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Public Notice from Karma

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Fair terms Karma as for the random INT guy stop acting like your important.

The rest are the zealots, trolls, and the leaders who are so caught up in NPO's supposed invincibility that they refuse to acknowledge defeat. We don't need to waste our time fighting the innocent masses of misguided decent guys, we would rather fight, annihilate and destroy the people who give NPO, GGA, etc. a bad name.

Or perhaps leaders of certain alliances won't surrender because they have an alliance to run and responsibility greater than their own desire to accumulate pixels. Any leader that accepts individual surrender terms willingly neglects the responsibility he took on upon accepting a position as leadership or running for election. Alliance leaders have a duty to look out for there alliance as a whole and in acting in their own best interests is nothing more than treasonous, cowardly and pathetic.

Similarly do not presume because someone refuses to surrender that they are anything you mentioned. An alliance is more than a bunch of random people thrown together under the same name. They are a community, if this community is truly successful then the bonds between it's participants will out last the individual pixels of the individual. The whole premiss for an alliance is that the individuals will act as one in times of need. Those that are willing to enjoy the good times and not ride out the bad are nothing more than parasites.

OR: Get over your individual selves. A lot of people play CN to build a nice little country for 10 minutes a day then go outside, others will've been destroyed to the extent that they can no longer be any more use on the AA than off it. Alliances like GGA do nothing to screen against this and as such have weak NS, alliances like MK hate stat-collectors and ghosts, and so have strong NS. There is a lot of weak NS on your side, so these terms are needed.

The 12 PoWs, including 5 on the green team, act as irrefutably strong testament to this.

I don't think that's true at all. Should GWI be re-enacted word for word, but with a stronger coalition advantage? Naive.

Firstly it doesn't matter how much damage your pixels take, you can always be of use to your alliance, If not in war then behind the scenes. As all surrender terms require that you effectively resign from your alliance they limit your capacity to help the community that has often provided vast amounts of aid to increase an individual players personal enjoyment of the game and ability to play the game.

That being said I understand why Karma has offered terms it is in their best interests to do so, just don't pretend like people are idiotic for not taking them.

Edited by MCRABT
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I hereby surrender to Karma.

Good job guys, my nation is f*ed up!!!!

Next time if you don't want to get involved in the politics choose a neutral alliance.

Edit: What I meant to say was that its your leaders who have failed

Edited by the riddler
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So is that officially IRON's policy on an fellow OUT signatory? You don't consider them "important"?

Apologies it was meant to say guy, I was addressing the individual member not INT as an alliance. I have edited my post appropriately.

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Next time if you don't want to get involved in the politics choose a neutral alliance. Or face the consequences of being in an alliance that is allied to the biggest bullies of Planet Bob.

A rather unnecessary outburst.

Some people are unaware of the politics of the Planet Bob and simply join alliances based on other considerations.

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Apologies it was meant to say guy, I was addressing the individual member not INT as an alliance. I have edited my post appropriately.

Glad to see IRON has a shred of dignity to a great orange alliance that has proven it's worth as a leftist alliance and a great orange one :ph34r:

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A rather unnecessary outburst.

Some people are unaware of the politics of the Planet Bob and simply join alliances based on other considerations.

Yes, it did come out a little harsh and I apologize for that. But my point is that his anger shouldn't be directed at Karma for attacking, but to the leaders of his alliance for failing him. It's a good thing we have these terms for the innocent caught in the crossfire.

Edited by the riddler
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not taking them, I'd rather be ZI'd than surrender, it's how I've always been, I never surrendered to GOONS, nor the alliances I fought in the UJW, it is not happening now.

Sad. Mogar u already choked down one nuke from me and there is a who line of people willing to feed you more, i guess we get to see how many nukes it takes to make you surrender I'm guessing 3 because by then you'll be out of range for anyone with nukes and so far in bill lock no amount of aid will bring you out.

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We have met before, logs edited to remove profanity only. (If I missed any please PM).

[19:37] MrMoon: anyone in Ocuk leadership here

[19:37] MrWhiteOcUK: Hmmm

[19:37] MrWhiteOcUK: Who are these OcUK you speak of?

[19:38] MrMoon: im a long term Ocuk forums member and CN NPO nation

[19:38] MrWhiteOcUK: I thought I recognised your name

[19:38] MrWhiteOcUK: I'm the leader

[19:39] MrMoon: my nation mooniz has been ravished by the recent wars, i was wondering have OCUK been contacted by NPO diplomats?

[19:39] MrWhiteOcUK: They sent some twatty little special blue team envoy that we told to **** off a couple of weeks ago

[19:40] MrWhiteOcUK: then a few incompetent diplomats before that

[19:40] MrWhiteOcUK: we've never had anything to do with NPO really

[19:40] MrMoon: oh I see, are u aware of the current global war so to speak?

[19:40] MrWhiteOcUK: Quite aware

[19:41] MrMoon: good good, will u be willing to speak to me if I get permission from the order and perhaps negotiate your assistance?

[19:41] BogdanSin[TTK]: ohsnaps

[19:41] MrWhiteOcUK: Assistance with what?

[19:41] MrMoon: the war

[19:42] MrWhiteOcUK: Us assisting you or NPO?

[19:42] MrWhiteOcUK: I doubt you mean the latter

[19:42] MrWhiteOcUK: As that would be lulz

[19:44] MrMoon: i do mean NPO as a whole

[19:44] MrWhiteOcUK: We're allied to Vox and FAN and have never favoured NPO in our history

[19:44] MrWhiteOcUK: So that's not something that will happen

[19:45] MrWhiteOcUK: We're on the other side if the war

[19:45] MrWhiteOcUK: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/NPO-OV_War

[19:45] MrWhiteOcUK: of*

[19:46] MrMoon: oh i see

[19:46] MrMoon: why are u on the other side

[19:47] MrWhiteOcUK: Why would be on a side that we're not allied to and have never liked

[19:47] MrWhiteOcUK: Also consisting of people who've betrayed us

[19:47] MrMoon: fair play was just seeing how ocuk allied thats all

[19:48] MrMoon: and if u would be willing to help npo as i knew ocuk had an alliance

[19:49] MrWhiteOcUK: Having fun losing your infra?

[19:50] MrMoon: we will see

[19:50] MrMoon left the chat room. (Quit: PJIRC forever!)

[19:50] DavidMarqOcUK: So NPO orchestrate the destruction of BLEU and you have the gall to come here asking for help, get some idea

[19:50] DavidMarqOcUK: Oshi too late

[19:50] MrWhiteOcUK: You're a mug

[19:50] MrWhiteOcUK: Well that was amusing

[19:50] DavidMarqOcUK: ****

[19:51] MrWhiteOcUK: That's NPO's war plan then

[19:51] MrWhiteOcUK: sending grunts around to every alliance to ask for help

[19:52] DavidMarqOcUK: Almost as efficient as the Fresh logs

He came back later

[20:40] MrMoonX[NPO] joined the chat room.

[20:40] MrMoonX[NPO]: any thoughts to my previous contact?

[20:41] escape: We will still not be helping NPO

[20:41] escape: Ever

[20:41] MrMoonX[NPO]: why join the greatest alliance in cn history

[20:41] MrMoonX[NPO]: why not

[20:42] escape: Because they are not accepting apps because they have been at war with Ragnarok for almost a year

[20:42] escape: Next question

[20:42] MrMoonX[NPO]: we are accepting allies in this great unjust war

[20:43] escape: Ah so you admit that your CB was unjust?

[20:43] MrMoonX[NPO]: whatever the politics the npo where not attacked justly

[20:44] escape: LOL you attacked an alliance, their friends attacked you

[20:44] escape: It is obvious that this discussion is not going to achieve anything other than light amusement for me

[20:44] MrMoonX[NPO]: im an ocuk forums comrade and am asking ocuk CN to help my alliance

[20:44] MrWhiteOcUK: NPO orchestrated rolling us and BLEU

[20:44] MrWhiteOcUK: NPO can **** off

[20:45] MrMoonX[NPO]: u cannot beat npo, so join us

[20:45] MrWhiteOcUK: I've been respectful because you're from the shop forums, but we'll never have anything to do with NPO

[20:45] MrWhiteOcUK: We're beating them right now

[20:46] MrMoonX[NPO]: i just think that maybe ocuk and npo could put their differences asside and you could join us for the greater good

[20:47] escape: "the greater good"? Is that what Moo is telling you this war is for?

[20:49] MrWhiteOcUK: We're at war with Ragnarok, who are on the Karma side, yet we've called a ceasefire with them to fight NPO for the duration of this war

[20:49] MrMoonX[NPO]: all i know is that i was attacked for no reason except i was npo, I was a good nation just procuring tech

[20:49] MrWhiteOcUK: Unfortunately that's what happens to most people playing CN who don't get involved in the politics

[20:49] MrWhiteOcUK: Your leaders have played an aggressive game for a long time and they ****** up

[20:50] MrMoonX[NPO]: well maybe you could come to a political resolve rather than war, fuel the flames of peace so to speak

[20:50] MrWhiteOcUK: NPO have never shown any mercy to anyone

[20:50] MrWhiteOcUK: They shall be shown none

[20:52] DavidMarqOcUK: I would rather surrender to RoK than fight on the side of the ebil NPO

[20:52] MrMoonX[NPO]: npo is the most sucessful alliance in the history of cn, why would u hate it so much

[20:54] DavidMarqOcUK: Were the most successful alliance, change is afoot

[20:54] DavidMarqOcUK: I will be surprised if nPO exit this war with their sanction

[20:55] MrMoonX[NPO]: what the red team npo will never lose that

[20:55] MrWhiteOcUK: Remember when Vox took a red senate seat?

[20:55] MrWhiteOcUK: Imagine that three times over

[20:56] MrWhiteOcUK: They have nothing to bully people off of "their" team with anymore

[20:56] MrWhiteOcUK: commie alliances will at long last be allowed to be red!

[20:56] MrMoonX[NPO]: i simply came here asking for ocuk;s help as id seen a thread on the shop forums

[20:58] DavidMarqOcUK: MrMoonX[NPO]: You would do well to learn the history of your alliance and from such an educated position chose to leave

[20:58] MrMoonX[NPO]: lol

[20:58] MrMoonX[NPO]: i know the histiry i had to take a test to get into npo

[20:59] escape: Well done you passed a test in NPO history written by NPO

[20:59] escape: You now have a completely impartial view

[20:59] DavidMarqOcUK: Have you seen logs of your leaders in action

[21:00] DavidMarqOcUK: Have you seen how they bully those that are weaker than them just because they can

[21:00] MrMoonX[NPO]: ive seen the Cn forums yes

[21:00] DavidMarqOcUK: Does Colnel Cooper mean anything to you

[21:01] DavidMarqOcUK: Not the forums, IRC logs of your leaders in action

[21:01] MrMoonX[NPO]: what edited from the spies no doubt

[21:01] DavidMarqOcUK: No

[21:01] l: rofl

[21:01] l: MrMoonX[NPO]

[21:02] l: I am in NPO too.

[21:02] MrMoonX[NPO]: how do u know that

[21:02] l: What squad you in

[21:02] DavidMarqOcUK: I have witnessed it first hand

[21:02] DavidMarqOcUK: It has been done to me

[21:02] DavidMarqOcUK: It has been done to GUN, when I was there advisor

[21:03] MrMoonX[NPO]: u would say that, look i only came here to ask for ocuk's help as I knew u had a CN alliance from the shop forums, if u hate npo thats fine im not interested in ur reasons

[21:03] MrWhiteOcUK: You've said that about five times

[21:03] MrWhiteOcUK: and I told you as soon as you joined it's never happening

[21:03] DavidMarqOcUK: It has been done to every alliance that NPO chose to put in thier place

[21:03] l: MrMoonX[NPO]

[21:03] l: We don't just hate NPO...

[21:04] l: We hate NPO with a passion.

[21:04] MrMoonX[NPO]: thats why im here to persuade u otherwise through diplomacy

[21:04] MrMoonX[NPO]: I so ur not NPO

[21:04] l: Yes, I am.

[21:04] l: Look at my vhost.

[21:04] l: NPO

[21:04] l: New Pacific Order.

[21:04] l: Thats me.

[21:05] DavidMarqOcUK: NPO even turned on their own brothers in NpO, all done by proxy of course but done none the less

[21:05] MrMoonX[NPO]: if u are npo why do u hate npo whats ur nation id

[21:05] l: I'm not gonna tell you.

[21:05] l: I'm a spy.

[21:06] MrMoonX[NPO]: hmmm right

[21:06] l: DOn't tell.

[21:06] l: I am not a spy.

[21:06] DavidMarqOcUK: I am a spai

[21:06] l: me too

[21:06] MrWhiteOcUK: I'm a spai and so is my wife

[21:07] DavidMarqOcUK:

[21:07] l: MrWhiteOcUK!

[21:07] l: is a spy!

[21:07] l: and SmithyOcUK is his wife.

[21:07] MrMoonX[NPO]: so why are u doing this

[21:08] l: WHo

[21:08] DavidMarqOcUK: Doing what

[21:08] MrMoonX[NPO]: being weird i thought this was a negotiation

[21:09] DavidMarqOcUK: What is ther to negotiate

[21:09] escape: This is not a negotiation, this is you asking the same question repeatedly and us saying "no"

[21:10] MrMoonX[NPO]: be open minded come on

[21:10] DavidMarqOcUK: We are very open to the destruction of NPO

[21:11] escape: Open minded to the point of declaring a ceasefire with an enemy of 8 months so we can attack NPO

[21:11] l: I for one will help defend the NPO.

[21:11] l: MrMoonX[NPO].

[21:11] l: Who should I attack?

[21:11] Bilzey[RnR|MoFA] is now known as Bilzey[RnR|Away].

[21:12] DavidMarqOcUK: Atack Legion

[21:12] MrMoonX[NPO]: u wont help

[21:12] l: I JUST SAID I WOULD

[21:12] l: ****

[21:12] MrMoonX[NPO]: hmmm yeah right

[21:12] l: You come here begging for help

[21:12] l: and when i offer it

[21:12] l: you dont want it

[21:13] MrMoonX[NPO]: cos ur taking the ****

[21:13] l: Are you PMSing?

[21:13] MrMoonX[NPO]: im pmsl at u guys yeah

[21:14] l: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/

[21:14] l: Is that Your guys website?

[21:14] MrWhiteOcUK: I'm pmsl at NPO losing 1.6million NS in a day

[21:14] escape: Oh no, MrMoonX[NPO] insulted us

[21:14] escape: Just when I was starting to think about helping NPO

[21:14] MrMoonX[NPO]: thats why im here I cos im a member on that website and I thought OCUK CN alliance were ok

[21:15] MrWhiteOcUK: We are ok

[21:15] MrWhiteOcUK: We just don't like dishonourable bullies like NPO

[21:15] MrWhiteOcUK: Who betray their closest allies time and time again

[21:15] MrWhiteOcUK: and keep great alliances down for years or destroy them completely

[21:15] l: Who owns that website?

[21:15] MrMoonX[NPO]: ur mum

[21:17] l: Oh.

[21:17] MrMoonX[NPO]: shes hot

[21:19] l: cool

[21:19] l: so is urs

[21:19] l: shes a little ****

[21:19] MrMoonX[NPO]: so no help for npo thanks gays

[21:19] • escape organises all-male orgy in the channel

[21:20] l: oh

[21:20] l: NPO is begginf for OcUK to help them in this war. LOL

[21:20] MrMoonX[NPO]: im asking u to help npo im not a diplomat

[21:20] l: Logs available upon request. query

[21:20] DavidMarqOcUK: That is the rep we have now \o/

[21:21] DavidMarqOcUK: Most awesome alliance in CN

[21:21] MrMoonX[NPO]: as ive said before i was just asking cos im a shop forum member and i thought u were npo friendly

[21:21] Bilzey[RnR|Away]: This is pretty lulz

[21:21] Bilzey[RnR|Away]: NPO begging for help?

[21:22] l: Yeah.

[21:22] l: Someone help me compile the funniest moments.

[21:22] MrMoonX[NPO]: RnR u can **** off as well one of your !@#$%*es is ****ing my nation

[21:22] MrWhiteOcUK: o/ RnR

[21:23] DavidMarqOcUK: What NS are you MrMoonX[NPO]

[21:23] MrMoonX[NPO]: no comment

[21:23] MrWhiteOcUK: he's in range of one of our nations

[21:23] MrWhiteOcUK: but his slots are full

[21:23] MrWhiteOcUK:

[21:24] DavidMarqOcUK: Afraid to post a nation link?

[21:24] Bilzey[RnR|Away]: Whats his NS?

[21:24] MrWhiteOcUK: about 3k

[21:24] Bilzey[RnR|Away]: I'll unload my soldiers on him

[21:24] Bilzey[RnR|Away]: damn

[21:24] MrMoonX[NPO]: u cant im full up

[21:25] Bilzey[RnR|Away]: Once your done, I'll get 3 protectorates on you

[21:25] DavidMarqOcUK: Have fun going to ZI

NPO can't lose with grunts like this one. :awesome:

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I don't get how people say "I hope the innocents take these fair terms" while looking at them and seeing that they have to put Karma POW in their AA for a whole month and decom their military improvements.

Individual surrender terms have become nothing more than procedural and ignored by 99% of people fighting. If any side actually wanted to thin out the ranks and improve their odds of winning they would set terms that would be fair enough to intice people not willing to fight and would thus weaken the enemy.

Yet no one does this, not even close...

those terms are a joke and far from "fair"

Edited by camerontech
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I don't get how people say "I hope the innocents take these fair terms" while looking at them and seeing that they have to put Karma POW in their AA for a whole month and decom their military improvements.

Individual surrender terms have become nothing more than procedural and ignored by 99% of people fighting. If any side actually wanted to thin out the ranks and improve their odds of winning they would set terms that would be fair enough to intice people not willing to fight and would thus weaken the enemy.

Yet no one does this, not even close...

those terms are a joke and far from "fair"

which is why 19 nations have already taken advantage of this offer? These terms are very fair they do not require the surrendering nations to decommission any wonders they afford the surrendered nations protection and will allow them to grow in peace until a time when they can move on. The are not punitive and are in fact beneficial to any who do not wish to be involved in this conflict.

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