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Athens Announcement

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I remember, back in those dark, doomed days of NPO imperialism, the masses cried out for proof whenever Pacifica accused someone of something. Now, in comes this new era of understanding and harmony... and the very same people who demanded evidence of accused wrongdoing now stand at the other side of the proverbial table, and are the ones denying said evidence.

Oh, there's been change alright, just not in the way many claimed.

Anyway, congratulations TSI on losing a treaty with such an unsavoury alliance. I just hope your name is cleared and we can all get back to whatever it was that we were doing.

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Athens fabricating ideas again, ohh my londo your on a roll this year. Althought I have no sympathy for TSI considering we warned them of the kind of people they were treatied to.

I guess the only thing left to say is Congrats Knights of Cydonia, for getting rid of a useless treaty.

It should be added that Londo only seems cool on the OWF, but if you talk to him on IRC he sounds like a huge jerk and elitist. Good riddance to this treaty, and I hope all of Athens' treaties burn down in due time.

Hello GRAN, by the way I see it, you are questioning our integerty when it comes to our treaty obligations. And the part where you said you hope all of our treaties "burn down" was just awesome. I just can't wait for the day you mess with one of our protectorates again or attack one of our allies. It would be the ultimate CB you ever provided us with. Then you will see how faithful we are to our allies. ;) Either way, we will have our little dance, and it will be good.

Edited by Jgoods45
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Hello GRAN, by the way I see it, you are questioning our integerty when it comes to our treaty obligations. And the part where you said you hope all of our treaties "burn down" was just awesome. I just can't wait for the day you mess with one of our protectorates again or attack one of our allies. It would be the ultimate CB you ever provided us with. Then you will see how faithful we are to our allies. ;) Either way, we will have our little dance, and it will be good.

Hi jgoods, you know we had actually left this thread alone, so its nice of you to quote us , i guess that means you still love us :wub:

Btw Athens really needs to invest in a really good Library that way you guys can all keep your facts straight, for example we didn't mess with your protectorates, you fabricated a CB using your protectorates then when you realized that your fabricated CB fell apart, you pulled back. Secondly Batallion hasn't been in GRAN long enough to really hate Athens because of us, battalions opinion is his own. Finally I know you guys have to keep morale up by saying were evil and we messed with your protectorates and all but really come up with a different excuse to get your members to hate us because honestly if I was a member of Athens and I hear that crap the first thing that I would think of is "what kind of crappy alliance is Athens, that let a tiny alliance called GRAN hurt their protectorate's and we didn't do anything about it". Seriously if you keep spreading that rumor pretty soon people are going to think your gutless, instead just tell them the truth "we tried to fabricate a CB, it didn't work , we will try again next month"”

As a token of our appreciation for Athens we are willing to donate our entire collection of historical documents, once the Athenian national library is built :P

Anyway best of luck to TSI in the future, as long as they stay away from athens they should be alright.

Edited by outworld
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Hi jgoods, you know we had actually left this thread alone, so its nice of you to quote us , i guess that means you still love us :wub:

Btw Athens really needs to invest in a really good Library that way you guys can all keep your facts straight, for example we didn't mess with your protectorates, you fabricated a CB using your protectorates then when you realized that your fabricated CB fell apart, you pulled back. Secondly Batallion hasn't been in GRAN long enough to really hate Athens because of us, battalions opinion is his own. Finally I know you guys have to keep morale up by saying were evil and we messed with your protectorates and all but really come up with a different excuse to get your members to hate us because honestly if I was a member of Athens and I hear that crap the first thing that I would think of is "what kind of crappy alliance is Athens, that let a tiny alliance called GRAN hurt their protectorate's and we didn't do anything about it". Seriously if you keep spreading that rumor pretty soon people are going to think your gutless, instead just tell them the truth "we tried to fabricate a CB, it didn't work , we will try again next month""

As a token of our appreciation for Athens we are willing to donate our entire collection of historical documents, once the Athenian national library is built :P

Anyway best of luck to TSI in the future, as long as they stay away from athens they should be alright.

Yeah the same fabricated CB was used to roll me as soon as I left GRAN and was on my own and I was refused an apology even though their evidence was bs as proven in irc with several unbiased members of different alliances...My nation was destroyed because Athens wanted to get at GRAN and their CB was another LIE... :rolleyes:

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Hi jgoods, you know we had actually left this thread alone, so its nice of you to quote us , i guess that means you still love us :wub:

Btw Athens really needs to invest in a really good Library that way you guys can all keep your facts straight, for example we didn't mess with your protectorates, you fabricated a CB using your protectorates then when you realized that your fabricated CB fell apart, you pulled back. Secondly Batallion hasn't been in GRAN long enough to really hate Athens because of us, battalions opinion is his own. Finally I know you guys have to keep morale up by saying were evil and we messed with your protectorates and all but really come up with a different excuse to get your members to hate us because honestly if I was a member of Athens and I hear that crap the first thing that I would think of is "what kind of crappy alliance is Athens, that let a tiny alliance called GRAN hurt their protectorate's and we didn't do anything about it". Seriously if you keep spreading that rumor pretty soon people are going to think your gutless, instead just tell them the truth "we tried to fabricate a CB, it didn't work , we will try again next month"”

As a token of our appreciation for Athens we are willing to donate our entire collection of historical documents, once the Athenian national library is built :P

Anyway best of luck to TSI in the future, as long as they stay away from athens they should be alright.

Well well, so you're saying for Athens to save face they should retract the mercy they showed you and finally put you down for what you did to Pyramid. If they knew thats how you felt about it chances are they wouldn't have let themselves appear so weak in the first place.

Yep, Athens shure has egg on their face. After all the work they put into fabricating false CBs on you (and god knows, real CBs on GRAN are impossible to come by) they pussied out and made fools of themselves. Of course you are just too humble to hold it over them, humble like a child going NEAYH-NEAYH-NEAYH you cant catch me!! I guarantee you that Athens wont keep slinking away with their tails between their legs as long as you keep coming into every one of their threads reminding everyone how dumb they were to let you go the first time(s). TPF isn't around to clean up your messes anymore, didn't you get the memo?

Keep twisting the tiger's tail and it will eventually take your head off.

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Well well, so you're saying for Athens to save face they should retract the mercy they showed you and finally put you down for what you did to Pyramid. If they knew thats how you felt about it chances are they wouldn't have let themselves appear so weak in the first place.

Yep, Athens shure has egg on their face. After all the work they put into fabricating false CBs on you (and god knows, real CBs on GRAN are impossible to come by) they pussied out and made fools of themselves. Of course you are just too humble to hold it over them, humble like a child going NEAYH-NEAYH-NEAYH you cant catch me!! I guarantee you that Athens wont keep slinking away with their tails between their legs as long as you keep coming into every one of their threads reminding everyone how dumb they were to let you go the first time(s). TPF isn't around to clean up your messes anymore, didn't you get the memo?

Keep twisting the tiger's tail and it will eventually take your head off.

1. we did not do anything to pyramid so dont speak without knowing please.

2. athens did not show mercy cause they are good guys and you know it . ( if you dont I can show you proof whether it be here or in private)

3. if we are the little child yelling cant catch me, what does that make athens or are you blind to their continuous threats on us?....tell me how long would we last if we were continously saying we are going to dance with FoB, not long I know so then just cause you are the big guy we have to take it up the you know what.

4. in regards to #3 isnt that what you claim to have fought against in this last war?

5. please and i say please get it straight we are not tied to TPF, we were never a protectorate of theirs but of defcon did you not get that memo?

now as far as this thread goes.......

I have a few questions of my own for yourself.

how do you feel about your ally slandering another alliances name in the mud without showing any proof whatsoever?

do you support their actions for doing so?

Edited by germanicus
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I have a few questions of my own for yourself.

how do you feel about your ally slandering another alliances name in the mud without showing any proof whatsoever?

do you support their actions for doing so?

The question was not directed at me, but personally I believe Jgoods has clarified the Athens position on the cancellation with TSI, and I am satisfied.

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I guarantee you that Athens wont keep slinking away with their tails between their legs as long as you keep coming into every one of their threads reminding everyone how dumb they were to let you go the first time(s). TPF isn't around to clean up your messes anymore, didn't you get the memo?

Keep twisting the tiger's tail and it will eventually take your head off.

GRAN still has friends to assist it as needed. They are good nations and your attempts to make veiled threats is pointless. Stay on topic, please.

Refering to TSI- our experiences with them have never suggested anything short of honorable. If a alliance makes such a bold accusation I believe it is nothing more than a myth until proof is provided.

Edited by Fighter26
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So you're claiming you didn't pass info that time, but you're not saying anything about the situation with NPO and mhawk. It's ok, TPF said it a few posts ago. And tbh, it's not all that surprising to us that it might happen. It does mean, however, that our alliances have different priorities, and that is a big reason for this cancellation.

You don't get out of being a liar by saying "well ok i lied about that but trust me this other information that i am also providing no evidence for is true, honest"

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I guarantee you that Athens wont keep slinking away with their tails between their legs as long as you keep coming into every one of their threads reminding everyone how dumb they were to let you go the first time(s). TPF isn't around to clean up your messes anymore, didn't you get the memo?

Keep twisting the tiger's tail and it will eventually take your head off.

Ohh my, Im soo sorry I forgot that Freedom of speech was prohibited by our new Athenian overlords, sorry I didnt get the memo.

Plus I really dont know why your pulling the whole "TPF aint got your back anymore, BS" to be frank TPF never had our backs because we never had a treaty with TPF in the first place, But if you really want to use statements like that then vice versa I wonder how brave Athens would be if C&G didnt have their backs.

This thread alone and what they tried to do to TSI's reputation here, should be a good insight into Athens character.

Edited by outworld
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Athens reminds me of a new "GGA". I would suggest not taking a page out of the GGA playbook of earlier this year, it does not work well.

Edited by Bilrow
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Ohh my, Im soo sorry I forgot that Freedom of speech was prohibited by our new Athenian overlords, sorry I didnt get the memo.

Plus I really dont know why your pulling the whole "TPF aint got your back anymore, BS" to be frank TPF never had our backs because we never had a treaty with TPF in the first place, But if you really want to use statements like that then vice versa I wonder how brave Athens would be if C&G didnt have their backs.

This thread alone and what they tried to do to TSI's reputation here, should be a good insight into Athens character.

TPF has supported you in the whole GRAN-Nemesis fiasco. I can't say I was for it, but it wasn't my decision to make. I will also add that TPF's assistance in helping someone who was once a protectorate was repaid by you threatening one of their protectorates.

That shows a great insight into GRAN's character.

Now I must digress, this is not about GRAN, but about Athens canceling treaties. I will wish TSI the best, and make my exit.

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Then, by that logic, Bilrow would be the best-informed person to give that advice. It's probably worth heeding.

That would be true, however, I have not had a hand in "shaping" GGA since my retirement from Triumvir on January 4, 2008 and then my subsequent departure on March 23, 2008. I know I am good, but I'm not that good to be shaping an alliance a year and eight months after I left.

And if I was that good, Tokugawa, makes a valid point. Then I would be the expert and you should be afraid. Do you feel lucky?

Edited by Bilrow
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That would be true, however, I have not had a hand in "shaping" GGA since my retirement from Triumvir on January 4, 2008 and then my subsequent departure on March 23, 2008. I know I am good, but I'm not that good to be shaping an alliance a year and eight months after I left.

And if I was that good, Tokugawa, makes a valid point. Then I would be the expert and you should be afraid. Do you feel lucky?

Not Really :3

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I had really thought that this discussion would have died by now. Yet it seems to still be going on. And so, to disabuse everyone of the idea that this announcement was some sort of attempt to smear TSI's PR, I will present logs from the Athens government IRC channels to prove that we did, in fact, believe that Shurukian passed the information in question to mhawk. Is it remotely possible that our entire government was mistaken about Shurukian's proclivity for passing on information to mhawk? Perhaps. One is never truly certain of anything. But we came to the conclusion that this is what had happened, beyond all reasonable doubt. I have not lied at any point, I have simply represented the truth as I saw it, and as all of us saw it. The logs posted below demonstrate that Athens has believed all of this for months:

[2009-06-13 02:54:41] <Athens gov member C> So yea, that's what I said.

[2009-06-13 02:54:48] <Athens gov member C> And apparently Athens gov member B

[2009-06-13 02:54:56] <Athens gov member C> She went and told mhawk

[2009-06-13 02:54:58] <Athens gov member C> Lol

[2009-06-13 02:55:05] <Athens gov member C> So $%&@ TSI

[2009-06-13 02:55:10] <Athens gov member C> we need to cancel with them

[2009-06-13 02:55:16] <Athens gov member C> there's no friendship there.

[2009-06-13 02:55:25] <Athens gov member C> Athens gov member B

[2009-06-13 02:55:30] <Athens gov member C> please comment after reading the logs

[2009-06-13 02:55:40] <Athens gov member C> but I'm quite sure she had to be the one who told mhawk.

[2009-06-13 02:55:46] <Athens gov member C> As he mentioned a mutual friend.

[2009-06-13 02:55:48] <Athens gov member B> reading

[2009-06-13 02:56:40] <Athens gov member B> what exactly did she say to mhawk?

[2009-06-13 02:56:48] <Athens gov member B> just that NPO's terms were harsh?

[2009-06-13 02:59:41] <Athens gov member C> read the thread

[2009-06-13 02:59:44] <Athens gov member C> and mhawks' posts

[2009-06-13 02:59:48] <Athens gov member C> also <redacted> heard it

[2009-06-13 02:59:53] <Athens gov member C> and warned me

[2009-06-13 03:00:01] <Athens gov member C> so it's been going around the IRC rumor mill

[2009-06-13 03:00:14] <Athens gov member C> I assume she gave him those logs

[2009-06-13 03:00:20] <Athens gov member C> or an accounting of it

[2009-06-13 03:01:21] <Athens gov member B> your call

[2009-06-13 03:01:26] <Athens gov member B> I'd query her first

[2009-06-13 03:01:32] <Athens gov member B> and ask why you should keep the treaty

[2009-06-13 03:01:35] <Athens gov member B> just to see what she says

[2009-06-13 03:04:36] <Athens gov member C> yeahhhhh

[2009-06-13 03:04:48] <Athens gov member C> but

[2009-06-13 03:04:54] <Athens gov member C> really it was taken out of context

[2009-06-13 03:05:49] <Athens gov member C> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1609309

[2009-06-13 03:10:15] <Athens gov member B> please tell me you checked it was her before you said that

[2009-06-13 03:10:25] <Athens gov member B> because if there's someone we're not thinking of

[2009-06-13 03:10:38] <Athens gov member B> we just $@ slapped a PIAT partner

[2009-06-13 03:10:50] <Athens gov member A> :o

[2009-06-13 03:16:39] <Athens gov member C> I didn't say who it was

[2009-06-13 03:16:44] <Athens gov member C> but there is only one mutual friend

[2009-06-13 03:16:47] <Athens gov member C> that we have with mhawk

[2009-06-13 03:17:02] <Athens gov member C> and I remembered talking with her

[2009-06-13 03:19:37] <Athens gov member B> you said her

[2009-06-13 03:19:46] <Athens gov member B> I think you kinda narrowed it down

[2009-06-13 03:23:27] <Athens gov member B> londo and mhawk are going at it on the forums

[2009-06-13 03:23:43] <Athens gov member A> oooh cool

[2009-06-13 03:24:20] <Athens gov member B> but it looks like shuru may have told mhawk some stuff londo told her

[2009-06-13 03:25:31] <Athens gov member A> >_>

[2009-06-13 03:25:51] <Athens gov member A> isnt there a clause in there somewhere not to share info without permission

[2009-06-13 03:57:27] <Athens gov member C> Toku queried me

[2009-06-13 03:57:35] <Athens gov member C> and said he'd be talkign to Shuru

[2009-06-13 03:57:38] <Athens gov member C> about what happened

[2009-06-13 04:23:24] <Athens gov member E> yeah

[2009-06-13 04:23:35] <Athens gov member E> yeah

[2009-06-13 04:23:44] <Athens gov member A> cancel on TSI?

[2009-06-13 04:23:51] <Athens gov member A> )): Shuru )):

[2009-06-13 04:23:58] <Athens gov member E> hmmmmm?

[2009-06-13 04:24:00] <Athens gov member C> maybe

[2009-06-13 04:24:10] <Athens gov member C> Toku is going to ask her what she said

[2009-06-13 04:24:51] <Athens gov member E> i miss something?

[2009-06-13 04:25:24] <Athens gov member A> she passed on info to mwhawk

[2009-06-13 04:25:45] <Athens gov member E> !@#$%*..

[2009-07-17 21:38:35] <Athens gov member C> we need to drop TSI

[2009-07-17 21:38:55] <Athens gov member B> that TSI stuff pissed me off

[2009-07-17 21:38:59] <Athens gov member B> it felt like a hit

[2009-07-17 21:44:33] <Athens gov member C> and TSI is using us

[2009-07-17 21:44:37] <Athens gov member C> for info

[2009-07-17 21:44:41] <Athens gov member C> to use against us

[2009-07-17 21:44:53] <Athens gov member B> I don't know if it's that malicious

[2009-07-17 21:45:05] <Athens gov member A> lol

[2009-07-17 21:45:05] <Athens gov member B> but the tl;dr is that they're not true allies

[2009-07-17 21:43:28] <Athens gov member A> TSI

[2009-07-17 21:43:45] <Athens gov member A> They will always be TPF cronies

[2009-07-17 21:43:52] <Athens gov member A> and the intelligence article

[2009-07-17 21:44:00] <Athens gov member A> and their ties to TPF

[2009-07-17 21:44:07] <Athens gov member A> = scary

[2009-07-17 21:44:07] <Athens gov member A> xD

[2009-07-17 22:58:35] <Athens gov member A> xD

[2009-07-17 22:58:38] <Athens gov member B> stop worrying about the menotah war and go find out why TSI decided to be such pricks

[2009-07-18 17:25:49] <Athens gov member D> droping TSI? :S

[2009-07-18 17:26:20] <Athens gov member A> YES

[2009-07-18 17:26:27] <Athens gov member A> TPF LOVING FOOLS

[2009-07-18 17:26:41] <Athens gov member A> and if we ever had to roll TPF

[2009-07-18 17:26:48] <Athens gov member A> they would tell themn ;(

[2009-07-18 17:26:55] <Athens gov member C> yeah we need to drop TSI

[2009-07-18 17:27:07] <Athens gov member D> true...

[2009-07-18 17:27:11] <Athens gov member C> Shuru only talks to me when she can get info to give to mhawk

[2009-07-18 17:27:12] <Athens gov member C> lol

[2009-07-18 17:27:15] <Athens gov member C> it's bs

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Hi jgoods, you know we had actually left this thread alone, so its nice of you to quote us , i guess that means you still love us :wub:

Btw Athens really needs to invest in a really good Library that way you guys can all keep your facts straight, for example we didn't mess with your protectorates, you fabricated a CB using your protectorates then when you realized that your fabricated CB fell apart, you pulled back.

Actually everyone pulled back because you ran crying to TPF. We didn't feel like starting a great war with our allies, so we let it lie.

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[OOC]Those logs are 100% unedited, just the names have been changed, the channel(s) name removed and the IP addresses removed.[OOC]


Well I can tell you who Londo is C ;):P

Also congratulations for cherry picking logs from the last 3 months to prove your point esp from your main log is from when the war was still valid.

Edited by Zeta Defender
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