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Mogar Q&A


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Hehe, thanks.

I actually believe I thought I quoted it and just failed at clicking the button.

Why did I just get banned from 2 CSS servers for spamming good music?!

because the mods probably like rap or something other than you were spamming, good music is relative.

Anybody can answer this one. It's because those mods don't liek good music. :awesome: [/stealthunder]

^this is also correct.

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Hey Mogar. I need to put #mogars_room on my ajoin list since you let #cn_news die. That was a sad day for me.

Where do you see Ragnarok after this war? I apologize if this has already been answered, I don't have time to read through all of the posts.

You should, I haven't been on IRC at all this week, attempting to kill my CN addiction a bit.

I see RoK in a very good position after this war, as part of Karma they ensured themselves a good position in the post war time, depending on how aggressively they pursue relations with the alliances they're not allied to from Karma they may be as secure as Polaris was 4 months before the War of the Coalition, basically untouchable by anyone, although I don't see alto of unity from Karma after this war, I'm sure a few alliances are going to benefit greatly from the buildup of this coalition.

Who is the person in your avatar?

(1st post btw)



note: the ED link contains harsh language, don't click it if you don't like swears.

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I think STA is an honorable alliance, I had wished they'd have stayed in SNOW, but don't blame them for leaving it, I would have too if I were in the same position, I think Tygaland is a great leader, and happen to like quite a few STA members. All dogs go to heaven, cats mostly go to hell, because cats are jerks, there's exceptions for both though.

Am I noticeable enough to be likable? :P

And dogs are stupid. Cats are smart. Pff.

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You should, I haven't been on IRC at all this week, attempting to kill my CN addiction a bit.

I see RoK in a very good position after this war, as part of Karma they ensured themselves a good position in the post war time, depending on how aggressively they pursue relations with the alliances they're not allied to from Karma they may be as secure as Polaris was 4 months before the War of the Coalition, basically untouchable by anyone, although I don't see alto of unity from Karma after this war, I'm sure a few alliances are going to benefit greatly from the buildup of this coalition.

I imagine that after this war we'll see Karma split into its various factions. Right now Karma is united with a common enemy, however once that enemy is out of the way I see the various blocs going their separate ways. What will be interesting is if one alliance or bloc tries to take the position as the primary power on Planet Bob.

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Am I noticeable enough to be likable? :P

And dogs are stupid. Cats are smart. Pff.

I happen to like your posts, they're well thought out, which is more than some people can say.

Yes, but thats why cats tend to go to hell, they're smart enough to know they're not really pets, humans are the pets, they feed on command, and let the cats in and out on command.

[OOC: What do you think of my avatar?]

I think your avatar is adorable, but I'm an animu nerd so it all works out.

I imagine that after this war we'll see Karma split into its various factions. Right now Karma is united with a common enemy, however once that enemy is out of the way I see the various blocs going their separate ways. What will be interesting is if one alliance or bloc tries to take the position as the primary power on Planet Bob.

Citadel is in the best position to do so, but also the least likely to do so, super friends have the ability to push themselves into that position, but it's like painting a target on your back, I don't think anyone is going to push themselves into that position for at least a little while after the dust settles from this war.

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Citadel is in the best position to do so, but also the least likely to do so, super friends have the ability to push themselves into that position, but it's like painting a target on your back, I don't think anyone is going to push themselves into that position for at least a little while after the dust settles from this war.

Agreed. It doesn't look good to consolidate power and take control immediately after a war that was directed at removing those who were in power from power. Eventually someone will decide that power is more important than having that target on their back, but like you said it'll take a little bit.

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Agreed. It doesn't look good to consolidate power and take control immediately after a war that was directed at removing those who were in power from power. Eventually someone will decide that power is more important than having that target on their back, but like you said it'll take a little bit.

The issue with taking control is the last person that took control was proven to not be invincible, which will also be the case for the next superpower, one thing Karma has accomplished is now nobody on top will have that aura of invincibility, they'll know they can be crushed just as quickly as the rest.

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With that in mind do you think we'll ever see a single alliance with a similar level of power and influence that NPO had again?

I honestly doubt it , we've been progressively moving towards smaller and smaller alliances, you can see this trend since GW2, small active groups of members are far better than large groups of members where most of your members happen to be there only for the protection a huge alliance gives.

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If you were to start another alliance Mogar, who would you look at for protection (as unbiased as possible because I know you'll pick TPF :))?

EDIT: thought of another one, When will we be able to freely get on at update again?

Edited by Kyle Smith
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If you were to start another alliance Mogar, who would you look at for protection (as unbiased as possible because I know you'll pick TPF :))?

EDIT: thought of another one, When will we be able to freely get on at update again?

NSO, LoSS, or TOOL, besides the obvious TPF answer, and Within a week the wars should be down to a small enough level you don't get locked out, although I haven't been locked out for weeks now.

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1. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

2. Do you have any ideas on what the NPO will do politically post war in an attempt to regain their crown as the supreme rulers of CN? Such as maybe seeking new allies, or altering their government to seem "reformed," etc, etc.

(sorry if these questions have been asked already, but I'm tired and can't remember what the hell I just read, and my mind is still reeling from the sanity blasting spectacle of witnessing a picture of Boxxy in a boxxy)

Madness inspiring picture attached:


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(OOC) Do you have a favorite energy drink

(IC) What is your view on the Order of the Four Leaf Clover.

Doubt you have one seeing how small we are,

but there i am part of amanzingness of this thread.

I prefer Monster Khaos energy drinks, or the Monster Java Loca Mocas, both are pretty awesome.

I have read a few of your announcements(I think you've only made two or at max three) and after checking your stats think you have

1. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

2. Do you have any ideas on what the NPO will do politically post war in an attempt to regain their crown as the supreme rulers of CN? Such as maybe seeking new allies, or altering their government to seem "reformed," etc, etc.

(sorry if these questions have been asked already, but I'm tired and can't remember what the hell I just read, and my mind is still reeling from the sanity blasting spectacle of witnessing a picture of Boxxy in a boxxy)

Madness inspiring picture attached:


1) 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.

2) I would think NPO will lay low, completely rehash their government from the ground up, possibly with a new emperor, I could see Dilber taking the job again, and going on an FA blitz, although putting someone like Dilber back in charge would fix a majority of NPO's problems, they'll seek out new allies, and a lot of people who are in the Karma group of alliances will be more than happy to sign a treaty with them, because as much of a threat as NPO is, you're less likely to be killed when you're their ally as opposed to untreatied, and people will still think that way even after the war.

Whats your opinion on C&G?

I happen to like most of the alliances in C&G, it does remind me alot of the league of old, except I bet you actually have posts in the military section of the C&G forums. :v:

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Awesome thread Mogar, you've answered many questions.

Well this is pretty entertaining to me and gives me a chance to answer questions people normally ask me on IRC on the forums instead, so I can just start to tell people to go here to see if I answered that already. :awesome:

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Hi,what is your opinion are you more the infra or tech heavy guy , and why?

Did you change your opinion after this war or are they the same regarding tech/infra and why?


I prefer having lots of tech and relatively low infra, it makes it so I'm simply unbeatable in the air(AADN and FAFB help out there as well) and I gain 1 mil every time someone attacks me, I only lost 2 ground battles out of about 40 from this past war due to my nation build, infra is useful for war, but not to the same extent that tech is, I also recommend military wonders, they may not bring you instant benefit like econ wonders, but they're certainly useful if you ever get attacked, I bought almost every military wonder before buying my econ wonders.

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