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A Statement from the Red Cross

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If you saw the Revenge Doctrine cancellation, put your hands up.

*looks around*

Yep, thought so.

NPO aren't exactly laying in the gutter curled up in the foetal position yet. They could still reasonably enforce the Revenge Doctrine. Good luck, because you'll need it.

Welcome to the turn of the tide.

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People keep mixing up the Moldavi Doctrine and the Revenge Doctrine.

Which is sad, because ONE of them, while just as opportunistic as the other, was actually a pretty damned good idea.

The idea of a sphere where more pacifistic players could hide under the umbrella of a much larger alliance and not be obligated to DO much to earn protection from parasitic tech raiders was a good idea. Sure, it benefitted the NPO because it netted them more trades, but it also benefits more casual players. If it does wind up a casualty of this war, I'll be somewhat sad. It was probably one of the most community-valueable things the NPO ever did.

On the other hand, the idea of keeping other alliances outside of Red is a blatant move to consolidate power that benefits no one but the NPO. And no one who isn't the NPO should weep to see it go.

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Good luck ModusOperandi!

Your extreme lack of 'balls' and dirty opportunism to declare an alliance on the red sphere is just despicable! The real way to do it is to declare after they're forced to relinquish the sphere, instead of declaring it during war when hundreds of NPO nations are dropping towards your NS range daily to enforce their doctrine!

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The point I've been trying to make here is that this did not require any balls. He can get away with it - and I won't argue whether or not he SHOULD be able to create a red team alliance. I don't care one way or the other. I'm not defending Pacifica's right to the red team. I honestly don't care if they keep the Moldavi Doctrine or not. The point is that this makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Now, if he recruits about 50 nations, then it would be the first step towards an open red sphere, which many are pushing for, and will probably get in the end. (Again, I really don't give a $%&@. Seriously. I'm completely indifferent to the Moldavi Doctrine)

I think you should re-read your argument.

Making an alliance before recruiting is obviously the first step, 50 nations then would be the second step to an open red sphere.

With that being said, I am looking forward to future developments on red and how the might makes right mantra will work out.

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Ok, actual question.

What is your policy on Red Sphere tech raiding? Cash raiding? Because it seems to me that there are some nations that feel they can just get by on the Red Sphere, tech-raiding from the Red Sphere and not getting hit back. Also there are rumors of hidden NPO banks *waits for Mogar to pick up on the rumor* that are on the sphere, but not directly affiliated with NPO.

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The point I've been trying to make here is that this did not require any balls. He can get away with it - and I won't argue whether or not he SHOULD be able to create a red team alliance. I don't care one way or the other. I'm not defending Pacifica's right to the red team. I honestly don't care if they keep the Moldavi Doctrine or not. The point is that this makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Now, if he recruits about 50 nations, then it would be the first step towards an open red sphere, which many are pushing for, and will probably get in the end. (Again, I really don't give a $%&@. Seriously. I'm completely indifferent to the Moldavi Doctrine)

As for having balls?

I'm not sure what you're trying to do here.

This alliance has shown nothing but an interest in thriving peacefully in the red sphere. They are not bandwaggoning, they aren't even involved in any sort of military or financial involvements in this war.

I'm not sure why you view establishing a peaceful alliance as some sort of criminal act as you regard their articulate and well mannered leader as "getting away with" something which once again implies he is engaging in some sort of crime.

Then again maybe you aren't interested in learning anything about this alliance and would instead prefer to browse the OWF and judge people's balls.

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Good luck ModusOperandi!

Your extreme lack of 'balls' and dirty opportunism to declare an alliance on the red sphere is just despicable! The real way to do it is to declare after they're forced to relinquish the sphere, instead of declaring it during war when hundreds of NPO nations are dropping towards your NS range daily to enforce their doctrine!

I'm sorry you feel this way 2burnt; however, there's no certainty that Pacifica would be forced to relinquish the sphere. As such, we felt that since red is essentially free (as it was in the beginning when Admin created the color teams) and that the NPO has a questionable ability to enforce its blockade there, that this was an opportune time to manifest a dream that has been desired for a long time. It was inevitable that some people would be unhappy with our decision.

If the NPO decides to move against communities that wish to establish themselves on the Red sphere, it would be a shame; like every other sphere, the Red Team is innately free and does not belong to anyone.

I understand that you may feel otherwise but we, as Red nations, fervently believe that this policy has been detrimental to the healthy growth of our sphere and, for better or worse, we have chosen to ignore it; this sphere is our home and we will never move.

Ok, actual question.

What is your policy on Red Sphere tech raiding? Cash raiding? Because it seems to me that there are some nations that feel they can just get by on the Red Sphere, tech-raiding from the Red Sphere and not getting hit back. Also there are rumors of hidden NPO banks *waits for Mogar to pick up on the rumor* that are on the sphere, but not directly affiliated with NPO.

Great question Ilya,

The Red Cross is a "HA!" alliance; its primary focus is humanitarian aid.

We shall provide assistance to any Red Team nation which is deemed to be vulnerable; this implies a variety of quantifiable factors such as difficulty trading, a lack of physical growth, limited nation-building education, previous sentences to Zero Infrastructure and unprovoked attacks.

Now, the time may come where the defense of such aid would require military intervention; our DARTs (Disaster Assistance Response Teams) will be more than capable of rendering that.

So, with specific reference to the action of tech-raiding, although it is not an avenue with which we shall be venturing we will continue to hold no ill will toward anyone who does do that. With that aside, if a Red Team victim does approach us for assistance we shall gladly provide aid and defend such aid if need be.

Edited by ModusOperandi
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Indeed. This is absolutely pointless. This is no better than bandwagoners kicking NPO while they're down. Pacifica does not have the resources to police the red sphere right now, as the Moldavi Doctrine requires, so this weasel gets his 15 minutes by creating a red team alliance.

If and when Pacifica renegs on the Moldavi Doctrine, a real alliance will enter the red sphere. Until then, this guy is just a coward that's taking advantage of the current global situation, while not having the balls to stand up and fight. If you dislike the Moldavi Doctrine so much, sir, why don't you do something about it? I'm sure there's someone in your range that would be happy to oblige.

"You're a terrible person for this. This is like attacking NPO. Why don't you attack NPO?"

Excellent arguement. A+++++++ for effort.

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Your opinion on whether or not the Moldavi Doctrine is the right thing to do is completely irrelevant.

The point is, he would not have done this if NPO were not at war with like 843 different alliances. That is a coward. There is no honor to be hailed here, no "first step" taken. Just a guy that started an alliance because NPO is otherwise engaged.

Again, whether or not you agree with their policing the red sphere is completely irrelevant. The fact that he does this while NPO is engaged in a massive conflict tells me all that I need to know about the integrity of the OP.

Tela, good to see you back, but you got to get back into the swing of things with your political arguments.

You've mentioned that it is cowardice when you do something to upset another alliance but they can't do something about it in that time. The would make every single curbstomp cowardice. Clearly you are not against curb stomps so please re explain why this act is cowardice.

Is it because he defied an alliance without beating the snot out of it first? Or because he wouldn't have done this a month ago?

If it was due to the first issue, powerful alliances make statements that hinder other alliances all the time politically without having to fire a shot. They take advantage of senate seats that others have given up for example due to their weakened state, Agora for exmaple after the BLEU war.

If it is due to timeing and the current fall of the NPO, then I can argue that this was done by NpO and NADC when they attacked, when NADC was no longer in Guard and had few allies to defend it it, or when TOP took advantage of the NpO when it was isolated to nuetralize the future threat they saw in them, or when NPO attacked MK when it was isolated, or when Karma attacked NPO when NPO made a critical blunder in it's FA that allowed them to get the sympathy, or when GGA attacked Hyperion knowing that if the NpO defended they would be dead meat, and so forth....

Takeing advantage of a situation to carry out your political ambitions is perfectly fine. On top of that he is doing so without really harming NPO, except politically a bit, but we all know that these doctrines won't remain after the war.

So please lets not be hypocrates. It sure is easy to call people cowards when you've never had to fight a lossing war.

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Well, good luck...To be quite frank though I'm not sure how well this will work out for you considering how small the red team is and the possibility that NPO might sanction you.

Thanks mate; for this reason alone, it is likely that a necessity may arise in which some of our larger nations will have to maintain identical affiliation but reside on a more politically libertarian sphere. It is certainly something which we, along with the other burgeoning and yet-to-be announced Red alliances, have anticipated but is nothing that we cannot overcome. :)

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I doubt any of the people complaining about opening Red !@#$%*ed about GOONS being forced, by war, to drop their control of the black senate <_<

I did :(

Also, good luck. Go big and dont stop. Hopefully that team will be open to all soon.

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