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Anyone want to turn the tide?


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I'm with Bordiga on this. Some communist regimes have been expansionist and externally aggressive, but not all.

What is being discussed in this thread is aggression for sport and to force others to join, become vassals or leave the game. There is no ideology at all behind this; it is nothing but the sort of cynical nihilism that is peculiar to adolescent males.

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i hope no one goes along with his ludicrous idea and disrupt a persons right to develop there own way of thinking

and the human right the have to choose what they want.

i think you should keep your communist views to your self.

:o :o :o :o :o

i hope no one attacks a single hair on one of these new alliances as it would be a sign of communist character which your alliances has.

Excuse me, but wtf?

Edited by Iosif Moldov
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i hope no one goes along with his ludicrous idea and disrupt a persons right to develop there own way of thinking

and the human right the have to choose what they want.

i think you should keep your communist views to your self.

:o :o :o :o :o

i hope no one attacks a single hair on one of these new alliances as it would be a sign of communist character which your alliances has.

Can we start with his alliance first? :lol1:

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890765 I just realised your own alliance only contains less then 25 members ... oh man please where do I start there.... lol lol lol

What on earth is your hatred toward small alliances about (and its a long term one) when you yourself have chosen to be part of one?


I hate my own alliance just as much as all other small alliances. Maybe even more.

Sadly, satisfaction of your social darwinist fantasy pipedreams would hardly bode well from an utilitarian viewpoint. The only ones actually getting something out of that would be dastardly weasels like your petty alliance while in the end, the less we have nations, the less colourful and interesting this game will be.

So, I am profiting, and everyone else is losing. I fail to see the problem with this.

Driving newer nations out of the game is basically shooting other peoples' babies in the face.

Sounds like great fun!

I wonder if this person remembers how old his own alliance is.

Yeah its like 3 months or something.

Can we start with his alliance first? :lol1:

It is very tempting isn't it? :P

Edited by 890765
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So it is your implication that at one time this was not considered to be anything more then a half serious, joke suggestion by members of Polar?

If that is really the case, NpO should stay away from the lulz bit.

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I hate my own alliance just as much as all other small alliances. Maybe even more.

hmmm i see.... well no actually i dont see... i fail to understand at all. Are you trying to say you are looking for help to bring down your own alliance and force it to merge with a larger one? ... Just trying to read between the lines and understand your core mission here. <_<

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Heh... Actually, we've had a few offers from other small alliances to multi-merge into something larger. Thing is... we're not in this simply to be BIG, we're in this to try some new stuff that we couldn't do under any other format.

Right now, we just lack the manpower to set these economic, military and diplomatic theories in motion. :P

Time for your little house to merge into the sexiest corporation on Planet Bob. :)

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So, I am profiting, and everyone else is losing. I fail to see the problem with this.

Then you're truly a blind gentleman lacking some serious basic calculus skills. One plus one is two, and minority profiting from misery of the majority is never going to bode well for the minority in the end.

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Then you're truly a blind gentleman lacking some serious basic calculus skills. One plus one is two, and minority profiting from misery of the majority is never going to bode well for the minority in the end.

I don't care about the end, I just care about profits. My system will bring many profits. Calculus usually deals with finding the slope of curves, so I don't really know what you are talking about there.

I too wish that IS would disband. Small alliances like that are worthless and shouldn't be allowed to survive.

Edited by 890765
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I don't know, probably replies from polar members earlier on in the thread and the sudden change in tone later. :rolleyes:
Which posts precisely are you referencing? The post on page one where Penguin says there is no problem that needs to be "solved?" Or perhaps the post where Marty McFly suggests that instead of destroying them we could work out tech deals with them? Perhaps you mean Deputy Minister of Truth Jphillips criticizing Shahmans idea on page three?

Or maybe, just maybe, you're superimposing your a flawed perspective onto this thread in an idiotic effort to blindly justify your own prejudice?

If that is really the case, NpO should stay away from the lulz bit.
Which it's not :P Edited by Fallen_Fool
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I am in a small alliance of about 40 people; called Big Top Order. I am the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Second in Command of Foreign Afairs (Deputy), and the Leader of the Press. I don't see what is wrong with my alliance. I like it. I like being in this new small alliance. It is something new every day and my voice is always heard. If you want to try to invade an innocent alliance doing no wrong then so be it. But I have a message from their protectors and their allies. Do not search for my servent to hard, for the day you lay a hand on them, will be the day you fall. I do not support your idea of this clensing act of small alliances. ~Hath Said The King~

King Adam Olivier

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King Adam Oliver,

I don't see anything wrong with your alliance either. This was the idea (and a poor one at that) of one member. It was not a threat, it was not a promise. Just an idea, one that will not be given any support and will not materialize into anything. I wish you and your alliance well and so does the rest of Polaris.

For the record, I do not support his idea of this cleansing of small alliances either, if I hadn't already made that clear in my post on Page 3.

Edited by Jphillips412
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Wow, what a hata.
I am a tolerant man. My tolerance, however, does not extend to seeing my alliance be demonized for an attitude which was almost entirely extinguished well over a year ago, or a series events even older than that.
Fallen Fool drank a double ration of Hateradeâ„¢ this morning.
2 parts Hateradeâ„¢, 1 part 5 O'clock Vodka, and a pinch of Sponge's special hater powder. Everyone morning. No exceptions.
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