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Multiple Annoucements from the International Defense Coalition

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Hello. First and foremost, I want to announce that we are in this war through Agora, an ODP. So MHA, please don't roll us.

Also, for those that think this is a joke because I am the only one flying the affiliation, this is not that case. My members all went to different AAs so we wouldn't be rolled quickly. We are small, we know this. We do what we can.

I have decided to go back to my roots, and make IDC what I meant for it to be in the beginning. A defensive alliance. Here is the new charter:

International Defense Coalition's New Charter

Article I: Admission

1) Any nation may join the alliance affiliation of the International Defense Coalition. We are here to mutually defend each other from those who tech raid and attack without a cause. But, be warned, each and every member is responsible for their actions. If you deserve to be attacked because you attacked another, or if you provoked someone, you shall face the consequences yourself.

Article II: Responsibilities

1) Every nation of IDC is reminded that they represent their own nation when playing Cybernations. Whether it be on the forums, or elsewhere. Be wary of your actions, and keep your tongue in check.

2) Every nation is responsible for helping others to the best of their abilities. All members are encouraged to message others on the alliance affiliation with questions.

Article III: Foreign Policy

1) The IDC only signs ODP agreements. There is noone we trust enough to sign a MDP (Mandatory Defense Pact; in our book) with, yet.

2) Nuclear weapons are weapons of this game. They can be used in war. But be warned, you will face repercussions if you nuke for no reason.

With that being said I would like to remind those who have forgotten, our forums can be found Here

Edited by Rajistani
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<King_CJC[MHA]> isnt Agora a NPO treaty?

<King_CJC[MHA]> so u are helping NPO?

<Rajistani|IDC> I am a part of NPO

<Rajistani|IDC> yes

<Rajistani|IDC> err

<Rajistani|IDC> NPO's coalition

<King_CJC[MHA]> so u dont need to worry :P

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LOL at everyone thinking he's a bandwagon guy - he's not going against NPO, he's with them... (unless my reading comprehension fails me)

Thank you for reading. :D

Edited by Rajistani
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<King_CJC[MHA]> isnt Agora a NPO treaty?

<King_CJC[MHA]> so u are helping NPO?

<Rajistani|IDC> I am a part of NPO

<Rajistani|IDC> yes

<Rajistani|IDC> err

<Rajistani|IDC> NPO's coalition

<King_CJC[MHA]> so u dont need to worry :P

IDC hasn't existed since January 26th, thus you wouldn't be part of the Agora Accords.

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Its not MHA but the other 100 alliances you need to worry about, good luck.

I personally have yet to lose a ground or air battle, and have anarchied two of my 3 opponents, and I didn't blitz attack.

So I say, Bring it.

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I'm pretty sure MHA only rolling bandwagoners on the OTHER side, cause I'm gonna be perfectly frank, you're not gonna have any defensive slots open for a while.

Still! Nice to see you here.

I am pretty sure they will roll on either side. But I doubt people are clamoring to bandwaggon on our side. <_<

Edited by Rajistani
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