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Athens rides to WAR

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I'm not going to say much other than it was a difficult situation and tough for all involved. I'm just glad a diplomatic resolution was resolved.

So for a week this alliance is cannon fodder for the vast military of the glorious nation of Sileath. Glad that's considered a diplomatic resolution to you :awesome:

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So for a week this alliance is cannon fodder for the vast military of the glorious nation of Sileath. Glad that's considered a diplomatic resolution to you :awesome:

why have you changed AA 3 times since declaring a tek raid? Just wondering what your vast military is doing going from MHA to FAN to TDO? Good luck I guess.

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why have you changed AA 3 times since declaring a tek raid? Just wondering what your vast military is doing going from MHA to FAN to TDO? Good luck I guess.

I know, I'm a terrible person.. you should get your protector to do something about it - oh wait, nevermind :awesome:

Too soon?

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It's not civilized for any alliance to do as you suggest, and it SHOULD be civilized here. One should be careful with their words both in how they take them, and in how they give them. These threads shouldn't have anything to do with drama or 'explosives'. Displaying that one is dissatisfied with a thread because it lacks "explosives" is simply uncalled for.

Thank you for agreeing with me and acknowledging my words as truth, however, I'm afraid you cannot justify Athens actions here. The simple truth is that they were greedy for more members, having lost sight about who they really are. Having numbers being an alliance's number one priority simply will not work, and neither will their degree that "DE members won't be allowed to tell their friends that they won't be joining Athens because then they might not join." Really, how in the world could they possibly have thought that would fly with the rest of us?

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Wait, don't tell me: TOOL suspended the treaty on the condition that you let Menotah go. Amirite?


How did this line of reasoning even make sense to you?

Your rationale was that TOOL suspended their protectorate so Athens could roll them on the condition that Athens not roll them? Wouldn't the easier course of action be to just not suspend the protectorate? Or did you not believe your own line of the protectorate stopping Athens?

Jesus, man...

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Interesting how someone joins DE, then has to join Athens during the merge or leave to join another alliance but they can't tell any of their DE friends about it or else that's poaching.

And yeah, you have to clear your actions with TheNeverender first.


1. The people who where originally going to join Menotah where given the green light to do so, but where warned that any mass recruiting of the Athens/DE AA would result in a Declaration of War. They recruited, we found out, they admitted it. Doesn't matter if they where friends or not. We set in motion plans to declare war, found out they where protected by TOOL. Spent a lot of time in discussions with TOOL over these issues and came to an agreement and the protectorate would be suspended for 1 week. At the last minute, after further discussions between our government, we decided it was best not to declare war, but to let them off with a warning. The protectorate was suspend so it can serve as a wake up call for Menotah.

2. Where the $%&@ did you witness us going to Archon for every little thing that happens in Athens while you where in government here? Are you so !@#$@#$ desperate to slander Athens that you have to make up pathetic lies? Seriously, get over yourself, your nothing but a attention whoring little !@#$%^.

3. And to the people calling us the NPO 2.0, I’m sorry that we can’t please everyone, but that’s how life is. We believed the ZI sentence to be sufficient enough for his crimes. He is not PZI listed, and we have not pursued him any further after the sentence was carried out. I believe he has re rolled now. :P But ya, for those taking some of my comments seriously, don’t. It wasn’t meant to be serious.

These issues have been diplomatically solved, we will not go after Menotah again over these issues and we hope our paths never cross again. We look forward to watching Menotah grow over the following weeks and months and wish them only the best of luck and prosperity.

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Thank you for agreeing with me and acknowledging my words as truth, however, I'm afraid you cannot justify Athens actions here. The simple truth is that they were greedy for more members, having lost sight about who they really are. Having numbers being an alliance's number one priority simply will not work, and neither will their degree that "DE members won't be allowed to tell their friends that they won't be joining Athens because then they might not join." Really, how in the world could they possibly have thought that would fly with the rest of us?

I cannot deny or affirm the actions of Athens in this case, because as far as I am concerned there is too much hearsay on either side of the equation to come up with a definitive answer. I have seen no solid evidence proving or disproving that Menotah actually recruited from Athens willingly. I still think that they made the right decision in the end, so I am satisfied with the conclusion in this case.

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So evidently Athens disapproves of poaching. Would you folks take this same course of action should NSO try and recruit from your ranks?

Yeah I agree. Let's engage in hypothetical situations with no relevance to the present topic.

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Yeah I agree. Let's engage in hypothetical situations with no relevance to the present topic.

You guys recruit from other alliances right or at least have been known to.

Menotah have also done so apparently, I am wondering if the war was because there was no real threat from Menotah as far as military retaliation is concerned, whereas you chaps have quite the military prowess. So surely diplomacy would be the obvious choice and war would want to be avoided at all costs.

However this came to a war, while it was quickly resolved it still got to this stage, and I was under the impression this had been resolved some time ago.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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I know a lot of people are beating up Londo et al about this, but it really isn't fair to do so. He had the chance to turn the recruitment message incident into an opportunity to quash an enemy of Athens, and he took it. The details of the incident don't matter- all that does is that he proved that he can get the enemies of Athens bushwhacked, even if they're hiding under the protection of TOOL. That's what alliance leaders should do- it's power politics at its finest. End of story.

Your right it is, but you cannot preach about the injustices committed by the previous power structure and turn right around and participate in the same if not worse behavior. It's opportunistic bullying at best to call it a brilliant political move is giving the school yard bully far to much credit.

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1. The people who where originally going to join Menotah where given the green light to do so, but where warned that any mass recruiting of the Athens/DE AA would result in a Declaration of War. They recruited, we found out, they admitted it. Doesn't matter if they where friends or not. We set in motion plans to declare war, found out they where protected by TOOL. Spent a lot of time in discussions with TOOL over these issues and came to an agreement and the protectorate would be suspended for 1 week. At the last minute, after further discussions between our government, we decided it was best not to declare war, but to let them off with a warning. The protectorate was suspend so it can serve as a wake up call for Menotah.

2. Where the $%&@ did you witness us going to Archon for every little thing that happens in Athens while you where in government here? Are you so !@#$@#$ desperate to slander Athens that you have to make up pathetic lies? Seriously, get over yourself, your nothing but a attention whoring little !@#$%^.

3. And to the people calling us the NPO 2.0, I’m sorry that we can’t please everyone, but that’s how life is. We believed the ZI sentence to be sufficient enough for his crimes. He is not PZI listed, and we have not pursued him any further after the sentence was carried out. I believe he has re rolled now. :P But ya, for those taking some of my comments seriously, don’t. It wasn’t meant to be serious.

These issues have been diplomatically solved, we will not go after Menotah again over these issues and we hope our paths never cross again. We look forward to watching Menotah grow over the following weeks and months and wish them only the best of luck and prosperity.

1. You already mass-recruited their alliance. DE had its own identity, own governmental structure, etc, which got absorbed into Athens. Now, one or two government officials for Menotah give their former alliance-mates the heads up on an option to not be conglomerated, and that's permission for you to roll the entire alliance? I'm glad you spent so much time talking to TOOL and so little time thinking about how these people feel with the loss of their alliance and the schisming of friendships.

2. If there was no truth in what I said, it would not have provoked such an emotional response.

3. So someone loses their alliance, wants to tell his friends about a new alliance, and loses all his infra. Cool story, bro. I'm sure you feel big and bad with all your stats.

Also, lol @ attention whoring claim when Athens posted a Q&A thread and posted this announcement essentially saying you're doing nothing - but you could have done something!

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I'd like to state that the only member brought to us on 'recruiting charges' and he was subsequently ZI'd.

So the many of you that state things like "Menotah is teh poaching ebil." We had one case of it, and we dealt with it swiftly, any other case would have been treated the same.

There may be other people that talked to the friends and perhaps got them to join, but I don't know who they are or even if they did. I'm sure there are many cases of this all over. I'm only sorry this had to come to... well a cold war, or whatever you wish to call it.

Menotah is trying to move past this and wishes not to have bad relations with Athens.

Also, Sileath, just wait for it.

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1. You already mass-recruited their alliance. DE had its own identity, own governmental structure, etc, which got absorbed into Athens. Now, one or two government officials for Menotah give their former alliance-mates the heads up on an option to not be conglomerated, and that's permission for you to roll the entire alliance? I'm glad you spent so much time talking to TOOL and so little time thinking about how these people feel with the loss of their alliance and the schisming of friendships.

2. If there was no truth in what I said, it would not have provoked such an emotional response.

3. So someone loses their alliance, wants to tell his friends about a new alliance, and loses all his infra. Cool story, bro. I'm sure you feel big and bad with all your stats.

Also, lol @ attention whoring claim when Athens posted a Q&A thread and posted this announcement essentially saying you're doing nothing - but you could have done something!

1. So the merger of two alliances is a mass recruitment eh? Never herd that before. It wasn't an absorption, it was an equal merger with changes to the charter, government and other systems.

2. There is no truth to that and you know it. Stop trying to spin it your way.

3. Someone who happened to be at that time, their Minister of Recruitment, sent recruitment messages to our AA. One was even sent to our Minister of Defense. We zied him, then released him to go do what ever he wants, along as he doesn't do it again.

Q/A threads happen all the time, they are not as bad as all these Moral support threads and DoW threads you got goin on, and this thread was posted to let you all know that war wasn't going to happen and that the protectorate was suspended for a week.

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