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ARES Announcement

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Though Rick James couldn't be here today to congratulate us today, he sends his best. Today ARES has turned one year old. Most of you are probably wondering how this alliance has survived with a leader who publicly advertises his intelligence (or lack thereof).

To tell you the truth, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for these select few individuals and alliances:

Van Hoosifer- You've helped ARES more then anyone, and you're still regarded as our most important member. We would not be here without you. We love you.

Gen Lee, Rishy, Tails, Chairman Hal, Balder, and mr. Tirpitz, and the rest of Ragnarok - You have always been there for us when we needed you, it is because of you guys that we have survived this long. For that I thank you.

Vanguard- More loyal allies, we will not find. Thanks QTUN and Revanche.

TeenTitans/Superfriends- You guys have been awesome these last couple months, and i've never seen such a loving family. It's been an honor and a pleasure to walk among your hallowed halls.

And to my allies on the blue team- It's been a very intresting ride and If i had to do it over, I'd love to ride again. Special thanks goes to Polaris, NV, GR, Genesis (excluding Templar)and UBD for being such awesome friends and allies. Blue was never sexier.

And with this comes our newest Gov in the recent elections:

President --Joe Stupid



DoD --Perandori

DoR --Tornado


DoF --v0.0v

We'll be in #ARES all day with nothing better to do. We also opened up our brewery Here on ARES forums.


Did i mention our paty cove?? So drop by say hello, have a beer, look at some nice bewbs, and have fun!

Also intriducing Obligatory Knife pr0n


Edited by Joe Stupid
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Congratz on your acheivements ARES, 1 year already good job. Once again I can`t thank you guys enough for the support you give UINE everyday, I don`t know where we would be without you guys.... Once again, congratz to ARES on their first birthday! Onwards to birthday #2!


o/ TT

o/ Joe

o/ Barix

o/ Kresden

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