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C&G - SF Tea Party


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mmm, muscatel

-Baihao Yinzhen (Fujian)

-Uji Gyokuro

-Shifeng Longjing

-Darjeeling Black

-Ceylon Black

-30 years Pu Erh

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I object to this tea party in that I love tea, and am in neither C&G, nor SF...

I am boycotting this tranny until I get entrance into either SF or C&G.

Note: I bring a lot to the party guys. My rugged good looks, my witty banter, and a level of perversion that no one can beat.

Whats Rupaul got to do with this? :P

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Cake shall be served. That is to say, you shall have the the pleasure of waiting upon me.

It is our pleasure as always, O Psychic Cupcake Overlord and Eperor of the SuperFriends.

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Bai Hao Yinzhen is the most delicate type of Yinzhen in production today. Its taste is supposed to be quite delicate, but I find it to be robustly floral with an undercurrent of fruit.


Uji is Japan's most prestigious tea growing region, in the suburbs of Kyoto, the pre-Meiji Japanese capital (which is also full of communists, and Nintendo!). Gyokuro is Japan's highest grade green tea, which is grown in the shade in order to increase chlorophyll content. Relative to other types of green tea, it is also very high in theanine, a general neuro-stimulant, which imparts a savory flavor characteristic of Japanese food.


Shifeng Longjing is made from wild tea plants near Lion Peak, hence the name Shifeng. Like Gyokuro, it is particularly high in theanine content, but whereas Gyokuro is grow in special conditions to generate a deep green color and a concentration of amino acids, Shifeng Longjing comes by its theanine through genetics. Shifeng Longjing is also the reserve of the Chinese Communist Party's top leaders, and only the surplus is sold on the open market. Flavor-wise, it is less robust than Uji Gyokuro, but it's known to tolerate more infusions than its Japanese counterpart.

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1 billion dongs and his left kidney is our opening offer.

I hope you're not making your opening offer excessively large so as to balance out the low ball request for white peace so that you may meet somewhere in the middle that satisfies both parties! That, sir, is not how you're supposed to negotiate!

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Alright who stole the jam? I do smell a conspiracy afoot. I have my suspicions. For every hour the jam is not returned reps increase by 30k tech!

Hey now, I heard from other sources that the demand was actually 75K tech. What are you trying to pull here?

and where the hell did my sugar cubes go

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