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VE congratulates im317 and Eledan!


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Really, you are going to compare one of the most crap wars in the history of the game resulting in an alliance's disbandment to and alliance that just had the support of the whole world behind it crumbling under it's own weight?

Making fun of either is quite classless, in my opinion.

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like i said, this is funny because fran is an alliance hopper, and we made bets that she would hop from her own alliance before too long. this isnt an issue of forced disbandment, which really is a tragic occurrence. this is an issue of an alliance built on people who jump around from alliance to alliance thinking that the good idea would be to make their own alliance. the result of that is that even autonomy cant satiate what some people look for.

i honestly wish the people in CG well, i just think that it was OBVIOUS that this alliance was doomed from the start, and our sportsbook opened accordingly.

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Nice job im317 and Eledan! :wub:

Come on, I was part of CG and I think this is funny. Get off your high horse, Litha.

Not on any high horse, just saddened to see this come from Viridia.

So what if it was different circumstances, it is still a sad event and should not be mocked and laughed at. I was devestated when VE disbanded so to see some of them laughing at another alliance disbanding just strikes me as incredibly sad.

I just hope those that I tried to comfort when Viridia was disbanded aren't amongst those laughing now.

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A fairly harmless (but perhaps not funny to everyone) private joke between friends turned into a mildly insulting jab at a recently disbanded alliance by the simple act of posting it in public. I'm hoping (former) CG members have thick enough skin to weather it and VE members have enough sense to at least keep the punchline private next time.

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Not on any high horse, just saddened to see this come from Viridia.

So what if it was different circumstances, it is still a sad event and should not be mocked and laughed at. I was devestated when VE disbanded so to see some of them laughing at another alliance disbanding just strikes me as incredibly sad.

I just hope those that I tried to comfort when Viridia was disbanded aren't amongst those laughing now.

Sad event? Fran and Hell scream failed at having Coalition and monolith merge with them to form "The Realm." Francesca then proceeded to hastily disband the alliance (without any general member consultation), and then join you guys!

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Sad event? Fran and Hell scream failed at having Coalition and monolith merge with them to form "The Realm." Francesca then proceeded to hastily disband the alliance (without any general member consultation), and then join you guys!

Yes, I'm sorry if it bothers you, but i do find it sad that an alliance I'd grown fond of has disbanded. I wish the members luck in whatever future they wish to make for themselves :(

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This is funny, if only because it is coming from VE. Any other alliance would be better, but you guys complained for months after you were forced to disband, and after your reformation. Although you had every right to complain, to see this come from you is the height of hypocrisy. I never thought I would see VE poke fun at another alliance's disbandment.

Stay classy VE.

Except I don't see Cornelius or Solaris anywhere in the OP. So please tell me, how does this reflect on Viridia as a whole? Just like your opinion isn't representative of TOP, you should also know the actions of the above members isn't representative of Viridia as a whole.

I expected better of you, Kaiser.

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Where is the class and honour that VE was at one point so famous for, this is well, immature and disappointing.

Edit for Clarification: I'm not saying the poll itself is immature only that it was posted on the OWF.

Edited by Remaliat
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Well, I guess goldielax became Lord of the Entente, since everyone is taking this as an official VE announcement.

I tend to agree. I doubt that Cornelius would have posted this in public. Middle management makes minor mistakes like this all the time and it isn't fair to jump on VE over a fairly harmless and unofficial, albeit somewhat thoughtless, topic. That goes double in an out-of-character forum.

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Umm, not to criticize but...I don't recall ever hearing from VE pubically or privately on that matter. O.o On the other hand, I happen to know of several NPO members who, were NPO not under terms at the moment, would have pushed for CG as well.

And, what? You thought our alliance was operating without informing and working with our protector the whole way through? Our friends may speak softly but they know how the wield the big stick.

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While this bet was only mildly amusing the amount of bawwing has satiated my daily need for comedy. Feigned indignation is one of my favorite forms of comedy, but then when people actually believe what they are saying, well it amuses me.

Keep up the hypocritic bawwing NPO, I'm lovin it!

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While this bet was only mildly amusing the amount of bawwing has satiated my daily need for comedy. Feigned indignation is one of my favorite forms of comedy, but then when people actually believe what they are saying, well it amuses me.

Keep up the hypocritic bawwing NPO, I'm lovin it!

Technically speaking, if people "actually believe what they are saying", wouldn't that be honest rather than "feigned"?

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While this bet was only mildly amusing the amount of bawwing has satiated my daily need for comedy. Feigned indignation is one of my favorite forms of comedy, but then when people actually believe what they are saying, well it amuses me.

Keep up the hypocritic bawwing NPO, I'm lovin it!

I've always disliked the word "baw" and its derivatives. Why can't you just say "cry" or "whine" or "!@#$%*"? Why make up a whole new word and pretend it's cool? It baffles me.

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I've always disliked the word "baw" and its derivatives. Why can't you just say "cry" or "whine" or "!@#$%*"? Why make up a whole new word and pretend it's cool? It baffles me.

One of the many reasons we wiped the GOON scourge from the planet.

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