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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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I had actually written all of what's below a few hours ago, but a doctor's appointment pressing meeting of Nordreich officers to discuss something really really important called me away before I could submit it.


This is an absolute disgrace. I would be interested to know what NSO's allies think of this behaviour, particularly Polaris who used the fact that CIN had 'used the New Polar Order forum as a base for recruitment' in their CB for attacking CIN.

I can't believe that Frostbite supports open recruitment from sovereign alliances.

I couldn't believe the Continuum supported disbanding an alliance as part of surrender terms, but hey....Grämlins were members at the time, not us. As the more brain-injured among us are prone to say: "cwutididthar?"

Sweet Jebus, Bob. Cut out the moral indignation until all the blood-by-proxy has been washed from your hands, would you?

That goes for about 99% of the rest of you, too. Hell, it goes for me.

We are all 'monsters'. And if we are not monsters, we are friends with monsters. And if we are not friends with monsters, we are food for monsters.

I think any talk of war is silly and unneccessary.

I agree. No one believes TDO will actually go to war over this.


I see that Ivan has issued something that kind of almost resembles a sort-of "apology" and that some people in TDO have kind of almost accepted it.

This is the perfect resolution to something so incredibly silly.

Finally, for those who think Ivan was somehow swayed by bad PR or a fear of war....you are idiots.

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Then ask IAA. Or Nemesis.

There are plenty of alliances that recruit aligned. We just didn't lie about it.

Why not? Why shouldn't alliances be able to send messages to whoever they want? If my friend in x alliance wants me to join his alliance, then why can't he send me a message? What harm does it really do? I can't see much harm if any that results from a simple message.

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I think many people here are assuming that if an alliance does not get involved in world politics or isolates itself from all conflicts, then it has no use. I see some people arguing that neutral alliances won't lose much from being poached since they are not involved in world events. That's not true. As strange is it might sound, some people actually enjoy building up their nations. For the first 3 or 4 months of my participation in CN, all I cared about was the growth of my nation. CN politics meant nothing for me. So if the members of TDO do not care about politics, then they have a right to pursue whatever else makes them happy. Just because they care about the growth of their alliance does not mean they serve no function. Just because they don't derive their happiness from the destruction of other nations does not mean they are wimps who deserve to have their members stolen. Ultimately, this game is supposed to be fun. If alliance scores are fun for some people, then everybody should respect that.

Disclaimer: I may have made some errors or mistakes due to my newbiness to CN politics. All efforts to correct those mistakes shall be appreciated!

To be fair, if NSO finds it fun to aggressively recruit and insult neutrals, should we respect that just because it's fun for them? It's a state of interalliance anarchy, and even if you don't want to, you're playing ball. I don't support what NSO did, but as far as I am concerned nobody deserves anything or has any intrinsic rights, neutrals included.

Edited by Hasin
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How so? Because one was IRC and the other done via PM?

No...RAD's was a complete joke done to have a good laugh, whereas this was sanctioned by NSO gov because they thought the neutrals would roll over and not do anything about it.

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How so? Because one was IRC and the other done via PM?

I'll assume it went something like this '<insert name> join RAD!' and not some well fabricated message sent in private. Soo... I guess that is the difference Dec. >_> Well, this announcement and the responses didn't amuse me... Good luck sorting this out.

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Why not? Why shouldn't alliances be able to send messages to whoever they want? If my friend in x alliance wants me to join his alliance, then why can't he send me a message? What harm does it really do? I can't see much harm if any that results from a simple message.

There's a difference between friends trying to get each other in their alliance and doing mass recruiting.

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I still dont get what you were trying to achieve. You certainly didnt help the position of your alliance. Did you try to break a general CN convention? If yes, then you failed and got yourself some bad PR on the way.

You certainly didnt actually want to get new members, so i assume it was just done out of boredom. Then thanks for passing our time, it was delightful.

Or maybe this just didnt turn out as expected and now you are trying to backpedal while making it look like you're not trying to backpedal.

Anything that passes the time that isn't about NPO is fine by me. ;) Heck, I'd like to personally thank whoever in NSO came up with this idea, it gave us some great drama to feed on for a while. :P

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It is somewhat funny that several alliances have come out of the woodwork after I have posted that this was done in poor taste to lament the horrible actions of the NSO and basically threaten my alliance with war over something that has absolutely nothing to do with them.


It is also funny that some would claim that we "backed down" once certain parties started weighing in against our position, when that is absolutely false and in error. I don't give a damn about your opinions.

If you are so adamant that our actions constitute an act of war then you know what you can do about it. Otherwise mind your own business.

Just because you've given your opinion and statement on the matter doesn't mean that others can't discuss and state theirs. As far as I am concerned the matter is closed, but we all know that won't stop the peanut gallery of CN from discussing the matter as though it wasn't.

Also, for Sponge, the people advocating war in this case might not have any grudge or dislike for any alliances involved, but rather wish to set a precedent. I was looking at it from how I would react if ANY alliance did that to mine. Different people react different ways.

Anyways, I think everyone who isn't involved should take one big step back.

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Alright I read like 1/3 of this thread, so forgive me if any stunning revalations have come to light in that last 20 pages I didn't see.

I support NSO on this one, honestly. I think that cross-alliance poaching is frowned upon needlessly, and the arguments have already been made as to why. If anyone is going to up and leave your alliance because they received a PM from a stranger, that person is worthless to your alliance anyway, and you should be happy that they're gone.

I doubt that NSO has actually gained a significant number of nations from this recruitment drive, but the neutrals involved in this should be thanking NSO for getting rid of them.

Now, a comment on the neutrals. Everyone expects neutral alliances to be what GPA was (still is?). I feel this is a mistake. If the neutrals actually feel their sovereignty has been infringed upon, they have every right to declare war and still maintain the status of neutral. Neutrality is refusing to take part in the polarization of the world, where you have old alliances and relationships that guide the constant wars that take place on Planet Bob. There is nothing to say that a Neutral cannot and should not pick a fight of their own, or raise to the bait when a non-neutral alliance tries to drag them to war.

Do I feel that the recruitment warrants a march to war? Not particularly. As I stated above, all alliances involved should be thanking the NSO for the opportunity to test the resolve of their members. But the sentiment that they should all go back and sit pretty simply because they are neutral is misguided and frankly wrong. We as a community should be encouraging strong neutral alliances that aren't afraid to go to war when they feel like it. It is something the game has been missing for far too long due to the nature of the treaty web.

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Why not? Why shouldn't alliances be able to send messages to whoever they want? If my friend in x alliance wants me to join his alliance, then why can't he send me a message? What harm does it really do? I can't see much harm if any that results from a simple message.

I so hope theres someone in TDO or the other hippy alliances reading this now and think.... You know what that Sith dude is right, lets mass PM NSO as theres bound to be some in NSO that think being a Sith is a lot worse than being a neutral.

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There's a difference between friends trying to get each other in their alliance and doing mass recruiting.

The point I was trying to make was that anyone should be able to express their opinion to whoever they want. I thought we had Shark Week behind us. I would like to think that expressing opinions is becoming more tolerated in CN.

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I have made considerable progress thus far with a member of the Darth Council. Talks are still in progress, but I see things moving toward an amicable resolution for both parties now. When things are fully resolved, we will announce the resolution more publicly.

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I don't get everyone crying over the poor neutrals. They never did anything for anyone, and now they're reaping the benefit of having noone to back them up. All this bluster is a joke anyway, we all know they would never dare endanger their infrastructure or ridiculously bloated member counts, even if it looks like an easy win.

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No...RAD's was a complete joke done to have a good laugh, whereas this was sanctioned by NSO gov because they thought the neutrals would roll over and not do anything about it.

Accepting that you have no idea what our intent was by sending those messages (unless you have a spy in our inner forums) you are saying the difference here is not the act of recruitment but the manner it happened? So you are saying it is ok to recruit from other alliances as long as it is done in fun?

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I so hope theres someone in TDO or the other hippy alliances reading this now and think.... You know what that Sith dude is right, lets mass PM NSO as theres bound to be some in NSO that think being a Sith is a lot worse than being a neutral.

Go for it. It doesn't take much to click the delete button

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Accepting that you have no idea what our intent was by sending those messages (unless you have a spy in our inner forums) you are saying the difference here is not the act of recruitment but the manner it happened? So you are saying it is ok to recruit from other alliances as long as it is done in fun?

Something tells me it was more than a joke.

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funny thing about this is that NSO members keep saying its over. But it clearly isnt because John Warbuck has not accepted your apology yet. And telling TDO to get over it really isnt gonna get this settled any time soon.

Unless they man up it really is pretty much over, all the verbage here doesn't really amount to anything.

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