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I intend on using the NSO challenge system to keep the Councils accountable. It will be similar to how Master Marauders can only be challenged by Marauders.. a Chairman of a Council can be challenged by a Councilor, and a Councilor can be challenged by any member of their socioeconomic class who is endorsed by 10% of that class.

In a challenge, the socioeconomic class will be summoned to the auditorium, where the challenged and the challenger will debate the performance of the challenged, the promises and potential of the challenger, and answer questions from myself and Privy Council.

One of the questions that will always be asked is, "Does a government function better when its internal groups operate in a spirit of cooperation or a spirit of competition?"

I will personally adjudicate the victor, on advice from Privy Council, the uninvolved members of the challenged Council, and the reactions of the audience.

So if I understand correctly, it's some sort of convoluted money laundering scheme.

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At my high school, we had four periods of 85 minutes each, and two semesters per year.

your school sounds atypical, and this is coming from someone who went to boarding school. Beyond that, the OP is idealistic to a point, puts far to much emphasis on APs, and, sounds a lot like your economic theory. Lets also not forget your whole student-government idea, which completely ignores the existing structures which keep schools together, which are run by staffs of paid administrators. I don't know about you, but I would not want to send my child to a school that's run by minors.

I took 5 of those tests, never got below a 4, and they have not and will not do me any good in college. Waste of time, waste of money. Not to mention, judging learning or intelligence based on test scores is like trying to judge morality via a swimming race. All tests measure is how good you are at studying, long term retention be damned.

- - -

Additionally, how is this OWF material?

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Perhaps after time I will look for further professional fulfillment. I will look to become the Emperor.

As the Emperor of the empire, I will recognize the citizenry and nobility as such:

Students, the citizens of my empire, are divided into socioeconomic classes.

Freshmen - paupers

Sophomores - merchant middle class

Juniors - bourgeoisie

Seniors - upper class

The various classes will elect representatives, who will also accomplish empire goals.

Paupers - Council for Cultural Diffusion

Merchant Middle Class - Council for Peace and Trade

Bourgeoisie - Council for Internal Affairs

Upper Class - Council for War and Economic Development

Council for Cultural Diffusion - this Council, lead by a Chairman and served upon by two Councilors like all Councils, will oversee the cultural development and community relations of the empire. They will encourage their constituents to involve themselves in theater, art, and music, as well as coordinate volunteer projects for the empire to better build relations with the community.

Council for Peace and Trade - this Council oversees the Diplomatic Corps (athletics) and the Commerce Department, and will work with community leaders, such as the Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary Club, to procure supplies and investments. This Council also works with foreign empires to share materials and expenses whenever possible.

Council for Internal Affairs - this Council oversees the Media, Recruitment, Security, and Academy divisions. With the Academy, it is very important for the nobility to recognize that they do not know more than the citizenry concerning every subject, and having citizen instructors on different subjects will bring their personal expertise to the empire and impart their knowledge on the nobility.

Council for War and Economic Development - this Council oversees the military (academic competition teams) and the Imperial Bank. Internal economic development is key - all students must be able to take at least 3 AP exams per year free of charge as well as have a steady supply of fresh healthy food made available to facilitate nourishment per Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

The nobility will be divided into several classes. The social class structure is such:



Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs/Chancellor/Polemarch/Minister of Finance/Eminence grise



Prime Minister




Emperor - sovereign of the empire, answers to the Archon eponymous (town mayor) the Archon basileus (school district superintendent) and the Elder Council (school board).

Regent - second of command of the empire, generally a school Counselor.

Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs - Athletic director, responsible for the training of the Diplomatic Corps and the image of the empire which is projected through the rest of the land.

Chancellor - head of Internal Affairs, coordinates recruitment, media projects, and the school security force. Provides the resources necessary for the Council for Internal Affairs to run the Academy.

Polemarch - head of the Imperial Military. Personally oversees the training of the Barristers Guild (Mock Trial), the Grange (Future Farmers of America), the Bilderberg Group (Future Business Leaders of America), the Imperial Corps of Engineers (Science Olympiad) and the Praetorian Guard (Academic Decathlon).

Minister of Finance - head of the Imperial Bank, works with the Council for War and Economic Development on sustainable growth and revenue streams. Prepares budget reports so the Emperor doesn't have to.

Dauphins - Counselors not holding another positions. Considered higher ranking than other nobility, with oversight authority.

Dukes - Nobility who sit on Privy Council.

Prime Minister - The citizen chairman of Privy Council.

Barons - department heads.

Counts - teachers who are not department heads.

Citizens - students.

Privy Council is a highly influential group comprised of the six members of the upper class who had the highest combined AP scores from the tests taken as bourgeoisie and the five members of the nobility who had the highest combined scores of AP test passing in their subject of teaching. The citizen who received the highest combined AP score is ascended to Prime Minister, and considered the sovereign of the entire student body. The Prime Minister is the Chairman of Privy Council and has social ranking above all teachers not on Privy Council. The Counts/Barons who are selected for Privy Council are ascended to Dukes. All academic mandates from the state/county/district, new textbooks, lesson plans, or anything else academic-related will go to Privy Council for debate and to formulate a recommendation for the Emperor.

I wanted to do something like this in my high school, but due to idiocy and the "clique" culture I failed. I was able, however, to get 20% of the votes in a 5 person election for ASB President. I was also completely unknown before. But yeah, I was going to do something like this, I even still have all the documents that I typed up explaining how I would do it.

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I wanted to do something like this in my high school, but due to idiocy and the "clique" culture I failed. I was able, however, to get 20% of the votes in a 5 person election for ASB President. I was also completely unknown before. But yeah, I was going to do something like this, I even still have all the documents that I typed up explaining how I would do it.

I would love to see these documents, if you would be so gracious as to provide them.

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er. no. AP classes and tests are NOT why high schools are failing, and AP classes are designed TO teach to the test. Maybe since you are 8 years removed from high school (I'm 3 years removed) and since wide availability of AP classes are relatively new, i'll fill you in. AP stands for Advanced Placement, which means that in most schools that offer AP courses, AP courses are the highest level of achievement, and generally by taking these courses, you would get more knowledge than in any other non-AP course by the same name. The goal is to take a test at the end of the year (my tests were $52 an exam) and, based on what you got on the test (1-5, 1+2 failing, 3 sometimes being accepted, and 4+5 usually accepted), you would get college level credit. As for myself, I took 7 AP courses in high school (took 6 tests, as the Physics AP class wasn't serious nor taught to the test), and as a result, I got 22 credits, which has probably saved me 15k-25k depending on including the opportunity costs, which is great considering I only spent $312 on the exams themselves. Fundamentally, AP courses are designed so the students gain enough knowledge to pass the AP exam, to serve as an acceptable substitute for a college course by the same or similar name.

I stand corrected then, thank you my friend. However, still the end result is a standardized test. I took a few AP classes in my day and really they didnt do that much that wasn't done in regular classes. This could also have to do with my old school spending millions on their football team and nothing on books or education though.

Again, thanks for the added info dude.

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er. no. AP classes and tests are NOT why high schools are failing, and AP classes are designed TO teach to the test. Maybe since you are 8 years removed from high school (I'm 3 years removed) and since wide availability of AP classes are relatively new, i'll fill you in. AP stands for Advanced Placement, which means that in most schools that offer AP courses, AP courses are the highest level of achievement, and generally by taking these courses, you would get more knowledge than in any other non-AP course by the same name. The goal is to take a test at the end of the year (my tests were $52 an exam) and, based on what you got on the test (1-5, 1+2 failing, 3 sometimes being accepted, and 4+5 usually accepted), you would get college level credit. As for myself, I took 7 AP courses in high school (took 6 tests, as the Physics AP class wasn't serious nor taught to the test), and as a result, I got 22 credits, which has probably saved me 15k-25k depending on including the opportunity costs, which is great considering I only spent $312 on the exams themselves. Fundamentally, AP courses are designed so the students gain enough knowledge to pass the AP exam, to serve as an acceptable substitute for a college course by the same or similar name.

You're lucky. Unfortunately, in the eyes of my university AP Calc AB =/= Business Calc, AP Stats =/= Business stats, and you try and find the business school equivalents of Art History, US History and Euro :( .

5 tests at $80ish a piece = ~$400 down the drain.

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Sadly not many schools and educators take the time and the effort needed anymore, and neither does the student body and their guardians.

The schools and educators arent paid enough. The student body is too busy attempting to advance into sex at the age of 10 and thier gaurdians are too scared of thier kids saying they hate them.


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Make that a third. What does this have to do with CN? I don't get it.

He wants all the highschoolers of CN to learn from him and pay taxes to him, The Emperor.

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I guess I am confused how the Council and being in charge of FBLA things would work if this is to be applied to history classes only. In my school, you have 7 periods all day on Monday consisting of 45 minutes. Then you have 4 periods that alternate every day. So odd 1, 3, 5 and 7 would be on Tuesday. 2, 4, 5 and 6 is on Wednesday and so forth. 5 has less time because it is daily and has lunch time. Classes are 90 minutes on those days and it is divided into 2 semesters.

Also, I don't know if a teacher would really be required to demand that students take AP. If they're in advanced classes, I understand, but if it is a regular class, I doubt that AP would even be considered. I like how complex it is but I don't know how parts of it could be factored in if it affects classes outside of history. Depends on what school you end up teaching at, I guess.

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I guess I am confused how the Council and being in charge of FBLA things would work if this is to be applied to history classes only.

Sorry again about the confusion.

In the first section, I am describing how a history class would be set up like a nation.

In the second section, I am describing how a school would be set up like an alliance.

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You're lucky. Unfortunately, in the eyes of my university AP Calc AB =/= Business Calc, AP Stats =/= Business stats, and you try and find the business school equivalents of Art History, US History and Euro :( .

5 tests at $80ish a piece = ~$400 down the drain.

Because the college board is a paranoid and inefficient hunk of fail.

Edited by Marty McFly
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I stand corrected then, thank you my friend. However, still the end result is a standardized test. I took a few AP classes in my day and really they didnt do that much that wasn't done in regular classes. This could also have to do with my old school spending millions on their football team and nothing on books or education though.

Again, thanks for the added info dude.

yeah, I can't say for certain, but i believe around the time I was entering HS and a few years before, AP opportunities were just getting started, and were probably merged into Honors, whereas by my junior/senior year, they were completely separate and dedicated mostly towards passing the test. I'm certain that, excluding the US History AP exception (which covered all of American history, rather than the normal course which covered only after Reconstruction, and thus taught 2 courses in 1 year), that I learned a lot more than I would have otherwise. One of the best things about these AP courses, i would say, is they actually taught you how to write coherent essays, which IMO has proved invaluable in college.

You're lucky. Unfortunately, in the eyes of my university AP Calc AB =/= Business Calc, AP Stats =/= Business stats, and you try and find the business school equivalents of Art History, US History and Euro :( .

5 tests at $80ish a piece = ~$400 down the drain.

That's pretty unfortunate. Some schools just take AP tests differently, and I believe especially the Ivys don't take APs while others will only take 5s. Fortunately, my University (University of Wisconsin - Madison) was rather generous.

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That's pretty unfortunate. Some schools just take AP tests differently, and I believe especially the Ivys don't take APs while others will only take 5s. Fortunately, my University (University of Wisconsin - Madison) was rather generous.

The universities in NC are fairly generous. Need at least a 3, except for UNC - Chapel Hill which requires a 4. Thankfully my teacher treated the class work load like it was a college class. We had homework every night until 2 days before the Exam day. We had the choice to do it, but if you didn't do it you'd fail the class (No, she didn't grade the homework either).

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Sorry again about the confusion.

In the first section, I am describing how a history class would be set up like a nation.

In the second section, I am describing how a school would be set up like an alliance.

I hate to have to say this, but CN should not be applied to the real world. Sorry.

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