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A Joint Announcement

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So a while ago, the MCXA and GATO started talking, and we realized that we had a lot in common. Similar FA goals, sure, Ministers of Foreign Affairs with more than one capital letter in their name, definately, and, of course, an undying love of DasGirl. Because let's face it, she's the best. The end result is that we have decided to sign this treaty that shows our new friendship, and show the world that loving the same CN player does not always end in murder. But MrDamsky should probably have someone check his coffee now and then. Just in case.

Without further ado, I present to you the following treaty:


The Multi-Colored Cross-Atlantic Treaty Organization Accords


MCXA and the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, in this treaty, solidify and announce their friendship, and enter into this Treaty of Peace, Intelligence, Aid, and Optional Defense.

Article 1: Non-Aggression

Both parties agree to enter into a state of non aggression with one another for the entire duration of these accords and agree to never conspire or commit acts of espionage against one another. Both parties agree to never give any form of aid or assistance to an alliance or individual that a signatory of this treaty is militarily engaged with.

Article 2: Sovereignty

Both parties shall remain independent entities after the signing of this treaty, and agree to not interfere in each other's affairs.

Article 3: Respect

Both alliances agree to remain cordial in public and private, and to avoid malicious behavior in public. Both agree to settle any disputes in private, in a calm and dignified manner.

Article 4: Intelligence

Both parties agree to share any and all information pertaining to the safety and stability of one another. Any information passed shall be kept confidential and not shared with any third parties unless explicit permission is given in order to do so.

Article 5: Aid & Optional Defense

Should either signatory of this treaty come under attack or find itself in need of diplomatic, financial, or monetary aid, any request for assistance must be reasonable and be backed by a valid reason to why they have chosen to request assistance. Although highly encouraged to grant the request, neither party has an obligation to fulfill this request and this decision shall be respected and supported by the other signatory, regardless.

Article 6: Cancellation

This treaty may be cancelled at any time by either signatory. The cancelling party must give the other signatory a private 72 hour notice of their intent to cancel these accords. These accords shall remain in effect until this time period passes, at which point, it shall be declared officially null and void.

Signed on behalf of MCXA

Dr. Fresh, Chancellor

Gopherbashi, Chancellor

KingEd, Chancellor

MrDamsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Bobo_the_monkey, Minister of the Interior

Bryn1030, Minister of Finance

Draggie, Minister of Defense

NeuralLink, High Councillor

TIinPA, High Councillor

Signed on behalf of Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

Laserwolf, Assembly Chairman

MTTezla, Minister of Foreign Affairs

20th Congress of the Global Alliance


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I'm guessing "A Joint Announcement from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization and the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance" couldn't fit in the title. :P

Those were exactly my thoughts!!! I even said it in the IAA-GATO announcement!

Edited by James Wilson
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I like this treaty if only because it shows the rebuilding of two alliance's foreign affairs. GATO, of course, had plenty of bad FA over the last few years and MCXA more recently wound up on the wrong side of some things. Good luck to both of you as you move ahead into our new world. :)

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