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What in the world is wrong with Planet Bob?


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Chill Fran, annoy Skippy thats fun :D It keeps me going. But yeah just think about what you want out of CN and what you don't. Or if you really see no point, go to Kevin and complain, asking him to restart CN as the Beta is complete ;).

But really, just wait things will happen... they always have.

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Strange though it may seem, the New Pacific Order in all its stagnation provided many with a reason to play Cyber Nations. I never knew a world which Pacifica did not rule, I'm not quite sure how to play in this strange new political situation. I'm now looking for a different reason to play this game, a new goal for which I might strive.

:rolleyes: Peace is good. Try some stat-whoring. It's actually quite fun.

ps: did you know your nations is 666 days old today francesca? omg.

Edited by DogeWilliam
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I was going to respond to your thought-provoking post, but then I realized that my Chronic Apathy symptoms are acting up and it'd be better if I rephrased my thoughts into the form of something more tangible.


On a serious note, let us use an analogy. Right now, CN is in a transition. The last painting has been set aside, completed - a portrait of the first full-sized chapter of Cyber Nations. We are now venturing into the second phase, and right now, the canvas is remarkably blank. As always, "lines are being drawn", but what we have right now are sketched lines that are very faded and irresolute. Before we can see a more clear picture, we most wait for the grand artist known as the Political Climate to work it's magic and finish sketching the foundations for what will be Cyber Nation's next masterpiece.

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Of course there are rifts, but no one wants to widen them. In the post-Hegemonic world, no one dares to be seen as the bad guy, the next "them". No one wants to be seen as seeking world power or gunning for their enemies. Guys, this is Cyber Nations. Sooner or later, rifts will widen. But it will take a very long time. And even then, everyone will be terrified of setting off the first spark for fear of being seen as the next NPO vs OV, so we'll probably get an uncharacteristically long wait even after the sides appear to be set.


I tend to think that the period directly before a war is more interesting than the war itself. It's the politics, not the fighting, which intrigues me. I wouldn't complain if what you described happens.

My initial definition was more to explain mine and Fran's boredom and confusion what to do: Having put all our energy in to a particular goal, we are left with no reason to continue enthusiastically when that goal is fulfilled. I'm not sure if that's the case for other Vox members, but it certainly explains it for me.

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I tend to think that the period directly before a war is more interesting than the war itself. It's the politics, not the fighting, which intrigues me. I wouldn't complain if what you described happens.

I completely agree. I was just stating that it'll take a good deal longer this time, since no one wants to be seen as "making a move".


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Think there really has to be a rebuilding time, too--especially for the folks who lost the war. What was considered a big chunk of power got blown away. Give the ones with power time enough to be corrupted by it, and the ones who lost it to get some back.

Assuming that curbstomps aren't what you're looking for.

Seriously, I'm reading this on the same day that I read an old idea of invading the Soviet Union in '44 or so instead of, say, finishing World War II. Folks have to bulk up first before they can start throwing that weight around. And then there's making sure someone's covering you as you make your move, since..well..what happenned to the last group that tried to create a Hegemony?

Be careful what you wish for, maybe? :)

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I'm not so much complaining about NPO not being in the top spot as complaining that the absence of a hegemony makes for a very boring Planet Bob. What can we focus on now? Plus, plenty of people have complained about NPO's absence as the centre of the political situation already, on the grounds that they would make a much more benevolent dictator than many other potential hegemonies.

Sometimes it is a case where it is better to have the devil you know over the devil you don't.

There will be a new hegemony and it will happen so gradually that by the time you realise there is one it will be too late to do anything about it.

And the new hegemony could be anyone, perhaps we will get a benevolent one or we could get a real stinker that makes the days of the NPO hegemony look like a Sunday school picnic.

Only time will tell who will end up on top but for now the current political situation is unstable in the extreme nobody wants to do anything that might be interesting for fear that the propaganda machine will demonize them and turn them into the next target for a curbstomp. The problem here is in essence that a form of "McCarthyism" or something similar to it has become the norm of CN politics. But instead of the "red peril" we have the "hegemony peril". (sorry for the RL reference but sometimes art imitates life, just as life imitates art)

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Only time will tell who will end up on top but for now the current political situation is unstable in the extreme nobody wants to do anything that might be interesting for fear that the propaganda machine will demonize them and turn them into the next target for a curbstomp.

Don't be silly, we all know FAIL prevails in the end.

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The problem here is NPO and crew were in charge for so long that such a paradigm has been implanted into the psyche's of most of this world that such a dynamic is needed for the world to be enjoyable.

That simply is not true and that will become evident in due time. For now, rebuild and watch as the natural course of events unfold.

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ps: did you know your nations is 666 days old today francesca? omg.

I had noticed, actually. I even took a screenshot. :D

Summary of OP: Without NPO on top overlording, CN is boring.


Bwahahahaha....... I never thought I would see the day I said anything that remotely resembled this. Just shows, miracles still happen. Next thing you know, Karma will be at war.

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There was a time when the interlude between wars was the more fun period, between the forum ****storms and the political maneuverings and the conspiracies and the uncertainty.

Planet Bob still has a sad case of "Private Channels FTW". It's interesting to watch; we've finally emerged from underground into the beautiful world beyond, yet everyone seems to want back in that cave to watch the fire-shadows on the wall.

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We'll all get our fix of drama when TOP finally betrays Gremlins two days from now.

You heard it here first!

I'll be coming for your nation if you fail to deliver :ph34r:

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The problem here is NPO and crew were in charge for so long that such a paradigm has been implanted into the psyche's of most of this world that such a dynamic is needed for the world to be enjoyable.

That simply is not true and that will become evident in due time. For now, rebuild and watch as the natural course of events unfold.

You sir, have said it. Even Fran wasn't around pre-GWIII. So many have never known how the world was and so assume the only political climate is a hegemonic one. I do not think this is the case. It took Pacifica years to craft a hegemony, and the period before this was finally cemented (I'm going to say up until the Unjust War) was incredibly entertaining.

I don't think TOP - or anyone - would be able to form a hegemony here and now. The political climate is not right; and it doesn't come that easily, after one war. The next hegemony is far off, I say, and there will be many wars won and lost before the world is in that fragile position ripe for hegemony again.

Ah Fran. We shouldn't seek to predict the future, we should seek to shape it.

An excellent quote, my friend.

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