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Recognition of war

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Would your alliance also have done something as dumb as having declared war on the OWF, whatever the heck that even means? Clearly the NSO is, in their own overly harsh way, trying to teach RAD not to do dumb things. It seems you're trying to make this into something bigger than it really is.

I lol'd

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Hardly. RAD was not attacking anyone at random, they were attacking people who asked to be attack (who, presumably, were playing along with the joke). It's absolutely ridiculous for you to even try to pass NSO's actions as something anyone else would do or what is appropriate (i mean, !@#$@#$ cmon, you didn't even ask for him to stop when you knew that he would if you just said so). NSO completely over blew the situation that they themselves could have avoided so easily. But I guess your right, RAD should have seen it coming as they were messing with some of the most arrogant 'tough' guys in the game.

Again, when the NSO nation asked to be attacked, did he say that the consequences of attacking would be nullified?

RAD: DoW the OWF!!! YAY!!

Anthony: bring it

Jason8: ok, its been brought

NSO: Ok, here's everything that comes with bringing it.

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C'mon Cit. Get your story straight. He's either failing by trying too hard or by not trying hard enough. You can't have it both ways you devious !@#$%^&*.

It appeared that our hive mind wasn't fully functioning at the time. Atleast that ridiculous conspiracy talk seems to have ended.

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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No, I'm confused as to why NSO has almost every war with them on the offensive, 6 times the score of RAD, 5 times the member count, and only got 13 anarchies out of it, while still having 13 of their members anarchied on their own. That's what I'm confused about. Regardless of what you or I think will happen later, this is what's happening now. RAD it seems is doing well.

And my point is that it's an interesting statistic. That's all.

You are right Walt, it is interesting. It shows RAD isn't all that shocked or dismayed by this war, in fact I would dare say they are having fun and giving it a real go. I honestly hope more folks begin to honor that and hail them for it. They messed up but in true RAD fashion they are going to try and make some fun out of it and bloody NSO's nose pretty badly while they are at it. Good for them.

Now as far as the stats go, RAD is a pretty small but tight knit group. I would say they could rally their entirety faster then NSO can rally all of their numbers. I will save any judgements though until the end of the 7 day period.

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You admit that Jason would not have done what he did without thinking the declaration allowed him to do such?

RAD should have seen it coming because they had been flooding #NSO in the recent past along with some of their other pink friends and spamming the place so no conversation could take place. Not to mention the lolbrown taunts and everything that came with that. Pink was picking a fight with NSO but RAD really screwed up and picked a fight all by themselves with NSO.

NSO showed great patience in not attacking RAD and Internet Superheroes for all they had done previous to this but when RAD offered themselves on a platter to NSO, its no surprise NSO jumped at the opportunity that might not come again.

Is it a strong response, possibly too strong? Sure, I will go along with that but in the end there was an attack on an NSO nation and thus NSO can deal with that as they please and that wont change no matter how many people complain. The fact that it is a nuke free week long war will maintain it as a small scale affair. You take all this and you see that NSO is led by some smart folks who really know how to walk that fine line of what you can get away with and what will get you rolled.

Its just not worth the loss to anyone to jump into this. RAD is responsible for what is happening to them even if the response is a little harsh. Fact is the harshness of it was dulled so that this could remain a fun encounter between two sides that have really wanted to take some shots at each other. The fact that RAD is doing as well as they are should show this. They have mobilized to the fight much quicker overall then NSO has.

So honestly people need to just let them have their little fight and take note from this to be more careful with these lulzy announcements because when your announcement leads to one of your nations doing something stupid you ARE responsible for it to some degree.

Then all i can say is thanks, NSO, for setting such a nice precedent; I hope it comes back to bite you eventually.

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Hey Moldavi:

If I jokingly attacked one of your government boys, would you several minutes later post a declaration of war against the whole of CSN without even attempting to talk to anyone at CSN? (Let's be honest, this isn't a recognition, as RAD as an alliance never moved against you)

Or was it that RAD, due to their treaty ties and member count, was just a more convenient target?

You're welcome to try. I don't imagine you have anything more than meaningless bluster to offer the situation, though.

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Interesting. RAD has as many in anarchy as NSO does. NSO has about 5x the nations that RAD does. NSO, oddly enough, also has 3 in peacemode compared to RAD's 1. I'm confused.

A number of our Anarchies are from other conflicts besides RAD wars. Our peacemode nations well...who knows.

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I just wanted to say that even though i support NSO in their actions and that I think RAD screwed up my respect for RAD has raised slightly. This is due to how they said they oopsed, and are now just having fun with the war.

Yes, I've definitely noticed how most of the asinine "what are you even talking about?" rhetoric has not actually been coming from RAD.

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I'll be honest, I don't like Frostbite for several reasons... just like how many people don't like SF! or Cit. Does that mean that CSN now automatically has beef with Frostbite? Heaven forbid I express my own personal opinion... seems being in Vox for all that time really proved to be a sham.

As your alliance's MoFA, it is incumbent on you to keep your opinions to yourself, lest they reflect poorly on your alliance. Someone in your position should know that. Or....not, I suppose.

Is your comment with regard to Frostbite one that is held by CSN? Would you be good enough to enumerate areas where your opinions and those of CSN differ? It won't make me take you any more seriously, but it will at least help me to see where you're trying to be serious instead of simply thumping your chest.

I'm not sure what you mean by the Vox comment. I lent them my nation for about a month and then disappeared for about six months, returning to CN in April. Do you have a point?

Anyway, I asked a question. It was answered. I'm done with that.

... they were attacking people who asked to be attack (who, presumably, were playing along with the joke).

Except that it wasn't a joke.

This has been pointed out repeatedly, and the evidence for this is quite clear and easily accessible.

Why you or anyone else (except for RAD, who admit that it wasn't a joke) continue to belabor this point is confusing. Then again, there's much about this thread that is confusing. Or illuminating, I suppose.

For example, tonight I learned that government members don't speak on behalf of their governments. That was certainly news to me.

Edited by kingzog
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Yes, I've definitely noticed how most of the asinine "what are you even talking about?" rhetoric has not actually been coming from RAD.

Quite possibly the most frustrating aspect of the current debate. RAD and NSO are almost on the same side of the debate. Enjoy the war NSO and RAD and may it be an end to all that was going on that built this up into a war. As you can see, you have ruffled the feathers of your allies on both sides.

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Yes, I've definitely noticed how most of the asinine "what are you even talking about?" rhetoric has not actually been coming from RAD.

Gotta roll with the punches really. Mistakes were made, but at least we can have some fun with the consequences. Hell I'm actually glad something like this is happening to actually get people to realize that actions have consequences.

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Hey Moldavi:

If I jokingly attacked one of your government boys, would you several minutes later post a declaration of war against the whole of CSN without even attempting to talk to anyone at CSN? (Let's be honest, this isn't a recognition, as RAD as an alliance never moved against you)

Or was it that RAD, due to their treaty ties and member count, was just a more convenient target?

I wouldn't mind seeing an answer to that question. I notice that you have other wars from various other alliances that are far larger than RAD and your response appears rather different (see pic 1), though I don't see you DoWing on Lawless or Nex Consortio either, so I'm not 100% sure on what the story is there (see pic 2).

And, for the eventual "pics or it didn't happen" yell,



Clarification would be nice.

Would your alliance also have done something as dumb as having declared war on the OWF, whatever the heck that even means? Clearly the NSO is, in their own overly harsh way, trying to teach RAD not to do dumb things. It seems you're trying to make this into something bigger than it really is.

*Veneke chuckles

So, am I to understand it that the NSO is out there to try and make people... better?

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I wouldn't mind seeing an answer to that question. I notice that you have other wars from various other alliances that are far larger than RAD and your response appears rather different (see pic 1), though I don't see you DoWing on Lawless or Nex Consortio either, so I'm not 100% sure on what the story is there (see pic 2).

And, for the eventual "pics or it didn't happen" yell,



Clarification would be nice.

Lawless isn't a real alliance it was two people who were tech raided and then attacked back. They weren't in an alliance when they got tech raided as well.

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Yes, I've definitely noticed how most of the asinine "what are you even talking about?" rhetoric has not actually been coming from RAD.

And oddly the loudest people arguing for your side aren't NSO. That's the way it works here though. Everybody's gotta prove something.

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Lawless isn't a real alliance it was two people who were tech raided and then attacked back. They weren't in an alliance when they got tech raided as well.

You're missing my point.

If NSO consider that any attack on their members requires a full DoW on the alliance responsible without any recourse to diplomacy, where are the DoW's on RIA, Lawless, The Solid States and Nex Consortio?

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Was there an NSO announcement on that which I missed? I mean it seems to me at least that any alliance has the ability to deal with things on a case by case basis and not have to follow the same exact procedure for every thing that happens.

Indeed they do, what I'm trying to find out here is why RAD seems to have drawn the short straw in this instance. Usually you can see this plainly enough in the CB. Here though, the CB seems to revolve around NSO declaring war on RAD because NSO doesn't have a sense of humour. Where more "serious" tech raids, such as the ones I've shown there, are left slide without such a heavy-handed reply.

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You're missing my point.

If NSO consider that any attack on their members requires a full DoW on the alliance responsible without any recourse to diplomacy, where are the DoW's on RIA, Lawless, The Solid States and Nex Consortio?

Please, i'd love to see a declaration on RIA

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I mean it seems to me at least that any alliance has the ability to deal with things on a case by case basis and not have to follow the same exact procedure for every thing that happens.

That's exactly the point – what is it about this case that makes it so different, when (presumably unlike the other wars) the attacks on NSO were actually less severe (no attacks at all before the IRC conversation pasted into the thread earlier, and then only ground attacks). And the answer to that seems to be that there were pre-existing issues between NSO and RAD and that the NSO were looking for a reason to attack RAD, and Jason gave them one.

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