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Non-Nuclear Wars in the Future?


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There are many nukeholics in CN. You have to first go up to each one of them and try to end their nuke addiction. Then, you have to discourage alliances from pumping their small members full of cash to buy the MP wonders. After that, you have to convince the losing nations not to try to drag their attackers down with them with nukes.

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Barring a major regime change in the Imperial Assault Alliance (read, all government being removed) and barring a major shift in the Imperial Senate (read, completely replacing the membership), I can assure you that our Star Destroyers will be firing the heaviest of ordinances.

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Barring a major regime change in the Imperial Assault Alliance (read, all government being removed) and barring a major shift in the Imperial Senate (read, completely replacing the membership), I can assure you that our Star Destroyers will be firing the heaviest of ordinances.

I like this post. Turbolasers ftw.

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Barring a major regime change in the Imperial Assault Alliance (read, all government being removed) and barring a major shift in the Imperial Senate (read, completely replacing the membership), I can assure you that our Star Destroyers will be firing the heaviest of ordinances.

hell effin yes IAA will be kickin arse all over bob and bob's moons too

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Screw turbolasers. Everyone knows that nuclearproton torpedoes are the way to go.

Unless IAA is supporing a different Star Noun theme these days, I think you mean proton.

Edit: :v:

Edited by Delta1212
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The prohibition of nukes was a tool of the powerful to insure that their beatdowns would be with as little loss to them as possible. Doing away with the ridiculous idea that using nuclear weapons is wrong is one the best things to come out of this war.

What Sal said. Nukes are weapons, nothing more, nothing less. They were only called immoral by the powerful and the pixel huggers so that people would take less damage from a smaller opponent in a beatdown. Every war from now on will be nuclear and thats a perfectly fine thing. A nuke is just a weapon. There is not one immoral thing about it.

As has already been said in this topic, imagine if GWII or the GPA war had gone nuclear. We could be looking at a totally different world today.

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It was after the chaos of the Great Patriotic War (started by a nuke from Emperor Tygaland) that the nations agreed to sit down and sign a treaty to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in major hedgemonic warfare. It was a nuke that brought the Pacificans into the battle (the nuking of Seattle by LUE) and a non-nuke treaty was proposed by the GATO bloc as a way to ensure future wars did not have the same level of devestation. It should be noted that the Order was one of the last alliances to leave the treaty initiated by the Southern Bloc.

EDIT: Clean up

Edited by Sir Paul
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The nuclear taboo may have been started by moralists in CoaLUEtion (since they were on top at that time, it makes sense), but it was perpetuated under the Orders' hegemony for their own strategic interest, and now I think people see through it. I suppose that if a new world order emerges with a central power, that power may threaten its opponents with much worse terms for using nukes, in order to preserve its own infrastructure, in much the same way that Initiative/Continuum did.

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