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WarriorConcept Q&A


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Well I suppose for something like this to be an appropriate one I would have to present some form of a quick bio on what I've done in CN.

I started off back in the summer of 2006 or thereabouts, then when GWI ended I was just bored and went to apply to GOONS who looked like a fun bunch. During that an invasion from /b/ started happening and that looked like a place that could be interesting so I withdrew my application and promptly joined it. I was in the original government and council there for a month or so I believe until we had come to the decision of being a neutral alliance. Given how much I enjoy conflict and the ability to partake in it, I knew it was in both our best interests that we parted ways.

Thereafter I joined LUE till about December of 06 I believe, just before the New Reverie scandal over the Red Senate. Met some very cool people there including IF2 and mq3eleven. Had some fun there setting up nuke strategies as well with mq3 for the inevitable war that everyone was waiting for. When I left to join >_< which later on became \m/ with Starfox and such after WUT was founded LUE wanted the aid I received while in the alliance back which I brokered through their MoIA? at the time, klosterdev. He wanted the money to instead go to FAN as part of their war reparations when all of it was settled.

Still in >_< in WUT got some government positions there, GWII came and Starfox started suggesting that LUE nuke Philosopher, a government member in NPO at the time, so banned member and Jason8 I believe at the time wanted to smooth that over by asking him to take a sabbatical from govt at the time if I recall correctly. Starfox refused and went on to make GoG with some of our former members including His Royal Thickness if memory serves. At the same time we lost some other good members such as Tygaland and Fallenfighter for their creation of STA. Same time frame admin bans the use of >_< as an in-game AA, and so \m/ came around.

\m/ came back from 50 members and less than 1mil NS to rise to the #5 alliance in-game with stats I can't recall at this very moment. We had some fun with our allies, fought a couple wars for them, tech raided some, and made some awesome war guides (hi VE!). Fast forward through that and some events leading to UJW start happening. I believe the first issue was when bilrow, then leader of gga with jonathan brookbank and someone else whose name eludes me at the moment, had an issue with banned member (GOONS leader) being in the Initiative (WUT) private IRC channel. He subsequently left the channel and bloc. *removed*

At this time the hostility between those alliances and that certain person was not uncommon as several arguments had already been held previously in private WUT forums so it came as no surprise when that individual pulled his alliance out of WUT after several alliance leaders asked him to step down from government involving the UJP alliances in WUT and MCXA and GGA if I recall correctly.

Fast forward a little more and we have Ivan's coup of NPO. Feeling the danger by an Ivan controlled NPO, whom had made his disdain for WUT known already, several alliances in WUT including \m/ made UJP in a defensive measure for when a deemed certain battle would happen. Then Moo coups back NPO and asks all of us for his support and we all do so.

Events leading up to UJW have by now become a blur, but from what I can recall it started with an unaligned nation raiding a GOONS protectorate that GGA claimed was apparently a member of theirs. GOONS counter-dec'd on the nation in question but didn't launch attacks. While I'd have to go through my old logs on my other laptop at this moment to get the exact details of how the negotiations went, it ended up failing and at the same time Genmay launched an attack on BoTS, a Polar protectorate, because of constant tech raids and something else maybe, can't exactly remember their DoW. The rest is probably well logged in the wiki and relevant threads there.

There were a couple of main points in UJW I disagreed with. One mainly being our allies in NPO and MCXA betraying us and ignoring their treaties with us while at the same time plotting behind our backs with the opposing forces then went on to attack our side. The other one would be Legion's claim that \m/ tried to extort them in the past. To clear that point up here for anyone who might have not been around, our Minister of Recruitment tried to get some tech from Legion and the next night when I woke up, as a tri of \m/, went to Legion and told them that the tech was not needed at all and that the person was out line for demanding it and would be punished accordingly.

Well, there's probably some more that I'm missing, and some details that could be clarified further, but that's the gist of my CN existence up until the end of 2007.

So yeah, there's my bio, resume, whatever. I suppose I'm considered an old timer by now so if anyone wants a quick history lesson then I'll be happy to answer anything in that regards. If you'd like my opinion on anything after that feel free as well or any other questions you might come up with.

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Good sir, why do you suck so much at this game of CyberNations?

I blame \m/

What are the long term projections of WarriorConcepts's direction given the current trends in the Cyberverse political sphere?

Speaking his mind and trying to speak only with people whom show some form of independent thought and ability to properly argue.

How did the events of May 24th and May 25th, 2007 make you feel?

Kinda used really, but we had to honor our treaties because that's how we rolled.

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Now I know why you dislike NPO xD

Well yeah, they ignored their treaties with us after we were attacked and helped for the planning to have us attacked all the time while we were "allies" then they promptly went up and attacked one of our allies during the war.

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Why are you copying Mogar? :(

I've done Q&As for myself in the past, he didn't start it.

Why did you join the NPO when you came back?

Promise to Dilber from our days in WUT that I would

How come you never joined the Viridian Entente? ;)

Green is crazy drama yo!

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What was the main motivation for you to create this thread? In other words, when you were sitting in your chair, what made you think, "I'm going to start a WarriorConcept Q&A thread, that sounds 1337!?!"

I was bored and my sleeping patterns have gone crazy since the semester ended.

Also I'm on my bed B)

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How disappointed are you that I was never \m/? :P

I don't think I really knew you back then to be honest, though coming to know you after the fact I think it would've been cool to have you there.

Tell me what's so great about \m/. Everyone goes on and on about how awesome \m/ was. Why don't you recreate \m/ so the people who don't know about \m/ can be enlightened as to what \m/ is all about.

Also, explain what Shark Week was please.


\m/ was great for its members because it was an alliance built on fun. We enjoyed the game for what it was. I wouldn't be able to properly recreate \m/ myself, it'd require several people whom are no longer in this game.

Shark week was the week in which GOONS took the initiative of attacking anyone who trolled without a point, purpose, or heck just respectfully. They held everyone to the same standards which even resulted in them attacking some of their own members. It basically made the forums what it is now mindless most of the mindless people who post just for the sake of posting blissfully ignorant of what they're commenting on.

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