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A Sith Decree

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There's nothing really revolutionary about this policy. It has been practiced by many alliances over the course of the history of Planet Bob, whenever they felt like they could get a quality recruit and could negotiate/weather any sort of negative effects diplomatically or P.R.-wise.

So I guess people are free to rage away at NSO for publicly announcing this. Before you do however, I suggest you consult with your own recruiting and admissions departments of your alliance and ask if your policy against accepting people who have been ZI listed is absolute. Odds are you get a "yes, well I mean it depends" answer.

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lol. Someone is looking for a smack down. I would sure raise hell if you took in a nation that was part of my ZI list.

Why? Either ZI them and get them off your list or let them go. Letting nations wallow on a list is akin to EZI, IMO.

Edited by Kevin McDonald
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Very interesting read Ivan, just curious though,

If a ZI nation joined NSO but continued there ways on that said alliance, what would you do?

We currently have one member on a ZI list who is attacking and being attacked. We do not aid or assist him in any way. He got himself into the situation and it will be up to him to get out of it.

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o/ nso totally agree with this!


nations that are marked with a ZI should first reach 0 infra and then be freed to join???

No. They are allowed to join while in the process of being ZIed.

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I can almost foresee a huge OWF bunfight when the first ZI gets rejected by the NSO review panel, but a bold and just move nonetheless. NSO's reputation for innovation and progressive policy proves itself once again.

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We currently have one member on a ZI list who is attacking and being attacked. We do not aid or assist him in any way. He got himself into the situation and it will be up to him to get out of it.

Ok, thanks for the clarification

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No. They are allowed to join while in the process of being ZIed.

well i don't agree with this...ZI's are a form of punishment!

i believe the best would be to reach 0 infra and then accept them cause there would be a lot of FA problems...

in general i agree with this move NSO ;)

Edited by Venom4Viper
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well i don't agree with this...ZI's are a form of punishment!

i believe the best would be to reach 0 infra and then accept them cause there would be a lot of FA problems...

I don't foresee any issues with it. We will not stand in anyones way as they deliver their punishment.

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Sounds good - means I can derive some entertainment from being here for a long time.

You derive enjoyment from being insulted? I think we can ensure your enjoyment for a long time.

Edited by Wad of Lint
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This demonstrates why Lord Ivan is one of the best leaders in CN. A clear risk vs. benefits, pragmatic approach not laughingly masked in cheap guises as lesser leaders so often do. o/ the Sith Order.

It's a common, if little talked about practice. Perhaps it's not so much "masked" as less intent on seeking attention for doing it. <_<

Also, I think Ivan's rep is already pretty solid. You really don't need to stand around in threads like this pumping it.

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I was more aiming to point out that the concept is nothing new, they've just publicised it more openly than others have. Nothing wrong with it though :)

As to why should the NSO or any other alliance be afraid to let others know of their policies, they shouldn't be. Will they be afraid though, quite likely and for good reason. Openly accepting the ZI listed is all well and good, when you have the NS and the allied NS to back it up. Some of us don't and given past history with alliances wars being started for little or no valid reasons, it seems better to stay under the radar.

Hopefully the days of wars being started for little or no reason are over. :)

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It doesn't bother me a bit, though. That's what you're not understanding.

I find that highly interesting.

A couple of quotes taken from the OP;

The conventions of the past, the unjust and unnecessary placement of nations ad hoc on some fanciful list that states they can no longer actively participate in the community of the Cyberverse, are a sham. They harken back to an age of oppression and malevolent misuse of power and we will see the idea pushed forward. One step back will become two steps forward.
utilized my not so insignificant political clout to help them achieve freedom from their bonds

These would paint an image of NSO to be an alliance of high and good morals - intentionally or not (although I don't believe at all that this was done unintentionally), and thus one would think that you would care about something your alliance cares about so much that they would dedicate an entire thread towards trying to convince the CN community that they are not so immortal after your recruiting from other alliances business.

Now if you truly don't, feel free to run along - but regardless of whether you do or not, I feel the necessity to take apart what Ivan says and point out that you lot are full of it.

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I find that highly interesting.

A couple of quotes taken from the OP;

These would paint an image of NSO to be an alliance of high and good morals - intentionally or not (although I don't believe at all that this was done unintentionally), and thus one would think that you would care about something your alliance cares about so much that they would dedicate an entire thread towards trying to convince the CN community that they are not so immortal after your recruiting from other alliances business.

Now if you truly don't, feel free to run along - but regardless of whether you do or not, I feel the necessity to take apart what Ivan says and point out that you lot are full of it.

Except we are not here to dictate morals to others or prescribe to the standards pre-set by those already in control. We're paving our own way. You can choose to follow, or not.

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Except we are not here to dictate morals to others or prescribe to the standards pre-set by those already in control. We're paving our own way. You can choose to follow, or not.

That fails to explain the deception created by your alliance at trying to look goodie-goodie, when you are not.

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well this is getting a bit ridiculous, this talk of "morals"

while dark lord moldavi is ever benevolent in his quest to free the cyberverse from their constraints, i find it highly unlikely that he subscribes to anyone else's "morality" or cares what anyone else thinks- i know i don't

he is showing all of us the path to freedom, to the dark side. unleash your passion and join him

Edited by nadabethyname
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That fails to explain the deception created by your alliance at trying to look goodie-goodie, when you are not.

What deception are you referring to? From my stance we are simply acting as we please. We neither asked nor wanted your opinion on how we are behaving.

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