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Why I am a Pacifican


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Karma didn't plan this several months back and you have no basis to make such accusations. Please don't derail what was a good thread about friendship and all that good stuff, with talk of politics and stuff that often makes all people who play this game some of the more important aspects of this game.

Welp. this is a first, I agree with Nintenderek.

What I find hilarious is the people in this thread trolling a dude for his first post on the forums stating he is proud of his alliance. Good show guys, very good show. You all claim NPO and the likes have pushed people out of this game, and yet a new member who is just opening his voice to the community you all hold so dear, is thrown out and trashed because he happens to like the alliance that he is in.

This man brings a topic up about being happy with the friends he has made, and you incredible dunces turn it into yet another trash NPO, "go home", political issue when I highly doubt that is how he meant to take it.

I am not excusing any alliance running members out of the game, but some of you do a damn good job yourselves. No wonder these boards have turned to crap. It isn't simply because of alliances decisions to crap on other alliances, its because of you people who take every opportunity to wave your e-peen around like you are so much better than everyone because you win at internet debate. Get a life and stop turning every thread into how everyone has wronged you all. Let the damn man speak his peice. You knew it was from an NPO'er. You chose to open it. Put your hatred away for one second and be happy that anywhere on this planet, people have those they call friends.

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Bartley, I'm glad you found a place you belong. I too feel the same sense of camraderie and brothership(and sisters, for the few of ya. ;) ) for my alliance-mates, as do many of us, and there's nothing wrong with that. I know that NPO is almost universally hated for past actions, but I don't judge people by their alliances, I judge alliances by their people. You seem like a pretty okay guy. I can't say I've had the chance to talk to many Pacificans, but I haven't disliked a single one I've talked to. I can't say that for a number people, so in my eyes, whatever NPO may be, I know that least it has some good people in it. There's nothing wrong with that.

Also, applause to Wentworth, well said indeed. Good to see a little levelheadedness in this thread.

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Nicely said, Bartley. I think most of us start out concerned mostly with building our nations. Once we join an alliance and start to explore the forums and IRC, the friendships and comraderie developed become a bigger part of the game than just the pixels on our nations page. I am proud to be a Pacifican and am happy to have you with us!

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I have been here almost since the beginning of the game, I have been involved in governments since the game was 5 months old, and I do not remember a single time when this forum was "nice", at any level of interaction whatsoever.

It only vacillated between times with little activity due to a lack of overt rivalries (which merely toned down the activity, but not the quality of the content) and times like this.

And you will learn to love the Pacific, eventually.

I took 'good' to mean interesting, engaging, and exciting rather than pleasant, happy, and so forth. There has never been a time where the forums were entirely happy or pleasant, but there sure have been times where the forums have been exciting and interesting. :)

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I applaud your bravery, Bartley, for posting this. There's never something so genuine and awesome than finding a home that one can feel comfortable and surrounded by comrades at arms who will fight with you till the end. I myself found a place in Monos Archein such as you.

I applaud you, good sir.

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Wow this got totally derailed, and seriously King Death, don't you have anything better to do than go around trolling people? It only affirms any decision we made to get rid of you.

When I started playing CN, I joined the red team because I like red, mostly because I'm a dirty commie. NPO seemed like the logical choice. Since joining I've met many people who have turned this game from just buying infra every LC cycle into a political community of friends. The comraderie I feel within the NPO is one that I could never leave, and to me is a part of this game as much as Infra and Tech are. While I don't doubt that many alliances have this sense of community, I have never felt the desire to leave.

I do now and have always considered Pacifica to be honorable. Sure we were arrogant, but that's what happens with a flawless (or near flawless <_<) record coupled with being on top and treatied to every large alliance. I'm hoping that the leadership sees the error of our ways, because I sure have.

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I am very surprised/suspicious of this. What about the gag... and so on? Uhm, good to have friends in the game. Good to enjoy more than just magic electronic numbers. Good to be happy.

Naive to not see what the "f" is going on.

Bad to feel the need to defend yourself or your alliance, seems that is kind of auto guilt.

Stand up and be proud my man.

Oh, and I forgot, those of you hating on him for being in NPO is BS. I should war you for teh lulz. Seriously tho, the main thing I am concerned about is when he says "I don't know why war": We have been over that to the point of exhaustion...

Edited by Dr hairy Ballz
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Bartley, thank you for this post. True friends are always difficult to find, and I congratulate you on finding some that you can truly call friends. NPO is quite lucky to have you mate.

OOC: For the people who keep redirecting this thread towards NPO's actions as an alliance and the events of the Karma War, knock it off. I believe we already have a 197 page thread for that in AP somewhere.

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And I'm glad your there with me Bartley. Dont let this rather vile forum get you down. Here, if people arent lying, exaggerating or infamous, they are ignored.

So its nice to see an honest face. And its lovely you were able to take such a gentle path towards Pacifica, I had to battle through a much less pleasant path to find home.

(also, btw, I know your a tech corp proc, sorry I havent been able to dispatch much your way, but dont worry, if Karma lets us, we'll be swamped with tech orders)

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Also I can sort of sympathize with them being in the dark about everything. I am in NATO as no coubt you all know, and unfortunately I too fell into the trap of keeping damn near everything from everyone. Playing too close to the chest i suppose. Though, it can be learned to ease up and share more about whats going on, something hopefully all alliances that don't already, start now.

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Coincidence? I think not!

I think so! We agree to disagree. Or do you disagree?

Welp. this is a first, I agree with Nintenderek.

What I find hilarious is the people in this thread trolling a dude for his first post on the forums stating he is proud of his alliance. Good show guys, very good show. You all claim NPO and the likes have pushed people out of this game, and yet a new member who is just opening his voice to the community you all hold so dear, is thrown out and trashed because he happens to like the alliance that he is in.

Just As Badâ„¢, amirite?

The radio silence has been lifted.

Good to see the man-that-pretends-he's-a-cow let you guys play again.

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Touche. I have also apologized plenty of times for the wrongs I have commited. Doesn't make me any less guilty, but those practices are long behind me.

I think you took that to mean something I didn't intend. But interesting still.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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The radio silence has been lifted.

Good to see the man-that-pretends-he's-a-cow let you guys play again.

I, and most of the NPO membership, personally dont consider the OWF as the primary avenue of "playing" CN. An important one yes, but not our primary means of playing. Its a major difference between us and many other alliances. In pacifica, there are over 24 non-leadership jobs that I can think of off the top of my head with perhaps another dozen or so leadership jobs, inside 18 different primary masks, for 8 primary forums, and 164 forums personally that my masks can see. Francograd is a thriving city and a very involving experience.

Edited by muffasamini
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I think you took that to mean something I didn't intend. But interesting still.

Upon rereading, I think I did take it as something other than what you meant. Or maybe I am wrong yet again. You can PM me with your meaning if you wish.

Also, what is interesting? I am not hiding from the fact I did some things I am not proud of.

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