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TGE Aggression


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Hello My Name is Michigans_Own of The European Union until now we had paid for protection from the German Empire...

The German Empire in an attempt to silence me as a member of the EU today as of 5:00 EST on MSN President Chris of the German Empire had this to order of us:

"Christopher says:

Indeed I am here to talk to you about the RoA Blackout that Viktor has agree to do with EU. THe terms are that EU members are not to post in RoA threads and RoA is not allowed to post in EU threads. Also EU members are not allowed to speak to RoA on IRC or any form which include MSN. EU members are not to engage RoA publicly in other foreign IRC channels.

This also applies to RoA to not engaging EU members in 3rd party IRC channels."

After this request I proceeded to swear at Chris a few times i am supposed to be diplomatic but they attempt to throw their weight around against me and to violate my rights in talking to my friends.

Well I think I was Justified

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I suggest you ignore them. This "German Empire" is nothing more than a rump state with the best of its members leaving to form, you guessed it, the Republic of Aquisgrana. Not to say that TGE was ever more than a communist CADRE vassal and Frederick's tool of self-aggrandizement.

Edited by Tom Litler
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Is there any way we can work RAD, IS or PC into this story?

Bob needs its villians. :P

I support TGE.

There, have at it.

Also, I'd like to know what would drive someone to do this?

Edited by Rey the Great
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Seriously, I wanna see some people threatening TGE like they did pink team.

You know as well as i do that wont happen, Pink is convient to hate..kinda like purple

On topic, how about the back story? you paid for protection? how much? why? why did you agree to all these silly terms? did those terms include OOC methods of contact such as a phone call or snail mail?

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1) Paying for protection? :lol1:

2) If he's trying to silence you for a good reason (and judging by the fact you posted this topic, probably), you should listen. If it's not, then ignore him. Simple as that, really.

3) This sounds like something your gov agreed to: "Indeed I am here to talk to you about the RoA Blackout that Viktor has agree to do with EU." Assuming this Viktor is in your gov, of course.

4) Why is this in Alliance Announcements?

All in all, this announcment leaves me with one feeling at the end: :facepalm:

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Seriously, I wanna see some people threatening TGE like they did pink team.

Except the OP didnt even explain any of the situation, so honestly you just failed right here trying to compare CG's situation to this.

If you are going to try to put purple alliances down, atleast do it in way that doesn't make you look foolish, OK?

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Except the OP didnt even explain any of the situation, so honestly you just failed right here trying to compare CG's situation to this.

If you are going to try to put purple alliances down, atleast do it in way that doesn't make you look foolish, OK?

If you are going to take a completely un-serious post seriously then think about not posting before you look foolish, OK? This thread is clearly moronic at best, no one actually expects anyone to come to this guys aid.

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"On topic, how about the back story? you paid for protection? how much? why? why did you agree to all these silly terms? did those terms include OOC methods of contact such as a phone call or snail mail?"

I did not agree to the terms set up and as such I do not know them La Hire did so

Your government agreed to the blackout. You didn't. You left. Seems normal enough to me. If you don't want to follow the orders of your government, why would you stay? :rolleyes:

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