjoy is the war, you will probably find yourself bored for long stretches.


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You can't compare this time to a few years ago in terms of 'tech raiding vs no tech raiding'. People are mass quitting now because they've played the game for ages. I've been around for over two years and it got boring. Why? The game's stuck. FOK's been preparing for the last big war longer than it actually lasted...

It got boring because the game devolved into determining who has the larger group of friends. The people in that group are allowed to attack everyone else until they leave, and then running out of targets they start to bicker amongst each other, producing an ever-smaller group of people to pick on.

There's a war engine in this game for a reason. The active and friendly community definitely adds to the game, but you don't need a treaty to talk friendly OOC to someone from a different alliance. I always have good contact with my opponents in war.

Hmm, not always. But nevermind that.

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Boohoooo <_<

Does it ever occur to you people that its not being raided that drives people away, but the boredom of NOTHING EVER HAPPENING?

Look, I've lead an alliance. I've been through the stuff. But frankly, the game got boring. And you know why? Cause people are too afraid of their pixels getting hurt.

It's people like YOU who are making the game boring Haflinger, not people like us.

So thumbs up for the raiders, at least they are trying to keep themselves entertained.

i agree 100 percent with that

sitting in peace mode at the top of an AA and telling everyone else what to do is extremely annoying but i guess they find fun in it

raiders are and will remain part of CN for a long time.

being in a war is alot better than being told to prepare for war, buying your military then being told the charter forbids it or that it'll hurt somones feeling

so i say screw that, it's time to blow some !@#$ up

Edited by PATRIOT15
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sitting in peace mode at the top of an AA and telling everyone else what to do is extremely annoying but i guess they find fun in it

Nobody does that.

being in a war is alot better than being told to prepare for war, buying your military then being told the charter forbids it or that it'll hurt somones feeling

Nobody does that either.

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Could be me but; why are you making those statements and are in hippie?

Really I would like to know.

6 million dollar bounty on my head.... cause i made some stupid comments and desicions

like always, i do regret it but i'm going to get ZI'd so i might as well provide some fireworks and lulz before i leave

after i leave peace mode that is

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