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Official RAD Response

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And you see it as you see fit to see it. Funny how you expect everyone to see it your way without respecting the fact that others may see it differently.

I find it hard to respect someone for their bad vision. Merits, maybe, but turning a blind eye to things and just talking about something in order to be talking about something, nah. So in short, I can't respect what you're saying because it hardly makes any sense whatsoever. Maybe it does in your head, but not so much when spoken aloud.

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I find it hard to respect someone for their bad vision. Merits, maybe, but turning a blind eye to things and just talking about something in order to be talking about something, nah. So in short, I can't respect what you're saying because it hardly makes any sense whatsoever. Maybe it does in your head, but not so much when spoken aloud.

Right, as if you are speaking from an entirely unbiased position to be making such judgements.

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RAD, you started the joke, NSO are just going along with it...do not whine.

I'd say that's a slightly twisted statement, but that doesn't matter.

Like the others asked, when did any of us whine? I must have missed that, I didn't see any whining coming from my alliance. Did you just make that up off the top of your head? I'm confused... :mellow:

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I'd say that's a slightly twisted statement, but that doesn't matter.

I'd describe RAD more as pranksters. Would you be willing to go beyond various folks' "it was just a joke" spin and outright say that?

Edited by heggo
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Some damage will be done to both sides, obviously, but it would be ludicrous to claim that what is essentially an isolated skirmish will result in damage comparable to the punitive amounts that are standard for "reparations" these days.

Let's put it another way...

You've already knocked them down 100k in NS from 618k to around 518k. In the same time period you've actually gone up 100k in NS. NSO outnumbers RAD 167 to 34. You outnumber them in every single military wonder and improvement category as well as tech and other non-military categories. Hopefully it doesn't come to it, but you also have 710 nukes to their 114.

Firepower of that magnitude should without question be able to net thousands in tech, not to mention land gains and warchest pillaging. If after 7 days NSO doesn't manage to hit every single RAD nation that's in range and anarchy them in 3 on 1 attacks, then it's time to fire whoever is in charge of your military.

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You, gentle sir, are a party pooper.

I for one hope that someone from RAD launches a "j/k" nuke. Then we can have even more threads about this.

That won't be happening.

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RAD, you started the joke, NSO are just going along with it...do not whine.

This from the guy who whines about pink sphere, classy. But, I wouldn't expect anything else from CG.

I'm truly having fun with this, it's much better than sitting around not doing anything.

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Let's put it another way...

You've already knocked them down 100k in NS from 618k to around 518k. In the same time period you've actually gone up 100k in NS. NSO outnumbers RAD 167 to 34. You outnumber them in every single military wonder and improvement category as well as tech and other non-military categories. Hopefully it doesn't come to it, but you also have 710 nukes to their 114.

Firepower of that magnitude should without question be able to net thousands in tech, not to mention land gains and warchest pillaging. If after 7 days NSO doesn't manage to hit every single RAD nation that's in range and anarchy them in 3 on 1 attacks, then it's time to fire whoever is in charge of your military.

NSO isn't in this to crush RAD. They could, if they really really tried, as you point out they have large advantages in just about every single category. Smart usage of this advantage could indeed crush RAD. But that's not what they want. It's basically turned into open raiding.

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I'm glad we have a psychic here that saw the future.

Cleared up the risk of a very scary situation.

I usually don't get paid enough. But I'll be saving this for later.

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NSO isn't in this to crush RAD. They could, if they really really tried, as you point out they have large advantages in just about every single category. Smart usage of this advantage could indeed crush RAD. But that's not what they want. It's basically turned into open raiding.
Yeah NSO is doing what NSO does best.... ganging up on lol'ers

PS: Nice Novacat avvie :)

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And you aren't? :rolleyes:

I am not the one coming off trying to demean what you are saying, do I disagree with it? Yes. Am I trying to insult you for it? No. Perhaps in your little lulzy atmosphere in which you play you have lost all understanding of that difference.

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I am not the one coming off trying to demean what you are saying, do I disagree with it? Yes. Am I trying to insult you for it? No. Perhaps in your little lulzy atmosphere in which you play you have lost all understanding of that difference.

Be careful of that lulzy atmosphere! It can ruin your judgment.

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I am not the one coming off trying to demean what you are saying, do I disagree with it? Yes. Am I trying to insult you for it? No. Perhaps in your little lulzy atmosphere in which you play you have lost all understanding of that difference.

I was just joking! Don't take it so seriously!

Oh wait...

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