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Athens Announcement

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This was based on already explained events that Athens has deemed too convenient to be pure circumstance. As in (OOC): RL court where people can be deemed guilty without a video or audio of their confession or act of crime (OOC), so too can Athens make this judgment for themselves. At this point, it turns into your word against mine and I take my allies word for it. I would expect TSI's allies to take TSI's word for it as well as it is only natural.

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I have said very little ever here on the OWF but I shall say this....

You lot need to stop this pissing match this war of empty words and produce one simple thing PROOF !!!

Not too hard to surmise that none will be forth coming anytime soon as this seems to be a thread for those that feed on drama !!!

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Crappiest part is if these accusations are as baseless as I believe TSI will still be viewed with an unwarranted suspicion while the worlds' view on Athens or Londo will not be nearly as negative and even if there is a way to prove our innocence the world will simply overlook Athen's accusation as a harmless error.

Well played political move Londo, put us in a tough spot while leaving yourself out of harms way, but I tend to be less trusting of the ambitious. I hope CN believes in 'innocent until proven guilty.'

Edited by Kaiser Kevin
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If your going to accuse somebody of doing something, provide evidence. And I mean evidence aside from "But...but...I told them! And...well now other people know! So...yeah!"

Not gonna fly bra. Well actually it will, which is a sad statement on the state of the world or some such silly statement but I hope that the important people just sorta ignore the claims until proven. Obviously allies on both sides are exempt so stop using the fact that you believe them to try and prove your pals point, you're kinda biased so excuse me for ignoring you.

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Athens fabricating ideas again, ohh my londo your on a roll this year. Althought I have no sympathy for TSI considering we warned them of the kind of people they were treatied to.

I guess the only thing left to say is Congrats Knights of Cydonia, for getting rid of a useless treaty.

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Athens fabricating ideas again, ohh my londo your on a roll this year. Althought I have no sympathy for TSI considering we warned them of the kind of people they were treatied to.

I guess the only thing left to say is Congrats Knights of Cydonia, for getting rid of a useless treaty.

It should be added that Londo only seems cool on the OWF, but if you talk to him on IRC he sounds like a huge jerk and elitist. Good riddance to this treaty, and I hope all of Athens' treaties burn down in due time.

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I am not surprised by either of these cancellations. I do remember hearing about the TSI situation at the time it happened and I think I was told there was more concrete evidence but that may be my memory playing up. (OOC: I would hunt through my logs but my computer is out of order and I can't get to them).

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It should be added that Londo only seems cool on the OWF, but if you talk to him on IRC he sounds like a huge jerk and elitist. Good riddance to this treaty, and I hope all of Athens' treaties burn down in due time.

Still mad I turned down the protectorate you asked for? Has no place in this discussion anyway. Also anyone else who has actually communicated with me in the medium you're talking about would laugh at you for saying that. :P

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I don't see much hate, all it is saying is don't accuse without proof. ;)

I see the same people who always come out to hate athens coming out, also look above you.

It should be added that Londo only seems cool on the OWF, but if you talk to him on IRC he sounds like a huge jerk and elitist. Good riddance to this treaty, and I hope all of Athens' treaties burn down in due time.

classy stufffffff. I actually like londo more in person.

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Crappiest part is if these accusations are as baseless as I believe TSI will still be viewed with an unwarranted suspicion while the worlds' view on Athens or Londo will not be nearly as negative and even if there is a way to prove our innocence the world will simply overlook Athen's accusation as a harmless error.

I think you're both silly. So, there.

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Still mad I turned down the protectorate you asked for? Has no place in this discussion anyway. Also anyone else who has actually communicated with me in the medium you're talking about would laugh at you for saying that. :P

Oh if only you knew... :lol1:

I'm cracking up because there's so many lulzy things Athens does, it makes me facepalm everytime.

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Still mad I turned down the protectorate you asked for? Has no place in this discussion anyway. Also anyone else who has actually communicated with me in the medium you're talking about would laugh at you for saying that. :P

Yeah, I totally browbeat this sucker during the GGA-Athens turdfest. I wasnt even a part of the NPO, and I was still totally knocking him around on IRC.

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I don't see much hate, all it is, is people saying is don't accuse without proof. ;)

edit: clarification :P

For the most part you are correct but there are one or two comments that are from "haters." I believe Jack was (for the most part) refering to the nations of GRAN who hold a bit of a grudge towards Athens.

Note: I am not going to comment on wheather or not the resentment goes both ways.

Edited by Alicia
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