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Ordo Verde Announcement

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Ordo Verde has recently made some changes to our government in light of some of our

members having to put CN on the backburner due to RL. I am sad to announce that Rayvon

our former Minister of Foreign Operations is no longer with us. On a brighter note I am

pleased to present you with the new government of Ordo Verde.


Minister of Internal Affairs-MrDuffy

Minister of Defense-Dani_C

Minister of Foreign Operations-Sethb

Deputies and Ministers

Minister of Recruitment- Sugarbutt

Minister of Finance- Eric Hutchins

Deputy Minister of Defense- Petar the 5th

Headmaster of OV University and Minister of Trades- Grossman

Feel free to stop by #ov on coldfront to say hi and share a Verde Brew or three with us.

Edited by sethb
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