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Why I am a Pacifican


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And to the players of Cyber Nations, I present evidence on the arrogance of Pacifica.

If having a moral backbone is going to be redefined as arrogance, then I will be proud of it, and proud in knowing that I stand for it.

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If having a moral backbone is going to be redefined as arrogance, then I will be proud of it, and proud in knowing that I stand for it.

No, because you only favor those you prefer. That is the difference between you and I. While you respect one person, I prefer to respect men of all calibers. I respect men like Doitzel and Electron Sponge. I also respect men like TrotskysRevenge and Dilber. I respect men with fame and glory. I also respect men with filth and poverty Why? Because they too are men. They are made of the same flesh and bone as I am. Their difference of opinion matters not to me. Their characteristics matter not as well. To favor one over another, to prefer one's "soul" over another, is wrong.

Sir, that is our difference.

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No, because you only favor those you prefer. That is the difference between you and I. While you respect one person, I prefer to respect men of all calibers. I respect men like Doitzel and Electron Sponge. I also respect men like TrotskysRevenge and Dilber. I respect men with fame and glory. I also respect men with filth and poverty Why? Because they too are men. They are made of the same flesh and bone as I am. Their difference of opinion matters not to me. Their characteristics matter not as well. To favor one over another, to prefer one's "soul" over another, is wrong.

Sir, that is our difference.

I favour those I prefer? Did you bother to read my post?

"You know what I respect? Members of Karma that admit their objective has nothing to do with intangible paper wrappings, and all to do with cold hard reality of them not wanting the New Pacific Order to recover as a threat. I respect people who stand true to themselves. I respect Francesca, even though I stand absolutely opposed to every single thing she's ever done, from MCXA to VE and believe it to lack every ounce of honour. I respect men as diverse as Ivan Moldavi, Archon, Chris_Kaos, mhawk, and Electron Sponge, for being the people they are."

I respect people I downright hate. It has nothing to do with them being humans, or flesh and bone, it has to do with their worth as individuals. I do not favor them because of any like or dislike, I respect them because they are worth my respect.

Marching in here demanding a default respect simply because you share the same biological traits as me, that is arrogance.

Respect is earned, not given.

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And to the players of Cyber Nations, I present evidence on the arrogance of Pacifica.

is there anything wrong with arrogance as long as you can back it up?

the npo had a right to be arrogant and it seems to have continued even when they have lost the right

also, hello letum

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is there anything wrong with arrogance as long as you can back it up?

the npo had a right to be arrogant and it seems to have continued even when they have lost the right

also, hello letum

Why hallo thar.

How be you on this fine day?

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I favour those I prefer? Did you bother to read my post?

"You know what I respect? Members of Karma that admit their objective has nothing to do with intangible paper wrappings, and all to do with cold hard reality of them not wanting the New Pacific Order to recover as a threat. I respect people who stand true to themselves. I respect Francesca, even though I stand absolutely opposed to every single thing she's ever done, from MCXA to VE and believe it to lack every ounce of honour. I respect men as diverse as Ivan Moldavi, Archon, Chris_Kaos, mhawk, and Electron Sponge, for being the people they are."

I respect people I downright hate. It has nothing to do with them being humans, or flesh and bone, it has to do with their worth as individuals. I do not favor them because of any like or dislike, I respect them because they are worth my respect.

Marching in here demanding a default respect simply because you share the same biological traits as me, that is arrogance.

Respect is earned, not given.

I simply know it when I see it. And I see you as small. Not in terms of importance or ability (they have nothing to do with it), but in terms of your soul.

So then, how are those people you mentioned worth more as individuals than me?

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So then, how are those people you mentioned worth more as individuals than me?

I already told you, there is no criteria for you to be examined against. Strive towards it, and you might eventually earn it.

In the mean time, get of your high horse, swallow your hubris and stop marching in here, demanding other people conform to your view of the world and demanding that they think of you in a way that will fit in with your preconceptions.

In fact, if you manage to do that, you'll have come a long way in your self-development.

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I already told you, there is no criteria for you to be examined against. Strive towards it, and you might eventually earn it.

In the mean time, get of your high horse, swallow your hubris and stop marching in here, demanding other people conform to your view of the world and demanding that they think of you in a way that will fit in with your preconceptions.

In fact, if you manage to do that, you'll have come a long way in your self-development.

So I can earn your respect, but there is no way to actually do it as no criteria is set. Is that possible?

Where did I come in here and demand others to conform? If I remember correctly, you are the one who started the whole respect argument.

And just to say, I never said I wasn't arrogant. I accept it as a bad trait and try my best to not be so arrogant. Alas, it is hard to do.


is there anything wrong with arrogance as long as you can back it up?

the npo had a right to be arrogant and it seems to have continued even when they have lost the right

also, hello letum

Arrogance paves a way of war. It is what brings about a sense of superiority. When superiority floods the mind, then that person will do whatever it takes for his or her wishes of goodness to come true.

Edited by Wa Mu
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yes but Mary has been in NPO for well over 2 years, hence she is an old member. also here is the list of members and who are part of the old NPO

* Imperial Regent: Mary the Fantabulous - (Old member)

* Imperial Counselor: Vladimir (Old member), Philosopher(Old member), Koona(Old member), Frawley(Old member), Bakunin's Dream (Old member)

* Standartenfuhrer: Dilber (Old member)

* Military Affairs: Loucifer(Old member), Umbrae Noctem(Old member)

* Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs: VektorZero(Old member), Hawk_11(Old member, ), DarkMistress and Triyun(Old member)

* Internal Affairs: noob5(Old member), Sir Donald R. Deamon(Old member)

* Economic Affairs: Millionario(Old member), Cortath(Old member), Lord Strider(Old member)

* News and Propaganda: Z'ha'dum(Old member)

* Clerk: Sir Paul (Old member)

And I used to be a NPO member too. All the people listed as Old member used to be in a gov position when I was a member in 07. They might have changed positions but they are still gov. I just proved you false about changing gov.

I was not in government in 2007. Sorry.

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So I can earn your respect, but there is no way to actually do it as no criteria is set. Is that possible?

Honestly, a cold rational list of "respekt points" would completely undermine the point of earning it in the first place. There are some things in life that are simply unquantifiable. Just try to be the best you can be, and you might eventually reach it.

For example this:

And just to say, I never said I wasn't arrogant. I accept it as a bad trait and try my best to not be so arrogant. Alas, it is hard to do.

Helps you.

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Honestly, a cold rational list of "respekt points" would completely undermine the point of earning it in the first place. There are some things in life that are simply unquantifiable. Just try to be the best you can be, and you might eventually reach it.

For example this:

Helps you.

That is a criterion.

Edited by Wa Mu
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Why hallo thar.

How be you on this fine day?

i am just dandy how about yourself

Arrogance paves a way of war. It is what brings about a sense of superiority. When superiority floods the mind, then that person will do whatever it takes for his or her wishes of goodness to come true.

i would argue that a sense of superiority brings about arrogance and that arrogance doesn't pave a way of war either. it is entirely possible to be arrogant yet not aggressively pursue war.

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i am just dandy how about yourself

Why, I just finished some very hard exams, and I am exceedingly happy.

So happy in fact, that I have decided that I shall now go celebrate in the traditional Letumish fashion, by downing a few bottles of nice spirits and dreaming about fetishes.

I'm afraid that means I'll won't be spending the rest of the night here, but I shalt be on IRC if you want to share in my perverse fun.

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With the exception of Letum, I'm beginning to wonder why the radio silence was lifted.

I agree.

I'm sure one day Letum will end up out of the NPO and we'll all like him much more for it. While I disagree with his view points on most things, he has proven himself as a solid debater and an intelligent individual.

If only he would realize most of the people he is defending in his arguments did not live up to his own standards.

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I respect people I downright hate. It has nothing to do with them being humans, or flesh and bone, it has to do with their worth as individuals. I do not favor them because of any like or dislike, I respect them because they are worth my respect.

Marching in here demanding a default respect simply because you share the same biological traits as me, that is arrogance.

Respect is earned, not given.

I'm curious; when you make a quick run to the store to pick up your favourite beverages, do you curse every person you walk past? Do you slam a door in the face of an elderly lady? Do you give the finger to the guy who asks you for the time? Do you sneeze in the cashier's face?

The idea that someone needs to prove something to you in order to earn a default amount of respect (etiquette, good manners, etc) is pretty retarded and indeed quite arrogant. Get over yourself.

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i am just dandy how about yourself

i would argue that a sense of superiority brings about arrogance and that arrogance doesn't pave a way of war either. it is entirely possible to be arrogant yet not aggressively pursue war.

arrogance results in treating others as lesser than yourself, that inevitably leads to injustice which leads to war.

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To put it simply, you are not "good" enough for it. What is "good enough" is very subjective, just like the definition of "evil" is subjective. And much like all these insubstantial morality-related characteristics that surround conversations lately, there is no criteria by which you are examined against. This is not a test. I simply know it when I see it. And I see you as small. Not in terms of importance or ability (they have nothing to do with it), but in terms of your soul.

Ooh, really?

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I'm curious; when you make a quick run to the store to pick up your favourite beverages, do you curse every person you walk past? Do you slam a door in the face of an elderly lady? Do you give the finger to the guy who asks you for the time? Do you sneeze in the cashier's face?

I used to do that.

Then I resigned from the NPO. :P

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I'm curious; when you make a quick run to the store to pick up your favourite beverages, do you curse every person you walk past? Do you slam a door in the face of an elderly lady? Do you give the finger to the guy who asks you for the time? Do you sneeze in the cashier's face?

Well considering I dont wear pants, they all give me wierd looks anyway. The old lady deserved it too.

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