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A call for European nations to act.


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*Private message to the Italian Republic*

We will continue with all agreements that currently have been agreed to, though getting the money from Bavaria to Italy may be somewhat harder due to the blockade by Croatia. ((Using CNRP-borders)).

Business is business, and money is almost as delicious as beer.


OOC: Loltechtrade

Edited by Lynneth
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Regardless of your ignorance of mutual Scottish and Italian business ventures we will be sanctioning such ventures and preventing such trades from taking place. We encourage nations around the world to sanction the Italian Republic until she learns to change her ways.

Minister of Corporate Economy and Trade, Angelo Tarchi, decided to public the current status of trade agreements signed by the Italian Republic. As you can see there are no active trade agreements with Scotland.


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ooc: With all due respect, it is not a boycott, it is a blockade. A blockade in RP would remove any of your ability to receive those goods in the rp even though you have them IG. If they are boycotting you, then you may laugh at them. Otherwise, you have a problem.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The Molakian Senate has agreed that the Italian Republic is a state that has abused its people and their trust. Molakia will stand behind Republic of Euzkadi in any action they take. We also will ready 30,000 Troops to move into Northern Italy should the need arise.

The Kingdom of Molakia strongly suggest this General step down and let true Democracy reign.

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ooc: With all due respect, it is not a boycott, it is a blockade. A blockade in RP would remove any of your ability to receive those goods in the rp even though you have them IG. If they are boycotting you, then you may laugh at them. Otherwise, you have a problem.

OOC: I roleplay what i have ingame. If you can find a way to cancel those trade agreements, i will gladly roleplay the lack of resources.. Otherwise.. you have a problem..

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Minister of Corporate Economy and Trade, Angelo Tarchi, decided to public the current status of trade agreements signed by the Italian Republic. As you can see there are no active trade agreements with Scotland.


With a government laying it's trust in a game 10 year olds in Greater Croatia play we are not sure how it can even be in position.

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OOC: I roleplay what i have ingame. If you can find a way to cancel those trade agreements, i will gladly roleplay the lack of resources.. Otherwise.. you have a problem..

OOC: Actually that goes against the cnrp guidelines due to the simple reason if there wasn't such a thing as strength ranges you would have already received the nice war declared message

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OOC: Actually that goes against the cnrp guidelines due to the simple reason if there wasn't such a thing as strength ranges you would have already received the nice war declared message

OOC: Guidelines. They're exactly that. Botha and Borghese just interpret them differently. :V

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While the Roman Empire fully agrees to a naval blockade of the Fascist scum, we'd like to ask that foreign nations keep their military and equipment off the Italian Peninsula. If Military action is to be taken, the Roman Empire will gladly crush the scum once more, this time forever. We showed mercy once, but we will not be so kind in the future.

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OOC: I don't have an In game trade with you, but we can always RP me sending stuff. :P


The Republic of Finland will continue to trade with Northern Italy. Attempting to stop our ships will be an act of war.

The blockade will remain in force should your ships continue to break the blockade your merchant vessels will be subject to being boarded unless the Croatian high command decides otherwise.

Although we support the blockade, we oppose a full-scale blockade. You could add least allow ships with food, medical supplies, and basic necessities to pass through.

I can see merit in this plan but in the interests of halting clandestine support for the Borghese regime i would urge all such shipments to pass via Croatia in order to allow monitoring of any such shipments.

While the Roman Empire fully agrees to a naval blockade of the Fascist scum, we'd like to ask that foreign nations keep their military and equipment off the Italian Peninsula. If Military action is to be taken, the Roman Empire will gladly crush the scum once more, this time forever. We showed mercy once, but we will not be so kind in the future.

If the roman Empire is willing to commit ground forces if needed we are happy with such an arrangement.

France will close her border with Italy to all traffic in either direction, for any reason.

We commend our northern neighbours for their solidarity with the mission to isolate the Borghese regime.

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"And boarding these vessels will be an act of war against a fellow CEU nation!" -PM Gustafsson.

OOC: Good point! :D

IC: The we request the CEU to hammer out some sort of compromise that will be acceptable to all.

Edited by Cataduanes
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The tension in Milan's Piazza Duomo square was palpable. Dozens of security forces lined the streets, as people gatherered to discuss the latest news from the blockade.

Around eleven o clock, hundreds of men and boys streamed into the square, chanting what could only be politely described as anti-European slogans. Predictably, banners in support of Borghese were unfurled and the loud street protests began.

Some of the rawest emotions were on display. Protesters soon turned their anger toward flags and pictures of foreign leaders. For many of these demonstrators, Europe represents a foreing authority, who the protesters believe are going to enslave Italy and transform it into a puppet state. They were chanting " The foreigner shall not pass!" citing an old patriotic song.

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Seeing as it still seems unclear, ships after being checked carrying basic supplies such as food, water or medicine will be allowed to pass. However all other shipments including but not limited to weapons, electronics, luxury items, etc. will not be allowed to pass until our demands are met.

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Seeing as it still seems unclear, ships after being checked carrying basic supplies such as food, water or medicine will be allowed to pass. However all other shipments including but not limited to weapons, electronics, luxury items, etc. will not be allowed to pass until our demands are met.

You will hardly find any ship with those loads, we produce them ourself.

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The NoN condemns the illegal actions of some governments that love imposing their will on a sovereign and fully capable regimes. One sees how certain leaders feel they can act in this world now, and that does not bode well for peace.


The NoN does not accept, nor recognize this blockade attempt, and extends its support and solidarity to the Italian people and their regime.

Edited by Executive Minister
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To those nations who have been critical i say this, what do you propose be done? given that inaction is not an option on our part? the Borghese regime has shown no inclination to recognize our doubts regarding the manner in which its government treats its citizens, if he has the unequivocal support of the Northern Italian (OOC: Bolded for Bio :P) then why the use of disproportionate force?

To turn our backs on a brutal dictatorship on our very doorstep is simply not an option, to turn a blind eye to such wanton disregard for unarmed civilians is something the people of Euzkadi cannot and will not tolerate.

Edited by Cataduanes
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