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TGE Announcement

President Chris

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We at The German Empire would like to proudly announce our new Imperial Constitution.

The Imperial Constitution


The German Empire


Part I: Proclamation

A government must not waver once it has chosen its course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward.

Otto von Bismarck

The German Empire, founded on the principles of monarchy, national unity and order, hereby sets forth these beliefs in the form of this constitution. It is the duty of the people of the German Empire to maintain and protect the constitution, although we recognize that it may be necessary to modify it from time to time and after due consideration, in order to maintain it as a living reflection of the life and needs of the Empire.

The German Empire is a constitutional monarchy, with the German Emperor as the Head of State. The Reichstag represents all citizens of the German Empire, while the Imperial Chancellor and Ministries are represented and presided over by the German Emperor in the form of the Prussian House of Lords. The PHoL will act as a upper house or 'House of Review', in that they cannot start legislation, only consider the lower houses' initiatives. Also, they may not be able to outright veto legislation.


Part II: Immigration Policies

Section One: Imperial Citizenship

Any sovereign state wishing to join the German Empire must fulfill certain requirements, including but not limited to a series of examinations to determine eligibility for entry into the German Empire. Once the sovereign state becomes a citizen of the German Empire, such a citizen may not join any other alliance, unless that citizen publicly resigns from the German Empire.

Therefore, an applicant for Imperial Citizenship must:

  • Register on the German Empire forums, and post an application;
  • Change alliance affiliation to "TGE Immigrant";
  • Be approved as a Foreign Immigrant, which occurs after the posting of the application;
  • Have Custom 8 as his national flag, absent specific permission to the contrary;
  • Be part of the White Sphere, absent specific permission to the contrary;
  • Complete the Imperial Citizenship Examinations with a score of 90% or higher;
  • Swear loyalty to Emperor Frederick II and the German Empire;
  • Agree to adhere to all laws of the German Empire;
  • Agree to join the German Reichswehr; and
  • Affirm that they do not support racial hate or white supremacy or affiliate in any way with any group that does. As all human beings are equal in the eyes of God, they therefore should not be discriminated against, hated, or treated in any inhumane way.
  • After completing all the above, the new member must have "The German Empire" in his/her alliance affiliation.

Section Two: Nation Development

Bank Creation Aid

Nations that want the opportunity to rapidly grow and then come to assist German Empire members must follow the instructions from the acting Minister of Finance. Upon instructions the member candidate will then proceed to follow them. If at any point of time the member leave during the project, it will be up to the Minister of Finance if he or she wishes to first complete the project. If the project is ceased during the project, the resigning nation will be asked to repay the funds as soon as possible. The funded nation's new alliance will then be notified and given sufficient evidence of payment at hand (including logs and dates of payment). If the member firsts finishes the project, and then leaves the member will thus be asked to repay the funds as well. Failure to comply will lead to an immediate response.

Nuclear Development Aid

Nations that want the opportunity to become nuclear, must follow the instructions from the acting Minister of Finance. Upon instructions the member candidate will then proceed to follow them. If at any point of time the member leave during and after the project (within the first 3 months). Their new alliance will be immediately notified. Full repayment must be made but it up to the Minister of Finance to have sufficient evidence of payment at hand (Including logs and dates of payment) The offending nation will be banned from ever returning to the Empire. Failure by both parties (alliance and offender) to repay said money can be considered a cause for war against the offending nation.

Section Three: Resignation

A citizen of the German Empire may at any time resign from the German Empire, so long as a resignation post is placed in the correct forum section (Departures Lounge) and all outstanding debts to the German Empire are settled. Members that have joined within a 45 day period upon leaving, they will be asked to repay all financial assistance they had received in the past from TGE. Once the citizen in question completes these steps, they must remove "The German Empire" from their alliance affiliation. Failure to adhere to these steps may result in a perma-ban from returning to TGE or, in the case of aid-theft, your future alliance will be notified and other steps may be taken.


Part III: The Imperial German Government

Section One: The German Emperor

The German Emperor is the Head of State of the German Empire. The German Emperor is responsible for directing the Imperial German Government. The German Emperor cannot be removed unless he abdicates the Imperial Crown as his own voluntary act. He also holds the power to veto all legislation and appointments in the Imperial German Government. In the event, however, that a bill is passed by the Reichstag and approved by the Imperial Chancellor, it cannot be vetoed by the German Emperor.

In all affairs involving the German Empire, the German Emperor holds the final authority. If the Reichstag finds an Emperor’s ruling unconstitutional and or a threat to The German Empire, they may call a vote to temporarily stop his ruling. They must vote unanimously to put a four day stop to his order. In this time a public vote can be called, if at least 65% vote against the Emperor’s word, the Emperor will be forced to recall his action. If the German Emperor is absent, he may appoint either his Chancellor or someone from the Royal Household to temporarily assume his duties, unless otherwise stated by the German Emperor, until the German Emperor returns from said absence. The German Emperor can give vote priority to any legislation appointed by any member of the Reichstag and the Prussian House of Lords, to which the German Emperor can add or modify prioritized bills at his discretion, but only before the approval of the bill.

Section Two: The German Emperor's Duties

The German Emperor is responsible for overseeing and directing the German Empire. He may have the Imperial Ministers work directly for him, or if he chooses, for the Imperial Chancellor. He may decide on this at any given time during his reign. No Government Official within the German Empire may be removed or resign from his position without the consent of the German Emperor or his appointed representative during his time of absence.

Article One: Martial Law

Should the security of the German Empire warrant, the German Emperor may declare martial law with the consent of the majority of the Reichstag and the majority of the Prussian House of Lords. Under Martial Law, the German Emperor may take actions, create laws or issue Imperial Decrees regarding any sector of the German Empire at his sole discretion without the consent of the Reichstag or the Prussian House of Lords. Martial Law may be terminated by Imperial Decree or by a majority vote of the Reichstag and the Prussian House of Lords, which vote may be introduced in either house upon motion of any member of these legislative chambers.

Section Three: Abdication

If at any point the German Emperor is unable to perform his duties, he may allow the Imperial Chancellor or a member of the Royal Household to assume his duties. However, if he returns the appointee must return the power when asked to. Also, if the German Emperor wishes to do so, he may abdicate, forfeiting the Imperial Crown to someone else, or abolishing the monarchy in the German Empire.

Section Four: The Imperial Chancellor

The Imperial Chancellor is in charge of overseeing the everyday affairs of the German Empire. He is responsible for heading the Imperial German Government and representing the German Empire abroad in international affairs. The Imperial Chancellor is responsible for the protection and advancement of the German Empire. The Imperial Chancellor is appointed by the German Emperor, and serves at the sole discretion of the German Emperor.

Section Five: The Imperial Chancellor's Duties

  • Has the power, in the absence of the Emperor to veto Government legislation and appointments.
  • Has the power to expel any citizen, deny immigration applications, subject to the German Emperor's consent.
  • Has the final word on all day-to-day matters within the German Empire. The German Emperor may overrule if needed.
  • Can nominate the Imperial Ministers to be voted on by the Reichstag.
  • Manages all elections and votes within the German Empire, and may move to dissolve the current Reichstag with the approval of the German Emperor and the Prussian House of Lords.
  • Directs the German Empire from day to day.
  • Casts votes as necessary to break tie votes in the Reichstag.

Section Six: Resignation/Removal

The Imperial Chancellor is subject to removal by the German Emperor at any time. A special session of the House of Lords may propose his removal, with the final approval of the German Emperor, regardless if he is active or inactive during the vote, to which the Imperial Vice-Chancellor may act as a mediator if needed.

Section Seven: Imperial Vice-Chancellor

The Imperial Vice-Chancellor is appointed by the Imperial Chancellor from the elected Reichstag Deputies, subject to the consent of the German Emperor. He may be dismissed and replaced by another Reichstag Deputy at any given time, unless the exception stated in Section Nine, below, is in place. The Imperial Vice-Chancellor may assume the duties of the Imperial Chancellor if the Imperial Chancellor is not present.

Section Eight: Imperial Vice-Chancellor's Duties

  • Preside over the Reichstag.
  • Fill in as the Imperial Chancellor if the Imperial Chancellor is absent.
  • Organize and maintain the order and coherence of the Reichstag.
  • According to the laws of the Reichstag, he is to implement - if necessary - the removal of inactive Senators as per the regulations attached to membership
  • Act as Imperial Representative of the Reichstag in the Prussian House of Lords.
  • Submits as required detailed reports of the acts of the Reichstag to the German Emperor, or the Imperial Chancellor.

Section Nine: Resignation/Removal

The Imperial Vice-Chancellor may be removed at any time by the Imperial Chancellor, except when the Imperial Vice-Chancellor acts as a mediator or channel between the Prussian House of Lords and the German Emperor in the case of the removal of the Imperial Chancellor, and replaced with another Reichstag Deputy.

Section Ten: Imperial Ministers

The Imperial Ministers of the Imperial German Government are as follows:

  • Minister of Finance
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Minister of Internal Affairs
  • Minister of Propaganda
  • Minister of Research
  • Minister of War

The Imperial Chancellor or the German Emperor may at any given time create a ministry if necessary. The Imperial Ministers can be appointed by the German Emperor or Imperial Chancellor, and must be approved by all parties, including the Reichstag with a majority vote. No Imperial Minister can be dismissed without the consent and approval of the German Emperor.

Section Eleven: Duties of Imperial Ministers

The Minister of Finance — is responsible for technology deals, aid and trades. It is at his discretion as to whom in the German Empire will receive aid. The Minister of Finance's duties will consist mostly of setting up and deploying our operational banking nations so that they are prepared to send aid and to arrange Trades.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs - has direct responsibility over the ambassador korp and must strive to ensure that The German Empire is adequately represented abroad. He is responsible for appointing people to the korp and maintaining a visible presence both on IRC and on the OWF. He is the direct liaison with our allies and protectorates and must ensure that open channels of communication are at all times maintained.

The Minister of Internal Affairs - is responsible for the immigration and education policies within the Empire. He is directly responsible for recruitment and must ensure that adequate resources are directed towards that aim. He is responsible for setting the exams and masking new immigrants on completion of those exams. He must ensure that the education system is maintained to the highest standard by regularly reviewing and updating our guides. He also has responsibility in monitoring the forums and ensuring that a common standard of decorum is maintained amongst all members. He is authorized to close down threads, with just cause, if those standard are being blatantly disregarded.

The Minister of Propaganda — is responsible for all visuals and graphic design created on behalf of the German Empire. This ranges from signatures and avatars to recruitment posters and non-official commissions that are just for enjoyment and pleasure. He is directly responsible for the dissemination of news throughout the Empire both through the newspaper and by ensuring the Signal Korp is adequately staffed.

The Minister of Research - has direct responsibility for the continued upgrading of the forum, solving any technological issues that might arise both here and on our IRC channel. He is also responsible for the census and statistics office within the Empire.

The Minister of War — is responsible for all of the military aspects of the German Empire. The Minister of War exercises authority over all matters related to the military and, with the aid of his officers, manages, organizes, and directs the Reichswehr, the Medizinisches Korps, and any other subgroup of the Imperial German Military.


Part IV: The Reichstag, The Prussian House of Lords, The Imperial Regent, and the Imperial Court of Justice

Section One: The Reichstag and Reichstag Senators

The Reichstag is the voice of the people of the German Empire. Elections of the Reichstag's Imperial Senators will take place on;

  • February 25th
  • April 25th
  • June 25th
  • August 25th
  • October 25th
  • December 25th

The term of the Reichstag Senators begins on the first of the new month following the election. The Reichstag votes on legislation for the Imperial Government of the German Empire. All bills passed by the Reichstag must be signed by the German Emperor and Imperial Chancellor within the period of ten days or they are considered void and vetoed.

The number of representatives in the Reichstag, otherwise known as Reichstag Senators, is dictated by the German Emperor, and can only be changed every two months. The number of Senator's is to be set and at all times maintained at six. In the event of dissolution of the Reichstag, a new elections shall take place two days before the end of the month, and Reichstag Senators announced on the first day of the new month.

To be eligible for the position of Reichstag Senator the citizen must announce their candidacy at least 24 hours prior to the election. Candidates cannot currently hold the position of Imperial Minister If a Minister, Chief Justice, or Chancellor wish to run, they must first seek permission from the Emperor/ Chancellor and abdicate/resign from their position on election. A Field Marshall and Deputy Minister must also resign after his election though exceptional circumstances may dictate that he hold both offices. Only the Emperor or his representative can grant this concession. The candidates must have served the German Empire for a period of two weeks prior to election day, this clause can be waived with a letter of recommendation from the German Emperor or Imperial Chancellor. The letter of recommendation must cite exact reasons for the waiver.

If a bill that concerns a specific Ministerial department is brought through the Reichstag, unopposed in the PHoL and signed by both Chancellor and Emperor, the Minister in question is beholden to implement that bill within two weeks. Failure to do so will result in, at first, an official censure and thereafter, removal from his or her seat of power. This is to ensure that legislation, formulated by the people and for the people, is not blithely disregarded. The Minister will have opportunity to site his opposition (if it occurs) in the PHoL and it is for the Vice-Chancellor to make such amends, in accordance to that opposition, as might be deemed suitable. But once a bill is passed, said Minister is obliged to implement that bill irrespective of his concerns.

In the event that a member of the Reichstag is removed or resigns, the Reichstag is required to announce the open position for a period of 48 hours, during which citizens may publicly announce their intent to be considered. At the end of this period, the Reichstag will appoint a replacement senator with a majority vote and the approval of the German Emperor. The Reichstag must appoint a new senator within a period of no greater then five days from the resignation or removal of said named senator.

Senators must be active participants in Reichstag debates. They may go on vacation, but if this vacation exceeds two weeks they will be removed from their seat of power. Before this vacation, they must flag their absence in advance. If they fall into inactivity, the Vice-Chancellor will, at first, send them a warning. If they fail to take heed of this warning, they will removed by their fellow senators but only through a majority vote. Right of appeal lies with the Chancellor, Emperor or his representative.

The citizens of the German Empire have the full right to propose ideas which can be passed forward to the Imperial Diet and it is up to either the Vice-Chancellor or one of the Senators to judge its merit or demerits. If they finds the proposal favorable then they can bring the bill to the Reichstag and debate the matter there.

Section Two: The Prussian House of Lords and its Representatives

The Prussian House of Lords is comprised of the following: The German Emperor, Imperial Chancellor, Imperial Vice-Chancellor, Imperial Ministers, Imperial High Judge, and Imperial Regent. Membership for current Imperial Ministers, the Imperial High Judge and the Imperial Vice Chancellor is automatic. Citizens who are in good standing with the German Empire can be nominated for appointment by the Emperor and approved by a two-thirds vote of the Reichstag. There can be no more than two Imperial Citizens appointed to the House at any given time. Appointment to the Prussian House of Lords is in effect until resignation or removal.

Members of the Prussian House of Lords may be removed by the Emperor with the approval of a majority vote of the Reichstag. Removal is automatic when such member is removed from his current position. Members may at any time resign from the Prussian House of Lords, however, if said member is appointed to the House by virtue of position within the Imperial German Government, he/she then also resigns from said position.

Specific Function

  • The PHoL is to be an advisory chamber. They cannot start legislation, only consider the lower houses' initiatives. Also, they may not be able to outright veto legislation.
  • By delaying but not vetoing legislation, the upper house may nevertheless defeat legislation: by giving the lower house the opportunity to reconsider, by preventing it from having sufficient time for a bill in the legislative schedule, or simply by embarrassing the other chamber into abandoning an unpopular measure.
  • It is the role of a revising chamber to scrutinize legislation that may have been drafted over-hastily in the lower house, and to suggest amendments.
  • It is for the Vice-Chancellor to post a bill in the PHoL for a period of no less than 36 hours. If during that time no objection has been raised, then the bill passes through to the Chancellor and Emperor to sign. But the bill must be placed in the PHoL first and ministers given the opportunity to scrutinize the measure.
  • All members of the PHoL have the power of suspensive veto - they can demand the bill be returned to the Reichstag with their objections in place. This suspensive veto last for a period of one week and then the bill will be brought before the Chancellor.

The Imperial Regent

In the short-term absence of the Emperor, he may designate responsibility to the Chancellor. With his longer absence, authority transfers over to the Regent. The Regent then assumes the full authority and privileges of the Emperor until his return. When this occurs, he/she may choose whatever role suits his/her talents best. He/She is allocated a seat in perpetuity in the PHoL. Other members can ennobled by the Emperor alone.

Section Three: The Imperial Court of Justice

The Imperial Court of Justice is in charge of the duty of enforcing laws and the constitution. The Imperial Court of Justice consists of the Imperial High Judge, and two Imperial Judges. The Imperial High Judge is in charge of all matters regarding discipline unless otherwise stated herein.

Imperial Judges are appointed by the Emperor in consultation with the Imperial Chancellor, and must be approved by a majority of both the Reichstag and the Prussian House of Lords.

In order to maintain the impartiality of the Imperial Court of Justice, no judge may serve concurrently as a Minister, Reichstag Deputy, or Field Marshal, and shall be automatically excused from any vote in the Prussian House of Lords relating to the Imperial Court of Justice, including but not limited to the appointment of Imperial Judges.

Imperial Judges are appointed to serve in perpetuity but may resign with the consent of the German Emperor or may be removed from office by the German Emperor with the consent of the Imperial Chancellor and a majority of the Prussian House of Lords and the Reichstag.


Part V: The Imperial German Military

Section One: Citizens' Duty to Serve

Every German citizen is subject to military duty, and in the discharge of this duty no substitute can be accepted. The total land force of the German Empire shall form one Army, which, in war and in peace, shall be under the ultimate command of the German Emperor.

Section Two: Maintenance of the Military

The German Army shall consist of four Army Groups, each under the command of a Field Marshal. It shall be the duty and the right of the German Emperor and the Minister of War to take care that, throughout the German Army, all Imperial Divisions are to be kept full and well equipped, and that unity be established and maintained in regard to organization and formation, equipment, and command in the training of the men, as well as in the qualification of the officers. For these purpose the German Emperor shall be authorized to satisfy himself at any time of the condition of the several Imperial Divisions, and to provide remedies for existing defects. The German Emperor shall have the right to designate garrisons within the German Empire, as also to call any portion of the Army into active service.

The Imperial German Military exists to support the German Empire and the German Emperor and will act only in the best interests of the German Empire. If at any time, it appears that they are acting outside these strict guidelines, an immediate inquiry can be called by the Reichstag.

Any major actions on the part of the military will be taken with the consent of the German Emperor. The Minister of War is owed no personal loyalty, save as head of the military chain of command. Neither he, nor his officers are allowed to coerce, threaten or demand anything of the general membership unless the German Empire itself is under threat.

Section Three: Command Structure of the Military

All German troops are bound implicitly to obey the orders of the German Emperor. This obligation shall be included in the Oath of Allegiance. The German Emperor has the right to appoint officers, however it is the prerogative of the Minister of War to assign military positions as he deems fit based on his observation of the individual officers’ competence, activity and devotion to duty. At any time, members of the military are subject to replacement at the request of the German Emperor.

If the Minister of War is absent, the Deputy Minister of War shall take over such duties as assigned, but if the Deputy Minister of War acts outside the terms of his post, the Reichstag shall intervene and approach the standing Minister of War for clarification. The Reichstag has the power to veto any action of the Deputy Minister of War. If the Deputy Minister of War is also absent, the Minister of War may give a chosen officer or Field Marshall his duties. The selected official will fulfill these duties until such a time as the return of the Minister of War or his Deputy.

The Minister of War can be asked to stand down if more than five standing or reserve officers petition for his removal. Upon such petition, the Minister of War will be required to submit his resignation to the German Emperor and await his decision.

Section Four: Court Martial of the German Empire

The Court Martial of the German Empire shall comprise all current Field Marshals and shall be presided over by the Minister of War, who will be the final arbiter of this body. This Court shall be responsible for discipline for insubordination, absence without leave, refusal to fight, unauthorized tech raids, or any infraction of military rules or orders. The Court Martial will have the discretionary power to issue and order any sentence it deems appropriate, including suspension from the military and suspension from aid and trades or a sentence of "Ghost" status. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any sentence of Zero Infrastructure issued by the Court Martial, will carry an automatic right of appeal to the High Court of the German Empire, which may confirm or vacate such sentence of the Imperial Court Martial. In such a case, the decision of the High Court will be final. Any sentence of the Court Martial that would result in attacks against an citizen of the German Empire must be approved by both the German Emperor and a majority of the Reichstag.

Section Five: Nuclear First Strike Policy

The German Empire does not allow nuclear first strikes on an Alliance without the consent of both Emperor and Chancellor. Should the German Empire become engaged in a non-conventional war, the German Emperor and Chancellor (or appointee in either position) must come to an unanimous decision to authorize the use of nuclear weapons at any time. Written consent must cite specific reasons for defensive response. The German Empire will consider all nuclear nations of the affiliated alliance as imminent threats.

Section Six: Declarations of War

Only the Reichstag can authorize alliance-wide war or attacks against alliances of any size. A majority vote accompanied by approval of the German Emperor, the Imperial Chancellor, the Prussian House of Lords and the Minister of War is necessary for the declaration of war. The Minister of War may submit a request for declaration of war by written proposal, such proposal citing a specific casus belli. The Declaration of War will be effective upon public announcement by the German Emperor, which announcement must cite a specific casus belli.

Individual wars are to be approved by the Minister of War, or in his absence, the Deputy Minister of War, the German Emperor or the Imperial Chancellor. Written approval for any individual war is necessary; Any member state of the German Empire engaging in acts of war absent written approval will be considered a rogue and will face punitive actions. In the case of individual war it is not necessary to cite a specific casus belli.

Section Seven: Zero Infrastructure

The German Empire reserves the right to use Zero Infrastructure as a judicial penalty, civil or military, and during time of war against enemy nations. The foregoing includes simple Zero Infrastructure, i.e,. a single occurrence of Zero Infrastructure, or as a judicial penalty only, Permanent Zero Infrastructure ("PZI"), which can recur as long as an individual has a specific nation. The German Empire hereby renounces the practice of Eternal Zero Infrastructure (“EZI”).


Part VI: Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments of the Constitution shall be made by the Reichstag if there is a two-thirds vote in favor thereof, as well as Approval of the German Emperor and a simple majority of the Prussian House of Lords.

Signed by,

His Imperial and Royal Majesty, the German Emperor, and King of Prussia, Frederick II

Her Excellency, the Imperial Regent, Karla

His Excellency, the Imperial Chancellor, President Chris

Ratified and approved by the Imperial German Reichstag

Edited by President Chris
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His Excellency, the Imperial Chancellor, President Chris

You have just made my day, good sir.

I could've sworn I stabbed the House of Lords with a rusty knife when I was still in the Senate. Hmm... Necromancy ftl.

Edit: Becuase I saw something else I wanted to say. And because I fail at typing.

Edited by Lord Cyvole
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At close to 5000 words, I guess this must be some kind of record... we certainly are fastidious when it comes down to our Constitution... anyhow yay us and thanks for the congratulations, very heart-warming.

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Well, at least you've given people some insight into why TGE has been bleeding members recently.

[OOC]Any application process that includes or excludes someone based on who they are or what they believe has no place in the Cyberverse. Never mind that it's completely unenforceable, unless you intend to spy on your own members' private lives.

Oh wait, I forgot. You do that already, right?

This is the same alliance that accused a former high-ranking (and Jewish) member of being a Nordreich 'plant' because he *gasp* had a NoR member as a friend on Facebook. (I have a former NPO Emperor as a friend on Facebook. Am I an NPO plant or is said individual spying for Nordreich? I forget.)

It should be fairly obvious how this is going to be used. You'll expel members you simply don't like, and throw in a personal attack while they're on their way out the door, almost guaranteeing that they'll be run from the game.[/OOC]

Congratulations on turning the clock back.


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Well, at least you've given people some insight into why TGE has been bleeding members recently.

[OOC]Any application process that includes or excludes someone based on who they are or what they believe has no place in the Cyberverse. Never mind that it's completely unenforceable, unless you intend to spy on your own members' private lives.

Oh wait, I forgot. You do that already, right?

This is the same alliance that accused a former high-ranking (and Jewish) member of being a Nordreich 'plant' because he *gasp* had a NoR member as a friend on Facebook. (I have a former NPO Emperor as a friend on Facebook. Am I an NPO plant or is said individual spying for Nordreich? I forget.)

It should be fairly obvious how this is going to be used. You'll expel members you simply don't like, and throw in a personal attack while they're on their way out the door, almost guaranteeing that they'll be run from the game.[/OOC]

Congratulations on turning the clock back.


I'm glad they don't want bigots in their alliance. TGE has always been that way, so to say they're "turning the clock back" is pretty ignorant.

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I'm glad they don't want bigots in their alliance. TGE has always been that way, so to say they're "turning the clock back" is pretty ignorant.

As I said, it is completely unenforceable unless one intends to spy on one's own membership.

Also, I do not think the word 'ignorant' means what you would like it to mean.

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Well, at least you've given people some insight into why TGE has been bleeding members recently.

After the recent schism, where a number of Government officials (and high ranking NS nations left) we were down to about 90 members and 1.3 million NS it's true, but in recent weeks, we have been assiduously attempting to turn that around and have reached three figure membership again and an increase of some 500,000 NS. It's a start and reflects the tireless work that our members have been putting into TGE. It's not something we are shouting about from the rooftops - there's work done but much more to do - but still, for a niche alliance that isn't half bad.

[OOC]Any application process that includes or excludes someone based on who they are or what they believe has no place in the Cyberverse. Never mind that it's completely unenforceable, unless you intend to spy on your own members' private lives.

This has been on our books, more or less, since our inception. As a German themed alliance, sadly, we had some bad experiences in the past and this simply gets matters out in the open. It is not meant to act as a pervasive just cause for spying on people's RL activities, merely an acknowledgment of where we stand.

This is the same alliance that accused a former high-ranking (and Jewish) member of being a Nordreich 'plant' because he *gasp* had a NoR member as a friend on Facebook. (I have a former NPO Emperor as a friend on Facebook. Am I an NPO plant or is said individual spying for Nordreich? I forget.)[/OOC]

I heard about this and the former high-ranking official you speak of brought it to my attention. I have always regarded that official as a friend. It's regrettable but I only heard it from said official so its not something that I've seen paraded around. If you forward some screenshots of a TGE member making that accusation (to my private mail) then it would be appreciated. There are any God's amount of rumors and nonsense floating around this place and I never have paid much heed to any of it - you will agree it's a waste of time and such things gain currency only by exposure.

Congratulations on turning the clock back.


For our size, we've had a somewhat tumultuous history but it's still a game and our interest now lie in rebuilding, reforming and re-adjusting. We are not what you might call an openly aggressive alliance and our members don't make a habit of being discourteous on the forums here. True, what goes on in IRC is another matter but from what I can see, we are getting on with things. True, tensions sometimes run high (as in any other alliance) but we have our own concerns and things are going well enough at the moment. Such is where our attention lies, not I might add, in turning back a well worn clock.

Your opinions are as valid as the next man's and I hope I have addressed some of them.

Edited by Reinhard Scheer
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As I said, it is completely unenforceable unless one intends to spy on one's own membership.

Also, I do not think the word 'ignorant' means what you would like it to mean.

Nah, you're acting as if this is the first time TGE has instated such a policy so it does make it look like you're ignorant in regards to TGE's history. As far as I can remember, which is as far back as October of 2007, TGE has always made it abundantly clear that bigotry will not be tolerated in their Alliance, and they have every right to do so. It's also not hard to enforce - Someone says something that's bigoted, they get removed/punished/both. If someone were to enroll themselves in a known bigoted off-site organization and attempt to recruit TGE members to whatever cause and get caught/turned in, they can be removed/punished/both.

It's always been that way. A great example of that would be King Tower, Warlord Of Germania and Killer Tomato.

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We are not what you might call an aggressive alliance....

Really? Shortly after Nordreich's Reformation, your Kaiser sought me out to try to tell me who could and could not belong to NoR. The threats weren't even thinly-veiled.

Nice try.

Ask your Kaiser for the proof of the 'rumors' of the supposed NoR plant, since he was the one spreading them.

Edited by kingzog
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Really? Shortly after Nordreich's Reformation, your Kaiser sought me out to try to tell me who could and could not belong to NoR. The threats weren't even thinly-veiled.

Nice try.

Ask your Kaiser for the proof of the 'rumors' of the support NoR plant, since he was the one spreading them.

And this has nothing to do with the past uber-aggressive actions of Nordreich?

The nation of Sileath recognizes the one true German-themed alliance.

o/ TGE

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If someone were to enroll themselves in a known bigoted off-site organization and attempt to recruit TGE members to whatever cause and get caught/turned in, they can be removed/punished/both.

And how would anyone 'get caught' unless one made it a general policy to snoop into members' private lives?

That is the step backwards, and one which you apparently support. Good for you. [OOC]I happen not to care one whit about what people do or believe outside of CN.[/OOC]

And this has nothing to do with the past uber-aggressive actions of Nordreich?

Absolutely irrelevant, but Kudos, Sileath, for once again showing your stellar comprehension levels. I was correcting a mis-statement. Do try to keep up.

EDIT: Almost forgot, I actually made a statement on June 28 that applies quite well to you right now.

Edited by kingzog
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After discussing this matter with other Moderators, I am moving this thread to the Open World RP because of the out-of-character nature of at least part of this announcement and the subsequent discussion about it.

The only other option is to warn half the people posting in this thread, which would not be fair since they are discussing something from the announcement.

This has been on our books, more or less, since our inception. As a German themed alliance, sadly, we had some bad experiences in the past and this simply gets matters out in the open. It is not meant to act as a pervasive just cause for spying on people's RL activities, merely an acknowledgment of where we stand. Those who espouse such beliefs will not be tolerated, either here on the OWF or on the TGE forums. A similar clause is included in the CN game rules and we have simply attempted to mirror such a clause.

You seem to be referring to this rule:

"You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law."

I want to make this very clear. It is not your job to interpret the rules. Consider this a verbal warning to you and to everyone in the thread regarding the discussion of moderation issues.

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And how would anyone 'get caught' unless one made it a general policy to snoop into members' private lives?

That is the step backwards, and one which you apparently support. Good for you. [OOC]I happen not to care one whit about what people do or believe outside of CN.[/OOC]

Absolutely irrelevant, but Kudos, Sileath, for once again showing your stellar comprehension levels. I was correcting a mis-statement. Do try to keep up.

Sure they could get caught through their own stupidity or turned in from one of the individuals they tried to recruit to their bigotry. i.e. King Tower, Warlord of Germania and Killer Tomato. They turned on each other in a public thread on TGE's old forums, which just goes to show TGE won't have to go through elaborate lengths to catch anyone who is breaking an agreement they made when joined the alliance because bigots are stupid to begin with. Why is that such a problem for you? Soft spot in your heart for those kind of people or have you just decided TGE is NoR's mortal enemy? I am having trouble understanding why their policies enrage you so much. :huh:

If TGE doesn't want those kind of people in there, who are you to criticize them for it?

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