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World Map Z


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Done an unfinished update with a few fixes. I know there are several unfinished issues, but at a certain point my mouse got all shaky and it's getting harder to work with.


@Nagato: mind providing a visual aid where your claim is? I'd add it but at this point all I know is "antarctica" and a general location. I can't add it until I know exactly where you want it.

Regarding Spain: already-decided upon outcomes with Penchuk and Lavo and myself, RPs will follow shortly.

Edited by Sargun
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(caps because like with the rest of my claims its ignored forever.)

Not dogging you sargun, just trying to get it on the map and not as an open area.

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...ic=67839&hl Proofs

Edited by Lord Zephyr
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well, it was exactly where someone crapped their 'Federation Protectorate'. note that i made my claim long before this 'Federation' ever did, so i request the Federation's protectorate move.

the federation has no protectorates. I preempted their protectorate claim with my own protectorate claim in both OOC and IC. However what ever land you wanted is yours.

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I assume cycles are whenever a new map update is posted? well I never posted one twice in a cycle. And I've posted it for the past three maps. As I said I wasn't dissing sargun as he said the map was incomplete, I was just making sure it got in there because it was labeled as open land in the incomplete one.

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As per this thread, the noted map changes below are now made.


Gray: AUP Protectorate

Red: AUP Controlled

The island that was split between Golgotha and Yawoo, has had the other half returned to Golgotha.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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i'm afraid that land already belongs to the AUP. :/

Yup... If you want the Protectorate, talk to Elricht of the Haruhiist Empire to arrange something, i believe the eastern islands would be going to Minilla to keep his land from being sliced in two.

Anyway, he has a nice spiffy map with all the detailed islands on it, i'd say PM him and see what you can arrange.

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No offense taken. Still, tiny or not it is an AUP protectorate, so Elrich would be the one to talk to. Shouldn't be a problem though from what i recall, as only the Nusa Tenggara islands have been taken so far.

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