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A Sincere Apology from RAD to NSO

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Official RAD Announcement

from the desk of the head retard. yours truly.

The past three days have not been RAD's proudest days. They weren't our LEAST proud days, either. Just not the three proudest (as far as I can recall, that is). We made a mistake, played around with the wrong people, and faced consequences for it. I, as the leader, acknowledge that fact, and my alliance has agreed with me, that this is the case.

That said, I'd like to formally apologize to the NSO, on behalf of myself and RAD, for the inconvenience we caused you in launching ground attacks against Anthony's nation. I didn't want that to happen, we didn't want to take part in such a dramatic and unfortunate war, and it certainly wasn't our intent to hurt anyone's feelings. We will all work together in the future to prevent that happening again. We'll always be RAD - but will work to practice greater restraint in the future.

It is on that note that RAD accepts white peace from NSO after our 3-day skirmish. We had a blast, blew some stuff up, and kept our cool through all of it. I'd like to thank NSO for the entertainment, and I'd also like to thank all those who supported us in our endeavors. We didn't ask for it or need it, but it's good to know we have friends in so many places. <3 you guys. :wub:

Here's to a brighter future for RAD, NSO, and the rest of Planet Bob.

o/ radness around the world \o

PS: Buy a Slap Chop, you'll be in a great mood all day.


- Good Master Hakai - Head Retard

- The Rest of RAD's government, yadda yadda.

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Hello everyone.

Over the past few days, I have learned something quite valuable. Do not mess with the Sith. I've learned first-hand that they don't mess around. I figured that dueling with Anthony could ease tensions between our alliances a bit since it has been building for quite some time. Well, instead of playing it cool, NSO brought the heat and made an example of RAD for the world to see.

I'd like to apologize to Anthony for challenging your sovereignty as an NSO member (And falling asleep an hour before update last night, so I totally missed a day's worth of attacks!). I'd also like to apologize to the NSO for attacking a government official like I did. You were put in a lose-lose situation. On one hand, you could've looked like a bunch of pansies and not stood up for your government member. Or you could've just said the hell with it and went to kill. Although I believe it was premature, I recognize that going to war was the only way you guys could keep your supervillan image in this situation. But hey, I'm not complaining. It was fun to shoot a few CMs again!

Lastly, I'd like to apologize to RAD itself. I basically threw us into a full-blown alliance war over a joke. This is not acceptable. I know you've all been behind me 100% through this war, but still, I feel bad for getting your pixels destroyed.


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The NSO recognizes this apology and has initiated peace with RAD.

As Jason8 stated, we were placed into a bad situation and did what we considered best for morale, legitimacy and let's face it, attention. And we got it.

I would like to thank RAD for being an honorable opponent and gladly extend our promise of clear white peace to them.

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Hail peace

I'd still like to have a friendly duel with you sometime. You know... without your alliance. :P Hit me up whenever you feel like it.


Edited by Jason8
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Thanks to all involved. It was a fun war, and kept nice and short. I encourage my targets to come talk to me now, since they didn´t talk very much during the war. I promise I only bite the willing.

Jason, It´s all good.

Hakai, nice announcement.

Stay classy, cybernations. Love you all!

<3 Scigirl543

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I have to give NSO credit - that apology was way more humiliating than any reps could have been.

Could have been worse. It could have been reps, full blown war, and plenty of other things.

We all decided the apology was necessary and I'd like to thank NSO for giving us white peace in these times.

I'd also like to thank NSO for remaining classy in this little skirmish. All my NSO opponents were keeping it fun, and not personal.

Thanks NSO for a fun little war :)

--- Caliph

Minister of Interior Design for RAD

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