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The Phoenix still burns bright

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O! Say can you see, by the Dusk fading light,

What so proudly we hailed, as the Phoenix stood gleaming.

Whose bright colors yet flare, through the perilous fight,

O'er the trenches we watched, as she was gallantly waving..

And the missiles red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there.

O! Say does that Phoenix banner, yet still proudly fly…

O'er the land of the Federation, and the home of the Phoenix.

It is in such times as these, that an alliance is tested to the extreme. Over the past month, The Phoenix Federation has been tested, and we have shown through that we still stand. This has become more than a war now, this has become a battle of attrition, and whom can outlast whom. Our enemies have attempted to break and scatter us, but our morale is higher than ever as we all stand with our shoulders pulled back and say “we didn’t back down, we didn’t give up”. This war has brought us closer together than any of us could have imaged. We became more than an alliance, more than a fellowship of friends, we became, family. While we are all battered from battle, we still manage to lift our heads high, and we proudly salute our old glory, whom still proudly stands now after two long years. And we let it remind us of all that we have done, and will do. For on this day, we celebrate, our birthday.


The Phoenix Federation has had a very full history, taking part in many events that have helped define and shape the world of Bob. Our history starts on this day, June 4th. Two years ago, TotalFarkistan merged with COLD to form what we know as “The Phoenix Federation”. On that day, the first breath of life was given to the Phoenix, and after a period of two years, the Phoenix stands proudly. Our history is full of events, events that have defined and changed us, that we have learned from, and gained experience along the way. On this day, marking our second anniversary as an alliance, the Phoenix steps into a new chapter of planet Bob, with every intention of flying on.


On this journey, we have had the help of many great friends. Some whom are still with us, others whom are not. Some of whom are allies, others whom have crossed the field opposite of the Federation. But from where we stand, in our eye's, we owe you all a big thank you for getting us to where we are today. Whether we are now on opposite sides of the lines, or still allies and pulling each other through tough times, we have the utmost respect for your dedication, and hard work, that got the Phoenix to where it is today. So, thank you.

With all politics aside, just respect and gratitude for hard work, we wish to say thank you friends, here are just a few notable names that deserve to be among this list, which is to long to name them all.

Quiziotle, TimLee, Geopet, Slayer, OBM * toto ;) *...

Thank you friends, for your hard work. To everyone else unnamed, thank you also.


With that, I leave you all with a little gift from The Phoenix Federation;



The Phoenix Federation Family

Edited by Airikr
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I recognize this alliance.

How many can actually say they are currently in TPF and were there for its birth? 3?


Edit: My bad.

/v\ The Phoenix Federation /v\

Edited by Heyman
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Happy Birthday, TPF. I am glad to see you are taking the right things out of a brutal losing war. I look forward to seeing where mhawk can take you in this, your third year of existence.

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