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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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OOC: Hopefully people bump into that person they've been sharing a dwelling with for the past three months and reintroduce themselves to their significant other/spouse/family member. Perhaps they'll even get in bed at a sane hour or sleep until a sane hour again.

OOC: and maybe SLEEP BESIDE THEIR WIVES hahahaha

But seriously though, once you have people kicked out of your alliance, only then will you know what truly harsh terms are. Cash is a joke.

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OOC: and maybe SLEEP BESIDE THEIR WIVES hahahaha

But seriously though, once you have people kicked out of your alliance, only then will you know what truly harsh terms are. Cash is a joke.

id consider viceroy to be the worst we paid like 1.2 bill had a viceroy and people kicked out can i haz cookie :D

and yes no more staying up till 1:30 and waking up and 6 AM :P

Edited by Sylar
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OOC: and maybe SLEEP BESIDE THEIR WIVES hahahaha

But seriously though, once you have people kicked out of your alliance, only then will you know what truly harsh terms are. Cash is a joke.

Oh god. I love myself for making that sig.

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Indeed, it will be nice to get back on a decent sleep schedule. The all-nighters I pulled around the start of the war were not fun.

A few remarks, if anyone cares for my opinion (doubtful, but I'm going to give it anyways!)

The terms were soft in a couple aspects and harsh in a couple others, so I think in the end it all works out. Good job to Moo for getting his alliance peace. I hope that this ends the whole cycle of things, and NPO members should be aware: Karma didn't start this, Pacifica's past actions necessitated this war. Now it's all come around and hopefully we can drop things rather than re-inventing history and considering this an unjustified offensive thus making retaliation justified. I don't want to see a repeat of post-GW1 when NPO started taking out all those they felt had wronged them. Please, NPO, accept what has happened, adapt to the community, and don't try to enact revenge. Nobody here wants to see that.

Good luck on paying the reps, and thank god, peace at last.

Edit: p.s. if you want to know how this war really started from the SF/Karma side, I'd recommend asking Delta for a link to his amazing timeline that explains pretty much everything.

Edited by Penkala
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And Karma thinks in six months (or maybe later) you'll be going after them and destroy them.

Imho, the best thing the two sides (you definitely more so, as you as the loser are kinda in the bad position) can spend the next months with is working on this trust issue.

It would be ironic that instead of Karma waiting for you to take revenge, and you waiting for Karma to restart the war at an opportune moment, nothing happens.

That all of us can just go on with our lives.

I know; I am an optimist :P

I'm sorry but if Karma believes that as soon as the terms are up

we'll will attack them and destroy them that their own fear playing games on them.

Their is a higher chance ( not saying you will) that Karma might find a way to declare war on us again.

Because really we want to fight 18 alliances again right after we gave them all this money and tech.

I hope everyone keeps their word.

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I'm sorry but if Karma believes that as soon as the terms are up

we'll will attack them and destroy them that their own fear playing games on them.

Their is a higher chance ( not saying you will) that Karma might find a way to declare war on us again.

Because really we want to fight 18 alliances again right after we gave them all this money and tech.

I hope everyone keeps their word.

Karma won't do that.

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id consider viceroy to be the worst we paid like 1.2 bill had a viceroy and people kicked out can i haz cookie :D

and yes no more staying up till 1:30 and waking up and 6 AM :P

you sustained all those terms and then you joined the NPO side for good, got multiple treaties, i believe fought with them in this war unless if my memory completely fails me, and recently chose NPO over your oldest allies.

excellent job guys.

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you sustained all those terms and then you joined the NPO side for good, got multiple treaties, i believe fought with them in this war unless if my memory completely fails me, and recently chose NPO over your oldest allies.

excellent job guys.

OOC: You should look up Stockholm Syndrome :)

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you sustained all those terms and then you joined the NPO side for good, got multiple treaties, i believe fought with them in this war unless if my memory completely fails me, and recently chose NPO over your oldest allies.

excellent job guys.

The Brainwashing powers of Pacifica strikes again!

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OOC: You should look up Stockholm Syndrome :)

some people say that GATO has been similarly affected, but since i returned here i have to say that its just foreign perceptions :)

but yes, viceroys change alliances quite a bit. in effect they disband said alliances and impostors with the same name and a portion of the old membership take their place. a whole different level of pain and resolve develops.

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Peace at last! Now to rebuilding.

Thanks to all those that tossed some nukes my way, I have mutant people and 4 legged chickens now. Now if only people will realise that we just fought a war to pay for our past, and allow us to try and prove ourselves in the future.


Four-legged chickens just means more food for the mutants.

Long overdue peace.


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you sustained all those terms and then you joined the NPO side for good, got multiple treaties, i believe fought with them in this war unless if my memory completely fails me, and recently chose NPO over your oldest allies.

excellent job guys.

Well if our oldest allies jumped in to help when that happened things may have played out differently, yes we fought for them but we all saw what happened when people didn't who had treaties with them.

The Brainwashing powers of Pacifica strikes again!

if thats supposed to be some sort of jab Considering you have no treaties 30 Nukes and pretty much no military as for the next 6 months id tread lightly. ;)

and again thank gods for allowing GRL to be below 5 :P for the first time for ever.

Edit:dieing wireless keyboard so spelling is messed up D:

Edited by Sylar
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I am surprised no Sith are here parading the mantra that "Peace is a lie"

"Obi-Wan Kenobi: I must admit that without Karma, it would not have been victory.

Master Yoda: Victory? Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. Begun the Karma War has!"

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Well if our oldest allies jumped in to help when that happened things may have played out differently, yes we fought for them but we all saw what happened when people didn't who had treaties with them.

if thats supposed to be some sort of jab Considering you have no treaties 30 Nukes and pretty much no military as for the next 6 months id tread lightly. ;)

and again thank gods for allowing GRL to be below 5 :P for the first time for ever.

Edit:dieing wireless keyboard so spelling is messed up D:

It was a joke, not a jab... -_-

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