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Official Citadel Announcement

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I see a few more potential members in Citadel's future, and am happy you have stricter membership requirements than Q did, it'll keep your bloc together forever if you're genuinely friends and not just together for convenience.

huh? Dude we hate each other :P What are you talking about.

Crymson! Saber! I challenge you to a duel!

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Well, this is quite the surprise. Once in a while something hits you out of left field, and knocks you out cold on the grass. Too bad that he recently mowed the lawn...now I have grass clippings in my mouth. Citadel, you are not allowed to make me faint. I will send you the dental bill. For god sakes, make sure the grass is something I WANT to fall in next time.

Congrats Argent!!!

Congrats Citadel!!!

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It's an honor to be accepted and welcomed into the Citadel family. Now that we're in Citadel I probably cant get away with my tired old guy schtict Im actually going to have to try humor from time to time.

Can I still be an $@! in the boiler room though? :lol1:

Someone mentioned family fighting, so does this mean I can make vague insulting remarks to Poobah accross multiple message boards now? :v:

( :wub: Poobs)



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It's an honor to be accepted and welcomed into the Citadel family. Now that we're in Citadel I probably cant get away with my tired old guy schtict Im actually going to have to try humor from time to time.

Can I still be an $@! in the boiler room though? :lol1:

Someone mentioned family fighting, so does this mean I can make vague insulting remarks to Poobah accross multiple message boards now? :v:

( :wub: Poobs)



I never realized anyone was vague about insulting Poobs

:war: Poobs :war:

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This is Old. I already saw this posted on Digg like two months ago.

This is a complete photoshop job. You can tell it's a fake because the shadows are all wrong and you can see the pixels where it was photoshopped.

This is exactly like that scene in the movie Never BAck Down where Max & Baja discover pieces of rock with ancient writing on them, and decide to build a time machine. The machine looks like a giant stone ring and next to it there's a fuzzy pink doll in a wheelchair with a mohawk shouting orders at everyone. Baja doesn't like that Max is putting up with all the fuss and drags him though the gate.

They end up on some planet with sand everywhere, no fast food & everyone sort of looks like early man


Oh.. wait.. i mean...

o/ Argent!

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I remember the first day I "met" Argent: Poobah duped mrcalkin and I into signing up on their forums to get some cheap tech. After he never delivered, we still sort of lingered, and a friendship was born (on such illegitimate grounds!). I'm very happy to see this finally happen - it's been on the books for a while.

Welcome to the family.

o/ Argent

o/ Citadel

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I remember the first day I "met" Argent: Poobah duped mrcalkin and I into signing up on their forums to get some cheap tech. After he never delivered, we still sort of lingered, and a friendship was born (on such illegitimate grounds!). I'm very happy to see this finally happen - it's been on the books for a while.

Welcome to the family.

o/ Argent

o/ Citadel

To be fair, we're only interested in the friendship to prevent Grämlins being betrayed.

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