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For Those Who Castigate Us

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This never would've been done had it not been for the outrage of the community. You can go ahead and call yourself honorable now, but don't think I'm fooled. You were caught bluffing and thought you could just run out before you had to pay up. Little did you realize that people wouldn't stand for that !@#$ so now you're paying up like you should've done in the first place and are only doing so now because to not do so would be a diplomatic nightmare. Had you a shred of honor, you would've attacked this update or you would've waited until tomorows update, but you didn't. Instead, you saw the community come out collectively and rip apart the other cowards for their actions and so you !@#$ your pants again and decided to declare on the enemies of the NPO and honor your treaty like you should've in the first place. Poor showing.

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I'm guessing either this is in response to the brutal heckling that deserters have been receiving...

Or, this is a ploy to bring the rest of tC/1V back into the war in response to the brutal heckling that deserters have been receiving.

If you had planned to stick with them all along, then I'll admit you deserve some credit.

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