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Re: MHA Threats

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RV: Look at MEEEEEE.

MHA: Someone in MHA unaware of the situation saw a war declared on our alliance. Coming to us would have cleared this up in 5 seconds

RV: This needed to come to the OWF because me and Sileath are so RELEVANT!!!!

I tried really hard not to open this thread, but I couldn't resist the temptation. Every single time I regret it, but every single time I do it. You and Sileath's threads are like reading a trash fantasy novel, RV. It's total crap, but it just sucks you in. Every time.

o7 to the next totally necessary thread

This is also awesome!

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RV, please stop this. If you had any intention of being serious about this matter, you would've talked to an MHA leader in private.

To everyone else, stop feeding him.

So because I do not limit myself through the whole "private channels" nonsense my moves are no somehow illegitimate? Care to explain to me why this is?

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So because I do not limit myself through the whole "private channels" nonsense my moves are no somehow illegitimate? Care to explain to me why this is?

I took a !@#$ when I woke up this morning. Should I, from now on, make an announcement about the regularity of my bowel movements on a daily basis?

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I took a !@#$ when I woke up this morning. Should I, from now on, make an announcement about the regularity of my bowel movements on a daily basis?

If you would please PM me this once a day, just an update, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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I took a !@#$ when I woke up this morning. Should I, from now on, make an announcement about the regularity of my bowel movements on a daily basis?

E tu, Hizzy? Calling this "insignificant," "irrelevant," and "unnecessary" all because what we have here is a small alliance, and individual, daring to go against the accepted norms and traditional ways of doing things. Norms and traditions forced upon the rest of the world by the NPO. Well, if you all wish to continue living out their legacy, have fun. Do not count on me joining you though. I will fight the culture of private channels with my dying breath. If you don't like it, do something about it.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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And what's this you say about "private channels?" Why do I have to use them. Quite frankly I prefer open diplomacy, as the world could use more honest dialogue.

But wait, I forgot, you're still voluntarily living under the NPO's rules. You wouldn't dare even contemplate going outside "private channels" because then, God forbid, you might be doing something differently. Oh the humanity!

Different doesnt have to be completely opposite. And it's really just basic diplomacy and common sense RV. And it has nothing to do with whether or not your AA number 1 or 1000. If you were actually trying to solve the ostensible problem, you probably would have first jumped on irc and got a .gov member to tell this guy to stand down within minutes. But even without irc, you would have written the guy back pointing out that you were already told that MHA would not protect Sileath, and advise him to check with his superiors. You would have CC:d WCR, Shamshir, and Crushtania, who are the current triumvir of the MHA, which I found out with google in under 10 seconds. And there would have been no more problem. Instead you post it here with a lot of insinuation and "threatening or incompetent, which is it?" junk thrown in to try to make some drama. 

Look I appreciate the effort but find some better material. ^_^

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Different doesnt have to be completely opposite. And it's really just basic diplomacy and common sense RV. And it has nothing to do with whether or not your AA number 1 or 1000. If you were actually trying to solve the ostensible problem, you probably would have first jumped on irc and got a .gov member to tell this guy to stand down within minutes. But even without irc, you would have written the guy back pointing out that you were already told that MHA would not protect Sileath, and advise him to check with his superiors. You would have CC:d WCR, Shamshir, and Crushtania, who are the current triumvir of the MHA, which I found out with google in under 10 seconds. And there would have been no more problem. Instead you post it here with a lot of insinuation and "threatening or incompetent, which is it?" junk thrown in to try to make some drama. 

Look I appreciate the effort but find some better material. ^_^

Maybe he wants to try out a different way to be diplomatic, one that's open and transparent, perhaps?

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Pardon me, but when did I become MHA's keeper? I don't seem to recall that ever happening, so pray tell me, why should I be looking out for their interests when I have my own alliance to take care of?

My mistake, I misread what you wrote :(.

Also, I do wonder...how can you be an alliance? You have one member and I'm pretty sure an alliance is 2 or more...

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And even you, Hizzy, are calling this "insignificant," "irrelevant," and "unnecessary" all because what we have here is a small alliance, and individual, daring to go against the accepted norms and traditional ways of doing things. Norms and traditions forced upon the rest of the world by the NPO. Well, if you all wish to continue living out their legacy, have fun. Do not count on me joining you though. I will fight the culture of private channels with my dying breath. If you don't like it, do something about it.

If you're going to use quotes, you're implying that I actually used those words. Since I have not, I will be looking forward to an official apology from the League at this gross misrepresentation of my comments.

Furthermore, I resent your implication that my bowel movements are unnecessary. I assure you as a man of medicine that they are indeed VERY necessary, and quite satisfying.

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Maybe he wants to try out a different way to be diplomatic, one that's open and transparent, perhaps?

Except some parties out there are simply incapable of living with something that is the least bit different than what they're used to. It scares them.

My mistake, I misread what you wrote :(.

Also, I do wonder...how can you be an alliance? You have one member and I'm pretty sure an alliance is 2 or more...

The vast majority of League members do not fly the FAIL flag. It is therefore impossible for outsiders to know our true number.

If you're going to use quotes, you're implying that I actually used those words. Since I have not, I will be looking forward to an official apology from the League at this gross misrepresentation of my comments.

Furthermore, I resent your implication that my bowel movements are unnecessary. I assure you as a man of medicine that they are indeed VERY necessary, and quite satisfying.

First, I apologize for nothing. Secondly, if you feel they are that important then feel free to announce them. Nothing is stopping you.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Except some parties out there are simply incapable of living with something that is the least bit different than what they're used to. It scares them.

The vast majority of League members do not fly the FAIL flag. It is therefore impossible for outsiders to know our true number.

And why is that? I would expect a member of my alliance to fly the AA.

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First, I apologize for nothing. Secondly, if you feel they are that important then feel free to announce them. Nothing is stopping you.

I see. So you refuse to apologize for your errors, yet you insist on demanding apologies and publicizing others' errors at the same time.

You sir, are the very hypocrisy which the Hegemony thrived on, and your persistence that other people are living NPO's legacy is naught but a distraction to your own continuation of this legacy. But you can't fool me, RV. I'm onto you.

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As explained by Floatsam, it was a simple mistake on behalf of the Commander, who was perhaps just eager to defend our AA. It happens, we've never claimed that all of our 700 members are infallable. I do hope we can look forward to another thread like this next time it happens as well, it adds some excitement to an otherwise mundane and simple mistake.

You know, it really doesn't matter what RV's intentions are with this thread. In fact I would say it actually has not a whole lot to do with Sileath and has more to do with portraying you guys in a certain bad light.

Guess what? It is working, because each time you leaders of very large alliances come here and try to tell people what to post and what not to, you portray yourselves as Controllers. Guess who the last Controllers were?

If you dont like his threads don't respond, but good lord coming in to insult him and his way of doing things as "not proper" certainly is not a wise thing to do in this day and age.

You folks dont even know when you are being baited do you?

With all due respect, I don't think this is an accurate portrayal of our response. We have have not insulted RV or made demands of him, and a government member explained the situation clearly and simply as soon as we became aware of the thread. We did not rise to RV's bait, nor did we in his last thread about us.

And the comment about coming to see us on IRC is not an attempt to control him, merely so that he could get a quick and direct answer. But as you've pointed out, this thread is merely to bait us and that's the real reason he didn't come onto IRC and settle this like gentlemen.

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E tu, Hizzy? Calling this "insignificant," "irrelevant," and "unnecessary" all because what we have here is a small alliance, and individual, daring to go against the accepted norms and traditional ways of doing things. Norms and traditions forced upon the rest of the world by the NPO. Well, if you all wish to continue living out their legacy, have fun. Do not count on me joining you though. I will fight the culture of private channels with my dying breath. If you don't like it, do something about it.

The practice of using private channels to resolve problems is our doing alone? Cool.

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With all due respect, I don't think this is an accurate portrayal of our response. We have have not insulted RV or made demands of him, and a government member explained the situation clearly and simply as soon as we became aware of the thread. We did not rise to RV's bait, nor did we in his last thread about us.

And the comment about coming to see us on IRC is not an attempt to control him, merely so that he could get a quick and direct answer. But as you've pointed out, this thread is merely to bait us and that's the real reason he didn't come onto IRC and settle this like gentlemen.

Well, after looking back over the comments actually it doesn't appear that MHA was even one of the alliances represented in those early comments which is rather strange isn't it?

Well, its all kind of gone downhill since my last words on the subject so I don't have much else to say but yeah you are right.

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I really, really don't understand why people keep trying to argue RV into doing things the "correct" or "proper" way. He's going to keep calling out hypocrisy as he sees it until something changes or people start ignoring him (although I'm not sure on that last one). For heaven's sakes, do you all like beating your heads against a wall that much? If so, by all means, continue destroying what little brain cells are left on OWF.

Also, I quite enjoy RV's shenanigans. As he said, it's much more interesting than the gazillionth DoE or treaty/milestone announcement. Heck, it's even more interesting than DoWs. Carry on, good sir.

Edited for emoticon fail. Also to mention that I, too, realize that I am beating my head against a wall here, but sometimes the pain is good.

Edited by ayrrie
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It is a sign of how weak this game is that someone who is clearly such a attention-mongering, alliance-baiting fool isn't being driven to ZI and kept there with some war declaration like "You Wanted Attention?" If some alliance is dumb enough to protect him, they should go down with him.

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It is a sign of how weak this game is that someone who is clearly such a attention-mongering, alliance-baiting fool isn't being driven to ZI and kept there with some war declaration like "You Wanted Attention?" If some alliance is dumb enough to protect him, they should go down with him.

So, now I deserve PZI for voicing my opinions? Opinions that happen to differ from those held by the current powers that be. Now, normally I would call out hypocrisy here considering that the Karma War was supposedly meant to end such practices, however, then I took a good look at you and noticed that you were Sparta. Why, I mean, you were allied to the NPO for so long, so surely you cannot have any qualms with what you are proposing. But yes, where are my manners? I do believe now is where I grovel at your feet and beg forgiveness for my trespasses. So, can you find it your heart?

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