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The Phoenix Federation Announcement


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Taunts like this are really silly. We're tossing our war banks into the fight so my friends of many years don't have to die alone. Incase you missed we already have several very powerful alliances hitting us including, MK, GR, PC, Carpe Diem, FoB, WT, TFO, CCC, Avalanche ect...

mhawk is of course right. It does no one any great merit to troll him past this point re the STA (I don't need the help thanks), we have spoken and Polaris will watch as things develop.

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Sure, I think that's fine. Maybe STA violated the agreement, as did TOOL by entering the war, as did NEW by entering the war, as did Zenith, WAPA, and FEAR. You're split pretty evenly, and therefore, apart from TPF's initial declaration you're all in violation of the treaty. I don't care whether this treaty is honored or not. The issue is you've already failed to honor it one account, and it's clear that virtually none of the other signatories care to honor it either. What is the point of the treaty if your own alliance has failed to honor it, and almost every other signatory has failed as well?

To my recollection, only WAPA entered after STA.

Just because something isn't being held up by everyone, or some letters may have been bent doesn't mean we should just say to hell with it and bugger the whole agreement. Attacking STA would not serve any real purpose. While they would prove to be a fun and honorable opponent on the battlefield, it wouldn't do much for the unity of the sphere. As I'm sure NpO would agree, retaliating against everyone who hit every one of our/your allies would simply make this all FUBAR.

If you want in this war so dearly, you should talk to your gov about entering somewhere rather than baiting everyone and their mother into providing you with an inlet.

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I could make a million selling bridges on Planet Bob. Lot's of trolls to house.

As to those e-lawyering....really...what's the point at this time with the way the treaty web has proven meaningless in this conflict. When one side ignores treaties they are hailed. When the other tries to honor theirs they are trolled.

As to the Sith. We will give you what we've got to give at this time and that's all we can do. You'll do what you need to and the world will keep turning.

To the people giving the sarcastic "good luck, you'll need it" type posts.

We know where this road leads but we will walk it with ML with smiles on our faces and songs of war on our lips.

To MK, NSO, and the other 10 or so alliances warring with us, it's an honor to meet you on the battlefield. It's a fast fun ride down the mountain even if it's a long climb back up.

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Everything that has transpired has done so according to Moldavi's design. Your friends, up there on the sanctuary moon, are walking into a trap, as is your Hegemony fleet. It was *He* who allowed the Alliance to know the location of the Strategic Defense Initiative. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of our best troops awaits them. Oh, I'm afraid the Strategic Defense Initiative will be quite operational when your friends arrive.

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I still want to know who has violated SNOW. And why TPF is so evil for not attacking STA.


Bama, we're evil and obviously wrong in every facet haven't you as our ally realized this? Oh wait... [/sarcasm]

but anyway, again, and more on topic, have fun NSO, I know we will.

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I assume you're talking about SNOW here. I was not aware that TOOL attacked another signatory. Or that any of those other alliances did either.


It's not an issue of attacking another signatory. I am assuming that all parts of the treaty are given equal weight, as the treaty doesn't state "This part of the treaty is more important than this part." Therefore

We, the undersigned agree that stability and unity of the White sphere is important for trade, and will therefore not take part in any acts of aggression towards each other. This includes all acts of espionage, use of military and spy attacks, and aiding enemies of the undersigned. We also agree to remain civil and as friendly as possible in both public and private.

Molon Labe is an enemy of the Siberian Tiger Alliance. The Phoenix Federation is directly aiding the enemies of the Siberian Tiger Alliance. TOOL attacked the Dark Templar, who in turn are on the same side of the war as WAPA and STA, and TOOL is, therefore, indirectly aiding the enemies. It's a matter of interpretation the degree to which TOOL and some of the other white signatories are in violation, but what is clear is that by attacking ML TPF is violating the treaty, regardless of STA's actions.

EDIT: Messed up the bolded part :(

Edited by Proko
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Bama, we're evil and obviously wrong in every facet haven't you as our ally realized this? Oh wait... [/sarcasm]

but anyway, again, and more on topic, have fun NSO, I know we will.

Oh yeah. TPF is wrong no matter what. Screw those pesky "facts", I want to hate TPF! I want to think of them as a bunch of evil bullies! I WANT TO BELIEVE!!!!!


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We're not the kind of folks to wait around for "reassessing the situation" while a friend gets beat up. For all we know you guys could reassess for a longer war. You never stand from the side and watch as your buddy gets beat up, hoping that the attacker will reassess his actions, and decide to stop. No, you step into the fight yourself, and even if you get beat up yourself and have to limp away from the fight, you'll limp away with your buddy.

It's still an interesting reason to claim when entering the war. Our, albeit short, history as an alliance should show that we do not seek to use putative peace terms.

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This entire SNOW talk is silly. I would say that everyone in this war has upheld the spirit of the treaty if not the exact wording.

Or maybe they have upheld the exact wording as well:

SNOW's Opening Statement:

This treaty in no way affects the sovereign rights of any alliance, nor limits their ability to conduct themselves in a manner in which they see fit.


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I don't think posts like this do you justice, Bama.

I'm sorry, I'm a bit worked up. It just really pisses me off when people come in here with the attitude of "damn the facts, I want to hate TPF!" I'm tired of it. I shouldn't have made that post, but sadly, that's a lot of people's outlooks on anything to do with TPF.


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I'm sorry, I'm a bit worked up. It just really pisses me off when people come in here with the attitude of "damn the facts, I want to hate TPF!" I'm tired of it. I shouldn't have made that post, but sadly, that's a lot of people's outlooks on anything to do with TPF.


I understand. ;)

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