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The Resolution

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The problem: If you build it, he will come. The only way to ensure a Sileath-free existence is to enforce global radio silence.

Until that blessed day arrives, we may bask in the enjoyment of watching him burn every bridge he crosses.

Congratulations, RV. You never cease to amaze me.

Then just ignore him, its that simple. Responding to him is just giving him what he wants: attention.

Also, back on topic, was anyone besides Sileath actually attacked during this "war"?

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I love how the people bad mouthing the "I don't like you" CB are the same people that were praising Dynomite and their same exact CB against Sileath. Sorum said the reason why he attacked RV was "Because I don't like you" as a backhanded response to RV and friends (Dynomite Pact) earlier. Their CB towards Sileath was "I don't like you".....so...ya...interesting.

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I have to wonder why I was attacked this morning by another GDI member, long after peace was declared and why Technician thought he should throw in one last blow before sending peace. Last time I checked, peace meant peace, not kick your enemy and hope no one is looking because you "think" you have the upper hand. Speaking just for me right now, but I'm not convinced that we've reached a resolution after all.








This guy will probably claim he didn't get the memo on peace being declared, but if that's the case, why did he send a peace offer only a few minutes after his strikes? I can see it now...he attacked and then visited the forums or irc where he found out and if that's the case, he owes reps either way.

And now...



Notice the times on these. I guess they got the big head and felt they own us so they can do what they want. If they didn't like something I had to say in the main forums and continued attacks on me for that reason, then that makes them no better than what Sorum did to kick this whole thing off.

It happens in most wars Zhaan, deal with it...it's called peace lag. The order to peace out with all TF nations still stands. The memo must have slipped a couple of people and caused a bit of aftermath fighting, but that happens. If you paid any attention to the OWF during the Karma War, you'd see proof of that. <_<

Edited by RyanGDI
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It happens in most wars Zhaan, deal with it...it's called peace lag. The order to peace out with all TF nations still stands. The memo must have slipped a couple of people and caused a bit of aftermath fighting, but that happens. If you paid any attention to the OWF during the Karma War, you'd see proof of that. <_<

I find it highly amusing that now that you're associated with RV you've started to talk like a big-boy.


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I find it highly amusing that now that you're associated with RV you've started to talk like a big-boy.


I'm just stating the facts. Stuff like this occurs in most given wars, Zhaan just needs to take it to appropriate channels without publicly complaining about it and creating more problems.

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Ignore the fact that it's a quality post and make a "lolRyan" comment. Classy.

Actually, I was observing his posting recently as a whole, just the sudden change of character and what has brought it about.

Also Ryan, I believe your ally Mr Rebel Virginia of FAIL/RLMMO frowns upon concealing issues in private channels and prefers things to be out in the open, as is evident in the past few weeks. Zhaan is simply doing the same, as you are complaining about this one would assume that you do not support RV's policy of bringing things to the public stage which could have been dealt with privately.

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Actually, I was observing his posting recently as a whole, just the sudden change of character and what has brought it about.

Also Ryan, I believe your ally Mr Rebel Virginia of FAIL/RLMMO frowns upon concealing issues in private channels and prefers things to be out in the open, as is evident in the past few weeks. Zhaan is simply doing the same, as you are complaining about this one would assume that you do not support RV's policy of bringing things to the public stage which could have been dealt with privately.

Well then, if that statement's true then we may have a couple of differences in our operations, that's all.

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Well then, if that statement's true then we may have a couple of differences in our operations, that's all.

True, but you can't deny the usefulness of RV's policy in terms of providing GDI with plenty of coverage and good PR opportunities? Surely this would mean it would be more beneficial for you to support bringing issues to the OWF.

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True, but you can't deny the usefulness of RV's policy in terms of providing GDI with plenty of coverage and good PR opportunities? Surely this would mean it would be more beneficial for you to support bringing issues to the OWF.

Indeed...however in the case of Zhaan, getting my attention privately would have been more effective than making a public show, per say. It was an un-necessary solution to the problem, that's the issue.

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Indeed...however in the case of Zhaan, getting my attention privately would have been more effective than making a public show, per say. It was an un-necessary solution to the problem, that's the issue.

Actually, I think it went quite well, it got the problem solved pretty quickly, you explained to him why the fellow who declared war on him did so, and it pretty much sorted it out then and there.

You didn't make a political catastrophe out of it. If anything, announcing it publicly solved it quicker, no one thinks any worse of you because it was handled effectively.

I'd argue that Zhaan announcing it publicly was more beneficial then if it were done privately.

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Ryan, RV made this all very public and then you guys began attacks against us without any formal DoW. We tried contacting you and others as attacks continued. Then, RV comes on with his spill claiming to be such a victim and you guys announced a DoW a bit late. Seeing as how you all seem to like the attention so much, I have no problem giving back what you've been giving.

And, sorry, but I'm not buying the "lag" theory...especially with technicians attack and immediate peace offer after. It was a cheap shot, as I stated, and the true caliber of your alliance. What's done is done. Time to move on.

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Ryan, RV made this all very public and then you guys began attacks against us without any formal DoW. We tried contacting you and others as attacks continued. Then, RV comes on with his spill claiming to be such a victim and you guys announced a DoW a bit late. Seeing as how you all seem to like the attention so much, I have no problem giving back what you've been giving.

And, sorry, but I'm not buying the "lag" theory...especially with technicians attack and immediate peace offer after. It was a cheap shot, as I stated, and the true caliber of your alliance. What's done is done. Time to move on.

The GDI DoW was made after you went back on the original peace settlement. Nice try though, not mentioning that little detail I mean.

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I have to wonder why I was attacked this morning by another GDI member, long after peace was declared and why Technician thought he should throw in one last blow before sending peace.

You know, it's usually considered polite to go get your government to talk to the other alliance's government about these things before posting them here.

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