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The GMs Court


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I challenge this ruling.

From what I have read, there are several silos. Shouldn't the rolling of the dice be for individual silos instead of this catch-all single roll?

No. Because the spy roll only allows for successful entry into the nation, and some basic information on how go go about acheiving your goal.

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Rebel Army and Novak agreed that the fascist states must disappear from Africa. Without any provocation, they began to threaten war and to mobilize forces against Italica, my country. Italica is very small comparing to them, it can never win and if I accept the terms of surrender it will be moved on the map and it must leave the form of fascist government. Given that the war has not yet been declared, I warn everyone that Italica enters in Botha mode. I am told that is no longer possible, despite the war has not yet been declared. It is my intention to enter into Botha mode for the following reasons:

1) terms of surrender unacceptable because they devastate my game beyond repair.

2) I do not have time to RP a war and I don't want to RP a war with them

3) I consider this way of RP arrogant, disruptive and disrespectful of the game of other players

Edited by Arathog
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Rebel Army and Novak agreed that the fascist states must disappear from Africa. Without any provocation, they began to threaten war and to mobilize forces against Italica, my country. Italica is very small comparing to them, it can never win and if I accept the terms of surrender it will be moved on the map and it must leave the form of fascist government. Given that the war has not yet been declared, I warn everyone that Italica enters in Botha mode. I am told that is no longer possible, despite the war has not yet been declared. It is my intention to enter into Botha mode for the following reasons:

1) terms of surrender unacceptable because they devastate my game beyond repair.

2) I do not have time to RP a war and I don't want to RP a war with them

3) I consider this way of RP arrogant, disruptive and disrespectful of the game of other players

To the paragraph.

It's RP. They don't need provocation to attack, all they need is to hate fascism. Why should a legit RP be retconned because you're smaller and don't want to fight a war? You can reroll if you lose.

1) Good for them. They're a legit RP move. Don't whine OOC because of it

2) Good for you. It's still a legit RP invasion. Work out an agreement on time with them.

3) Good for you. War is a part of RP. If you don't like it, don't RP, don't go clutter the threads with this crap. War is RP, it's not disrespecting the player OOCly.

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Rebel Army and Novak agreed that the fascist states must disappear from Africa. Without any provocation, they began to threaten war and to mobilize forces against Italica, my country. Italica is very small comparing to them, it can never win and if I accept the terms of surrender it will be moved on the map and it must leave the form of fascist government. Given that the war has not yet been declared, I warn everyone that Italica enters in Botha mode. I am told that is no longer possible, despite the war has not yet been declared. It is my intention to enter into Botha mode for the following reasons:

Although I am not affiliated with any GM nor am with Rebel Army and Novak IC and OOC, I must bring myself to say this.

1. RA and Novak never did like fascism, and I'm not surprised.

2. Invading small nations is part of the thing. Deal with it until you play enough to get bigger.

3. The Terms of Surrender are friendly enough. If I were them I'd wipe you from the map altogether as obviously your form of government is incompatible to theirs.

4. I think Botha mode has been addressed enough.

Also, from an elsewhere statement

thank you, but I want my Botha Mode and keep my Italica. If I can't, I'll leave the game.

You need to learn how to compromise in RP, or not RP at all. Its that simple. Other RPers are not AI players that cater to your every whim. We each have our IC and OOC goals, ambitions, etc. Deal with it. The RPers with us today have all learned to deal with it in our own ways, and thus are still RPing here today. If they didn't know compromise, then they would have ragequit long ago.

Just my dva kopeckii (two cents)

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To the paragraph.

It's RP. They don't need provocation to attack, all they need is to hate fascism. Why should a legit RP be retconned because you're smaller and don't want to fight a war? You can reroll if you lose.

1) Good for them. They're a legit RP move. Don't whine OOC because of it

2) Good for you. It's still a legit RP invasion. Work out an agreement on time with them.

3) Good for you. War is a part of RP. If you don't like it, don't RP, don't go clutter the threads with this crap. War is RP, it's not disrespecting the player OOCly.

No, but it's still forcing Arathog to RP something he doesn't want, nor has time for, and with the end result that all his RP thus far is considered null and void because the end result is most likely rerolling or changing his nation to such a degree that he might as well have rerolled.


3) Good for you. The GMs Court is a part of OOC. If you don't like it, don't post here. Arathog has an issue and posts about it in here to get a GM ruling and guess what, that's what this thread is for. So... don't go clutter this thread with this crap

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To the paragraph.

It's RP. They don't need provocation to attack, all they need is to hate fascism. Why should a legit RP be retconned because you're smaller and don't want to fight a war? You can reroll if you lose.

1) Good for them. They're a legit RP move. Don't whine OOC because of it

2) Good for you. It's still a legit RP invasion. Work out an agreement on time with them.

3) Good for you. War is a part of RP. If you don't like it, don't RP, don't go clutter the threads with this crap. War is RP, it's not disrespecting the player OOCly.

Bing. This is the problem I have with this.

Some people do not have the liberty nor desire to reroll every other week or month. Some want to stay and develop their nation in detail. These kinds of people do not pull off stupid stunts that would otherwise give others legit reason to roll them.

Sure this is a game, and sure people can do whatever they want, but there has got to be a limit as to how much someone's freedoms may impinge on another's, otherwise we develop a community where only the strong and well built IG'ly or those who've developed a cult of persona can survive indefinitely.

I for one do not want to RP in a world where only democratic and monarchistic nations are allowed to develop, the other, more controversial governing styles reserved only for those who can fight back against other super powers. This is boring, and is only fun for a select few.

Also, cut the crap with the condescending tone, he voiced his concerns clearly and concisely and did not deserve that.

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Some people do not have the liberty nor desire to reroll every other week or month. Some want to stay and develop their nation in detail. These kinds of people do not pull off stupid stunts that would otherwise give others legit reason to roll them.

You know, this would be valid, if Arathog actually actively built up his RP nation.

Lynneth builds his RP nation extensively, and when the EU declared war, he was willing to compromise, with minimal OOC complaining, which made it very easy to work with him to end the war. Arathog, on the other hand, doesn't build his RP nation much, and refuses to negotiate, simply wanting to escape war through OOC means. He also wants to enter Botha mode, which restricts your internal buildup to what you do IG.

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RP is mutual interaction between people - not one-sided unilateral and imposed dictation

RP is mutual interaction between people. Not one-sided unilateral and imposed dictation, because then it becomes god-modding.

I'm revising my defense of Arathog.

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You know, this would be valid, if Arathog actually actively built up his RP nation.

Lynneth builds his RP nation extensively, and when the EU declared war, he was willing to compromise, with minimal OOC complaining, which made it very easy to work with him to end the war. Arathog, on the other hand, doesn't build his RP nation much, and refuses to negotiate, simply wanting to escape war through OOC means. He also wants to enter Botha mode, which restricts your internal buildup to what you do IG.

I find that hilarious. You know why he was willing to compromise?

Because he is one of the most developed and powerful nations in CNRP IG'ly... he definitely would have put a dent in the EU had he fought back... but no, you're totally right, that totally wasn't the reason he still had some clout to end the conflict with negociations.

And as for not building his nation that much, not everyone has the time to be on these boards everyday, and that really is quite subjective, at best.

Again, being a poor sport is one thing. You would be totally right if he had even the slightest chance of keeping his RP intact if he warred with Novak and the RA. That being said, in order to be a good sport, there must be sport in the first place. If you lose 1000000 out of 1000000 times, that is not sport. He should not have to deal with that if he isn't secure enough.

Edited by Executive Minister
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The IC reason is very slim at best, if they had been so oppossed to Arathog's government style they should have done something about it when it first came up not now. Anyone supporting action against Arathog is one thing only and that is a bully. If you beat up the kid with glasses in school becuase you dislike him thats bullying, doing what your doing to Arathog is also bullying. Simply put anyone supporting action against Arathog is supporting bullying.

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Correcting me if I'm wrong, but did Arathog just hop into Botha mode as a ESCAPE method?

Sorry, if that is the case, I refuse to recognize him as a Roleplayer in CNRP. Flipping into a "I don't recognize you" mode is not helping the community, its turning it into fractured single worlds. Guess what, there is a thing that already fulfills that role. It's called "Not CNRP"

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Rebel Army and Novak agreed that the fascist states must disappear from Africa. Without any provocation, they began to threaten war and to mobilize forces against Italica, my country. Italica is very small comparing to them, it can never win and if I accept the terms of surrender it will be moved on the map and it must leave the form of fascist government. Given that the war has not yet been declared, I warn everyone that Italica enters in Botha mode. I am told that is no longer possible, despite the war has not yet been declared. It is my intention to enter into Botha mode for the following reasons:

1) terms of surrender unacceptable because they devastate my game beyond repair.

2) I do not have time to RP a war and I don't want to RP a war with them

3) I consider this way of RP arrogant, disruptive and disrespectful of the game of other players


Okay, first of all, to Nikonov and Drake. I am getting sick and tired of seeing such disrespect for other RPers. You do not need to come in here and in a few sentences say how Arthog is whining about the game, I can do that just fine and in a nice way so they don't feel like the entire community is a bunch of my idols. So please and thank you, if you're going to post in here do it with some respect. Moving on to Arthog: I understand your concerns about the way the game works and we enter into a tricky area of what is and what isn't allowed in RP warfare, so I will try to address your concerns as best as possible.

1. terms of surrender unacceptable because they devastate my game beyond repair.

You must remember that for all its shortcomings, CNRP is the attempt at a mirroring of how politics, nations, and world events effect this fantasy world that we all have made. Just as there are seemingly unprovoked wars in the real world the same goes here. Therefore these things do happen, people have been attacked and their entire nations wiped out. As one that has had this happen to herself, I can tell you, while its takes time to get over, it also deepens your story and can add to the further development of your country. Even if you have to succumb for a moment or relocate on the map. CNRP allows exoduses.

2. I do not have time to RP a war and I don't want to RP a war with them

What is nice about this is that I was just talking to Lavo two days ago as he was telling me that he doesn't have much time either. What I would suggest is something that CNRP lacks, or at least I feel that it lacks, hopefully I'm wrong. I would suggest going to Lavo and Voodoo and asking them to plan the war out, you can write it over a series of week allowing for cooperation from both sides and perhaps a much more respected turn out from both of you. As to not wanting to RP a war at all, if you are invaded, normally it is respectable to meet your invader with a defense. I have never agreed with, (I want to focus on my RP and never want to fight), do I like fighting no I don't, but when it comes and it has to be dealt with. Then you don't really have a choice. Iraq can't tell the US, we don't want to fight, we like everything the way it is.

3. I consider this way of RP arrogant, disruptive and disrespectful of the game of other players

While I believe this war could have been RPed much better, I believe Lavo and other have maintained a decency of respect OOCly and that is what must be separated here. ICly they have a history of anti-fascism and with the signing of their treaty can give them the excuse to oust fascism from Africa. Is it moral ICly? Perhaps not, but that doesn't mean that they are disrespecting you as a person or as a player. Again, I would ask all parties to consult with one another and get this war planned out so respect doesn't become a problem.

Any question/concerns/comments please list out for me later. Thank you


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So Sarah what you are saying is that you agree with the bullying of those weaker than themselves.

Do I agree with it, no, but tell me. Is all war supposed to be planned from now on? No it won't be. You have to learn to deal with situations forced upon you. People do it all the time, do I like that a weaker nation is being attacked? Of course not, but sorry to say it like this, '!@#$ happens', I didn't like being nuked out of Finland either, but I dealt with it. Lavo didn't like being reduced to a parking lot, etc, etc, you need to learn to take the good with the bad.

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Do I agree with it, no, but tell me. Is all war supposed to be planned from now on? No it won't be. You have to learn to deal with situations forced upon you. People do it all the time, do I like that a weaker nation is being attacked? Of course not, but sorry to say it like this, '!@#$ happens', I didn't like being nuked out of Finland either, but I dealt with it. Lavo didn't like being reduced to a parking lot, etc, etc, you need to learn to take the good with the bad.

No you don't. What people need to realise is the fine line between roleplay and bullying. Arathog has done nothing to be attacked other than RP a government in a location of their choice and now two much superior RPers have decided to remove him for no real reason other than they can.

If this was the real world they would be called dictators and war mongers and hopefully dealt with but here almost everyone goes awww its Rebel Army he can do what he wants I won't do anything about it becuase its Rebel Army. So no Arathog shouldn't have to deal with it instead Rebel Army should be shown that people are here to RP not bully.

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No you don't. What people need to realise is the fine line between roleplay and bullying. Arathog has done nothing to be attacked other than RP a government in a location of their choice and now two much superior RPers have decided to remove him for no real reason other than they can.

If this was the real world they would be called dictators and war mongers and hopefully dealt with but here almost everyone goes awww its Rebel Army he can do what he wants I won't do anything about it becuase its Rebel Army. So no Arathog shouldn't have to deal with it instead Rebel Army should be shown that people are here to RP not bully.

How many unprovoked wars have you started?

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