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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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I'm sure we'll snap out of it. We're still in shock, a bit of a surprise, really. :)

I didn't think your quote was quite right, so I looked it up. It appears I was correct:

"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he

thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss,

the abyss will also gaze into thee."


Menwearpink, I like your signature.

I think that, no matter who beats the living crap out of who, someone is going to take NPO's place as Dictorial Alliance Supreme. It's both the Way of the World, and Human Nature, if there's a difference between the two. My point is, you can beat down NPO. Hell, take on IRON, TPF, GGA, and everyone else who ran from NPO at the first mention of war. Though whether or not they've truly run has yet to be determined. Regardless of that, you must realize that if you beat down everyone who could reign supreme, you yourselves will probably become the menace that you worked so hard to destroy.

please note: the "you" in the above statement is a general one, and not one aimed at any specific alliance.

Edited by Silvio Arjunza
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I didn't think your quote was quite right, so I looked it up. It appears I was correct:

"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he

thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss,

the abyss will also gaze into thee."


Menwearpink, I like your signature.

I think that, no matter who beats the living crap out of who, someone is going to take NPO's place as Dictorial Alliance Supreme. It's both the Way of the World, and Human Nature, if there's a difference between the two. My point is, you can beat down NPO. Hell, take on IRON, TPF, GGA, and everyone else who ran from NPO at the first mention of war. Though whether or not they've truly run has yet to be determined. Regardless of that, you must realize that if you beat down everyone who could reign supreme, you yourselves will probably become the menace that you worked so hard to destroy.

please note: the "you" in the above statement is a general one, and not one aimed at any specific alliance.

Rest assured, that everything possible will be done to make sure this doesn't happen. We're not perfect, we don't claim to be. To deny this is to be NPO. We have and will admit our mistakes. NPO has not. See? We're different already.

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See? We're different already.

I commend you on this. However, actions speak louder than words, and we'll see where things stand post this war. ^_^

Hm. I wonder who made the world that way?
While it's easy to blame NPO for their wrong-doings, don't you think the blame lies a bit with everyone? How many times have people just sat down and let it pass, or given them a slap on the hand, or something akin to that? You cannot blame the monster alone for it's existence. I think that, in some small way, we're all Dr. Frankenstein of this monster.

Please note: I am a member of a rather neutral alliance, and enjoy bantering. I care little for who's wrong or right in this scenario. I simply wish to stir up a little conversation. :)

edit to change 'pat on the hand' to 'slap'

Edited by Silvio Arjunza
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If the situation were reversed would you people begging for mercy for us? I'm betting many of you wouldn't. No, we won't EZI them or do any of the dastardly things they've done. But they're not getting a mere slap on the wrist this time. Sorry, but it just doesn't work that way. They were the ones who brought this mess on, why should we show mercy when we've only just begun? What would that solve? Would it make NPO any less of a threat to us or even those they consider allies? No. NPO wants what's best for NPO and only NPO. They've made that abundantly clear. If the recent ship jumping by their allies is in fact, the genuine article; then I suggest you look to that as a sign of the times and how heinous these actions are.

We don't expect everyone to agree with us, nor would we want you too. Just understand that this has been a long time coming and it's happening whether you like it or not. We respect anyone who wishes to stick by their Pacifican friends, side with us( reasonably), or even just stay out of it. It's how I'd want to be treated so that's how I'll try to treat everyone else except for those who have shown me a massive amount of disrespect... for they deserve only my contempt and not my sympathy. Until we feel that our point is adequately made, there will be no pity. There will be no mercy. There will be no remorse. For our enemy has stated several times, they have none. To do otherwise would be folly on our part as has been proven with NPO many times before.

Oh you're keeping the war effort just because? If this is true then you were the ones negotiating in bad faith not them.


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Welcome to the real world. There is no honour, only oppurtunity and politics. Those that claim to have honour only use it as a tool to further their own goals.

Also, we aren't going anywhere, so all these goodbye's will be wasted. :)

o/ Moo

Pacifica Prevails!

Enjoy your ZI.

I know I will.

Edited by General Specific
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Oh you're keeping the war effort just because? If this is true then you were the ones negotiating in bad faith not them.


If you say so, though you would be wrong. In any event, my opinions are of my own reasons why I fight. If that wasn't clear enough then I apologize for the mix up. I can't speak for anyone else, as I am not them and to assume that I do so is to give me too much credit. I appreciate the thought that you would think me so influential, but sadly, this is not the case from where I stand.

I guess all the spying, lying, and bullying that NPO has engaged in means absolutely nothing and we should all just sit down, shut up and do as we're told right? It seems to me that this is the position you uphold. I wouldn't know, I'm not you. If this is honestly the way you feel though, we shall never find a common ground.

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Seems to me NPO was negotiating well enough and had accepted all the terms at the end.

Why not keep up talks?

I don't think NPO had at any stage accepted the terms, they seem to of been continuing to discuss the terms.

Its all very well posing the question why talks did not continue, when the same question can be applied to talks that were occuring before war was declared by pacifica. You reap what you sow.

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If you say so, though you would be wrong. In any event, my opinions are of my own reasons why I fight. If that wasn't clear enough then I apologize for the mix up. I can't speak for anyone else, as I am not them and to assume that I do so is to give me too much credit. I appreciate the thought that you would think me so influential, but sadly, this is not the case from where I stand.

I guess all the spying, lying, and bullying that NPO has engaged in means absolutely nothing and we should all just sit down, shut up and do as we're told right? It seems to me that this is the position you uphold. I wouldn't know, I'm not you. If this is honestly the way you feel though, we shall never find a common ground.

NPO was soundly defeated in those logs. They were excepting every term thrown at them. They would've had very few allies left considering all the dropping of treties that happened.

Nope this was a chance for Archon and his ilk to show they truly did want a better CN. Instead they failed badly and have shown the world their true colors. This isn't about change it's about getting back at the NPO for whatever wrongs they feel they have taken. This is a revenge plot and nothing more.

Those you fight far have proved no better than the NPO and actually quite a bit less. At least we all knew what NPO was about. These people show you one face in public and show that ugly display in private.

They are hypocrites and liars themselves and since I genuinely believed they were better than that it's an awful sight to see. They've come down off their high horse and joined everyone else.

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I don't think NPO had at any stage accepted the terms, they seem to of been continuing to discuss the terms.

Its all very well posing the question why talks did not continue, when the same question can be applied to talks that were occuring before war was declared by pacifica. You reap what you sow.

What I seen was every term asked by Karma accepted by NPO. Instead of proposing further terms or saying fine that will do they left.

Pathetic display.

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NPO was soundly defeated in those logs. They were excepting every term thrown at them. They would've had very few allies left considering all the dropping of treties that happened.

Nope this was a chance for Archon and his ilk to show they truly did want a better CN. Instead they failed badly and have shown the world their true colors. This isn't about change it's about getting back at the NPO for whatever wrongs they feel they have taken. This is a revenge plot and nothing more.

Those you fight far have proved no better than the NPO and actually quite a bit less. At least we all knew what NPO was about. These people show you one face in public and show that ugly display in private.

They are hypocrites and liars themselves and since I genuinely believed they were better than that it's an awful sight to see. They've come down off their high horse and joined everyone else.

I'm sorry that's the way you feel, but you're not addressing the other side of the coin at all which leads me to believe that you really don't care what I have to say. That's fine. You talk about revenge, for some it is. Understand though, that for "revenge" to occur a wrong must be commited upon those who seek vengeance in the first place. It's not why all of us fight. I've already said that.

Since you keep repeating yourself without addressing any points I've tried to make, I'll leave you to your trolling as is your right. Oh, one more thing though before I leave you to scream at the door on my way out. You never answered the big question... Where were you when so much worse was being shoved down the throats of others, guided by the hands of your obviously beloved NPO?

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NPO was soundly defeated in those logs. They were excepting every term thrown at them. They would've had very few allies left considering all the dropping of treties that happened.

Nope this was a chance for Archon and his ilk to show they truly did want a better CN. Instead they failed badly and have shown the world their true colors. This isn't about change it's about getting back at the NPO for whatever wrongs they feel they have taken. This is a revenge plot and nothing more.

Those you fight far have proved no better than the NPO and actually quite a bit less. At least we all knew what NPO was about. These people show you one face in public and show that ugly display in private.

They are hypocrites and liars themselves and since I genuinely believed they were better than that it's an awful sight to see. They've come down off their high horse and joined everyone else.

Speaking for myself, I never said I'm better than the NPO. What I said is I've had enough of the NPO. Pitch your wares elsewhere, no one is buying it here.

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I'm sorry that's the way you feel, but you're not addressing the other side of the coin at all which leads me to believe that you really don't care what I have to say. That's fine. You talk about revenge, for some it is. Understand though, that for "revenge" to occur a wrong must be commited upon those who seek vengeance in the first place. It's not why all of us fight. I've already said that.

Since you keep repeating yourself without addressing any points I've tried to make, I'll leave you to your trolling as is your right. Oh, one more thing though before I leave you to scream at the door on my way out. You never answered the big question... Where were you when so much worse was being shoved down the throats of others, guided by the hands of your obviously beloved NPO?

What the hell difference does it make where I was?

You are the one ignoring the issue at hand. Leave. No one wants you here anyway. Bring me someone that can actually debate.

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Speaking for myself, I never said I'm better than the NPO. What I said is I've had enough of the NPO. Pitch your wares elsewhere, no one is buying it here.

No but your alliance leaders did. They are the ones I'm addressing and you're right I doubt they want to hear the truth.

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What the hell difference does it make where I was?

You are the one ignoring the issue at hand. Leave. No one wants you here anyway. Bring me someone that can actually debate.

Hmmm magicninja, as a great champion of morals and honor, so quick to condemn Karma over so little, where is your great moral outrage at all that the NPO has done. I see you ranting about the evul Karma in multiple threads, yet remain silent when your pointed out what the NPO and it's allies have done in the past. Or is it just that PZI, EZI, Viceroys and disbandment's are only okay when it are the enemies of the NPO that are on the receiving end?

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What the hell difference does it make where I was?

You are the one ignoring the issue at hand. Leave. No one wants you here anyway. Bring me someone that can actually debate.

It makes all the difference "Mr. Righteous Indignation". If you're not willing to stand for the rights of others, don't expect anyone to care when you go to bat for your lying, spying, buddies who beat their chests and tried to bully alliances like OV right up until the first ground attack. Then all of a sudden you want us to feel sorry for them. I have no pity for them, I have no reason to.

I've been debating...not sure what you're doing other than beating your chest and trying to look tough. If that's what you got to do, go for it. Doesn't bother me any. Have fun with it.

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Hmmm magicninja, as a great champion of morals and honor, so quick to condemn Karma over so little, where is your great moral outrage at all that the NPO has done. I see you ranting about the evul Karma in multiple threads, yet remain silent when your pointed out what the NPO and it's allies have done in the past. Or is it just that PZI, EZI, Viceroys and disbandment's are only okay when it are the enemies of the NPO that are on the receiving end?

You have no clue about me and NPO. Go back and read the GATO declaration thread or go ask Slayer how often we talked about things I thought NPO was wrong about.

You wanna bring up the past you better know what you're talking about first.

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It makes all the difference "Mr. Righteous Indignation". If you're not willing to stand for the rights of others, don't expect anyone to care when you go to bat for your lying, spying, buddies who beat their chests and tried to bully alliances like OV right up until the first ground attack. Then all of a sudden you want us to feel sorry for them. I have no pity for them, I have no reason to.

I've been debating...not sure what you're doing other than beating your chest and trying to look tough. If that's what you got to do, go for it. Doesn't bother me any. Have fun with it.

So the fact that Archon and his buddies are two faced jackals that spout !@#$%^&* from every oriface to make you think they are the harbingers of good while engaging in practices they themselves condemned is lost because of what I've done or not done in the past?

You sir are deluded.

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Simple fact is NPO have been too big, too strong and too determined to stay there for too long.....all dynastys must end.....respect to pacifica for getting there after all and staying there for too long.....HOWEVER it has become apparent that the same thing has happened to them that happens to all who stay in power for too long......they cheat lie and steal to get there, while as i said i respect you for where you got and how you stayed there i must resgister my distain for your actions RE:OV then this im sorry but your logs just show what i suspected all along, that you have no intention of peace...fact is you COULD have prevented it getting to here THEN you could have stopped it by accepting those terms and what would it cost you......really as you so often state you would recover and grow again, you have taken a road to war and this is where it leads......i have no doubt that this will spread and war will engulf planet bob, ALL should remember that it STARTED in pacifica and i have no doubt it can ONLY end in pacifica

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You have no clue about me and NPO. Go back and read the GATO declaration thread or go ask Slayer how often we talked about things I thought NPO was wrong about.

You wanna bring up the past you better know what you're talking about first.

Look who's talking there, Skippy. I also know that GATO was the victim of much worse than your precious NPO is receiving. Especially since I've had and continue to have friends amongst their ranks. Like Vercingetorix who was MoFA of Atlantis when I was his right hand. Of course we could go into ColPanic and his screenshots that he provided before he became a member of NPO( and currently still is). That would be contrary to your opinions though and I don't feel like screaming loud enough to overcome the fingers in your ears and the incessant "La, La, La's" You've produced in multiple threads anytime NPO's wrongs have been brought up. Oh, and I don't have to ask Slayer anything. Your opinions here and now will suffice.

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