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I did try to stay away from specific campaigns to avoid one more Vox flamefest, but it is true that you deserve more credit than you may not have been given. I would say if you had no stumbled onto your Senate eligibility and won that seat, Vox may very well have never grown any legs.

That may very well be true. I, like all the other founders in all likelihood, didn't see Vox as anything more than a last stand for justice. When we received hundreds of recruits and won a Seat on Red and Green, it showed us we could get stuff done, and oppose them in ways far beyond throwing a couple nukes their way here and there.

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Congrats yes, very nice, you helped bring down our terrible Pacifican governors, bravo, but if I read one more post done in this self-gratifying language of "four score and seven months ago, we heroes who did lay down our lives' blaa blaa blaa, I will go postal I swear.

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Congrats yes, very nice, you helped bring down our terrible Pacifican governors, bravo, but if I read one more post done in this self-gratifying language of "four score and seven months ago, we heroes who did lay down our lives' blaa blaa blaa, I will go postal I swear.

Sorry for choosing to remember what has taken place in our past and celebrating the fact Vox Populi completed it’s mission.

You could always simply ignore these threads when they arise, and choose not to read them.

Also, nice post Starfox.

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Congrats yes, very nice, you helped bring down our terrible Pacifican governors, bravo, but if I read one more post done in this self-gratifying language of "four score and seven months ago, we heroes who did lay down our lives' blaa blaa blaa, I will go postal I swear.

And who are you again?

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Four score and seven months ago, our Vox Fathers and kingzog and electron sponge, brought forth upon this Bob, a new movement, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great rebulding, testing whether that movement, or any alliance so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that the ideals of that movement might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this Vox Populi movement, under Admin, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that accountability to the people, for the people, shall not perish from Bob.

Eat me. When Nordreich merged its efforts with Vox Populi in what KaiserMartens called a ride of the Valkyries, we gained great members, and lost great members. I imagine we neither gained nor lost you, as I see no greatness in your scorn-for-scorn's sake, Velka.

Edited by Schattenmann
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Seriously, Vox, you really think you accomplished anything? Last I checked, the treaty web still binds most alliances from their free will, and Pacifica will soon be stronger than ever. Surely you can't be serious
Vox was just the beginning, silly. ;)

At the end of the day, people will say we accomplished nothing, or that we accomplished anything.

When we formed, they said we'd be gone in a matter of weeks. Attentionwhores on a last glory ride on suicide machines.

When we stuck around, they said we were hellbent on supplanting the then-current hegemony with our own tyranny of the masses.

When the war we strove for in our own way, and paved the way for, began, they said we were of no consequence. A minor distraction in the course to the inevitable.

When we did not campaign for the disbandment of NPO, and were shut out of the "real" war (haw haw), and disbanded (our work complete), the people with the power to do those things said we accomplished nothing.

Vox Populi never called for the destruction of any alliance, only of systems of control and modes of thought. If you, Stonewall, or anyone wanted the NPO crushed forever or disbanded, then you should have done it when you had the chance. Vox Populi fought the war that for 3 years you were all terrified to fight--the war of ideology. We won it. The physical battle was always someone else's to fight. And when the fight came, you all got so caught up in yourselves, and your pixels, and your PR that you fought each other harder than you fought NPO, you let IOs slip in and out of peace mode at will, you did little more than a mass ghost-busting campaign to NPO's benefit, and you let the main perpetrator's of NPO's hegemony--her allies--get off scot free.

So if you want to talk to me about anyone not accomplishing anything, Stonewall, then you'd better join NPO and make the conversation about how goddamned hilarious Karma's BB-gun shootout with the Continuum was.

And if in 5 months NPO is stronger than ever, and alliances cannot stand up on their own sovereignty, then it is not because the members and agents of Vox Populi did not do everything and give everything that could be done or given, but because those who picked up where we left off did not give or do everything they could.

I respect everyone who put their alliances or nations on the line in the Karma War. It was by no means a sure victory at the start. But I'll be goddamned if I listen to such petty, !@#$%* remarks from anyone that was part of that amazing exercise in disunity.

Edited by Schattenmann
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<snip for grandiose wordiness>

I respect everyone who put their alliances or nations on the line in the Karma War. It was by no means a sure victory at the start. But I'll be goddamned if I listen to such petty, !@#$%* remarks from anyone that was part of that amazing exercise in disunity.

For the sake of your sanity, I hope that last line was not directed at me.

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Oh Schatt, how do you do it? Two absolute gems in a row.

Seeing as I am but a footnote in the Vox movement, I will be brief. I don't regret joining Vox at all. It was probably the biggest mistake of my long, mistake-riddled career to leave.

I've almost edited that last post 10 times in the 15 minutes since I wrote it. I don't, I really don't, discard the Karma War. But these tired old "you didn't do anything/enough" claims wear me out.

As for involvement, brief or long, everyone's contribution meant more than the simple sum of the time spent in the AA.

Edited by Schattenmann
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I've almost edited that last post 10 times in the 15 minutes since I wrote it. I don't, I really don't, discard the Karma War. But in a year, I've had it up to here with the people who sat on the sidelines benefitting from our work turning around and belittling or outright insulting it, especially in consideration of the glaring mistakes that followed the Vox Populi Resistance Movement and which were committed wholly separate from Vox due to the colllllllld shoulder (Vox should've been called Frostbite). I don't have to shut up anymore, I haven't had to shut up in a year, and I'm not going to sit on my thoughts to avoid hurting feelings, not in the face of bold hee-hawing.

Oh dear God, Schattenmann, come off your high horse and quit taking credit for holding up CN on your shoulders in martyrdom like Atlas or something. At the end of the day, Vox got revenge, and the world still works just as it did before. Just because the world's unification through the treaty web is no longer plainly visible through a central power bloc, doesn't mean you actually changed CN all too greatly.

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Oh dear God, Schattenmann, come off your high horse and quit taking credit for holding up CN on your shoulders in martyrdom like Atlas or something. At the end of the day, Vox got revenge, and the world still works just as it did before. Just because the world's unification through the treaty web is no longer plainly visible through a central power bloc, doesn't mean you actually changed CN all too greatly.

Oh, didn't Vox Populi hold Bob up on our shoulders and haul it through the post-WotC/noCB war and post-war period? Alliances may act the same, that is their mistake to make, but the world works differently. It is working differently. It might not do so indefinitely, but for now it is.

And then again, maybe you are right, and all the work Vox and Karma put in was piss in a stream. If so, the stream carrying it away is the same laziness, ineptitude, greed, cowardice and everything else that our beneficiaries espoused and complained about.

Edited by Schattenmann
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That may very well be true. I, like all the other founders in all likelihood, didn't see Vox as anything more than a last stand for justice. When we received hundreds of recruits and won a Seat on Red and Green, it showed us we could get stuff done, and oppose them in ways far beyond throwing a couple nukes their way here and there.

I never knew we succeeded in getting a green seat!

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Congrats yes, very nice, you helped bring down our terrible Pacifican governors, bravo, but if I read one more post done in this self-gratifying language of "four score and seven months ago, we heroes who did lay down our lives' blaa blaa blaa, I will go postal I swear.

Your alliance exists right now because of those "Four score and seven months ago".

Or did that fact escape your understanding?

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I've almost edited that last post 10 times in the 15 minutes since I wrote it. I don't, I really don't, discard the Karma War. But these tired old "you didn't do anything/enough" claims wear me out.

As for involvement, brief or long, everyone's contribution meant more than the simple sum of the time spent in the AA.

The Karma War was, perhaps, the single most influential war in the history of this game. Not because it felled Pacifica; no, that had been done before. Not because it destroyed the current hegemony, for that too had already been done. The Karma War was significant because it broke down the barriers that we've set before us. When NPO was defeated in the GPW, it was nowhere near as powerful as it was pre-KW. The greatest disappointments of this war were many, and I've discussed them before. That said, I would not undue the war for anything in the world.

As for your second point, you are quite right. Even those who joined us for a shot at glory contributed far more than they could know. Ironically, the glory they sought was kept from them simply because of the volume of recruits we received in those days. The point is, hundreds of nations acted as one and said no. And that is what matters.

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Congrats yes, very nice, you helped bring down our terrible Pacifican governors, bravo, but if I read one more post done in this self-gratifying language of "four score and seven months ago, we heroes who did lay down our lives' blaa blaa blaa, I will go postal I swear.

[ooc] You may also wish to remember that this is a in character forum, hence romantic and emotive language is likely to be used in the spirit of RP, get into the spirit of things or gtfo.[/ooc]

Pacifica did not lose the Great Patriotic War.

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That is not a name that should ever be mentioned in a thread about those who stood up for something once upon a time.

Indeed. The Dark Lord has never stood in the face of adversity; never in the history of the Cyberverse has Ivan Moldavi entered into a conflict in which he did not have the upper hand.

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