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Imperial Decree

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Considering to date they have been prepared to precisely nothing for the past 2+ years, some sign of life would be good I think. Kudos to ODN for still keeping people thinking that you might actually do something at some stage.

Oh Grub, as clever as ever! ;)

You know I <3 you!

/edit Wow. 1000 replies already!

Edited by soccerbum879
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Members of alliances are required to adhere to a certain amount of respect towards alliances. This includes refraining from baiting, trolling, flaming, etc; It doesn't mean, or rather I should hope it doesn't, refraining from speaking in a polite, candid way about what you feel o na specific subject. All I have done here is point out the lack of respect that the New Pacific Order showed with their DoW. I do not dispute their CB, though I do feel that they're misplacing their aggression. I dispute the manner in which is was conducting, while at the same time reaffirming my hopes that the war will end swiftly, with minimal losses to both sides.

That much I can agree with you with some of the principle presented, but in actually how many times to people keep to these values and it ends up actually going down to a who can spam the most and go "luls, no, you." Raising the intelligence level of posts around this forum would be a noble goal but that will have to wait till after current political matters have died down.

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And you've always been at war with Eurasia, amirite?

OOC: I c wut u did thar.

I think it is fairly obvious to all that they were chosen because of their position in the treaty web. ;)

Now why on earth would it matter where OV was in the treaty web? /sarcasm

The war is not about BC spies in NPO (though maybe it should be), it's about a government official from another alliance accepting and promising to keep secret information which was taken without authorization from a private forum. Should it matter what that information was? No. Even if it was our lunch menu, it's still agreeing to keep information taken from a private area of a foreign alliance. Should this alliance be upset that you didn't tell them someone was leaking information? Uh, yes.

Should we all send a message to Moo/Mhawk etc saying that Vox is leaking private logs and screen shots?

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There comes a time when negotiation is merely a tactic of those that have wronged to fortify and avoid. While some of my learned colleagues will vent their gasses at this Imperial Decree, they do so only as posture to the glory of their mistaken belief that they can overcome with goodness, righteousness and nobility. Don't fool yourself, they bring only your enslavement.

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They do have guns actually. Too bad for them that ours are bigger, better, stronger and faster

You mustn't forget that the opposition has daft hands when it comes to operation of a firearm. If the diplomatic prowess is anything to gauge by, or knowledge of the workings in the major corporations they're standing outside of. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

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That much I can agree with you with some of the principle presented, but in actually how many times to people keep to these values and it ends up actually going down to a who can spam the most and go "luls, no, you." Raising the intelligence level of posts around this forum would be a noble goal but that will have to wait till after current political matters have died down.

Ah, yes. That, we can certainly agree on. I find you to be an intelligent, and quick witted individual. It's a pity you're not a GATOan. We could put you good use! :lol:

Edited by Bralor
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I don't like giving candy to you folks, but when the guys with the guns say "this is our last offer" and you reject it, negotiations are over. Period. If you change your mind after that, you really screwed up big time. Negotiations can't go on forever, and 5-6 days is plenty for someone to admit that they're wrong, and take a round of wars to avoid his alliance being rolled.

The war is not about BC spies in NPO (though maybe it should be), it's about a government official from another alliance accepting and promising to keep secret information which was taken without authorization from a private forum. Should it matter what that information was? No. Even if it was our lunch menu, it's still agreeing to keep information taken from a private area of a foreign alliance. Should this alliance be upset that you didn't tell them someone was leaking information? Uh, yes.

What's so hard to understand? Are we keeping a double standard? I don't know, because I've never seen anyone post any evidence that we're doing so. If it's happening, I, as a member of the NPO, would like to know. It probably won't change anything, but at least it would be nice to know that those who are spewing crap about the NPO having a double standard also have some proof/facts/useful info and aren't just saying it because they think it's happening.

Mind you, I'm just a worthless pawn who mindlessly does what they're told. I shouldn't be thinking for myself...my apologies. ;)

o/ Pacifica. Pacifica will prevail.

When you understand that you are talking to a group of people who have been waiting for Pacifica to make a move that could paint them as an aggressor (fairly or unfairly) for quite literally *months*, then you'll understand that your logical argument is being given to a brick wall.

No, OV had absolutely no reason to do anything in this matter but to become stiff necked and resolute when under normal circumstances they would have given up whoever they needed to give up and VE would have been poking them in the ribs until they did.

Having a bunch of rifles poking out of the weeds in back of you pointed at the bad guys in front of you tends make you far braver than you might be otherwise....

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Ah, yes. That, we can certainly agree on. I find you to be an intelligent, and quick witted individual. It's a pity you're not a GATOan. We could put you good use! :lol:

I did frequent your forums over the past few months working on this project and that one. If you ever want to shoot the !@#$ and have a good debate, come look me up on IRC.

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I think you hit the nail on the head, shilo. OMG THIS IS ME AGREEING WITH YOU. :lol:

Well, isn't that something. It took you leaving, founding your own alliance and a GW3 dwarfing war to get to this point, but we got there :P

Considering to date they have been prepared to precisely nothing for the past 2+ years, some sign of life would be good I think. Kudos to ODN for still keeping people thinking that you might actually do something at some stage.

We do things, sometimes the wrong things, sometimes the right things. Somehow we've managed to keep on doing until now, and once in a while we might be in for a good surprise.

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I did frequent your forums over the past few months working on this project and that one. If you ever want to shoot the !@#$ and have a good debate, come look me up on IRC.

I will most certainly do that, thank you.

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Considering to date they have been prepared to precisely nothing for the past 2+ years, some sign of life would be good I think. Kudos to ODN for still keeping people thinking that you might actually do something at some stage.

If ODN declares neutrality in this one, they will be isolated and alone forever

You mustn't forget that the opposition has daft hands when it comes to operation of a firearm.

I was being nice, not pointing out all of their shortcomings

Having a bunch of rifles poking out of the weeds in back of you pointed at the bad guys in front of you tends make you far braver than you might be otherwise....

Are you being serious right now? I mean, come on, Valhalla?

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However you're not helping your case when you have other NPO members in this thread making the case that the New Pacific Order didn't deliberately break off negotiations. The current excuse would be that Moo lost his connection, and therefore the war started as a subsequent lack of communication because of said connection failure.

Moo's connection 'last' cut out on 4/20 with less than an hour before update, before he could post the DoW. But it is my understanding that the final offer to OV was rejected well in advance of this, thus ending the peace talks. Did I say something in my previous post contrary to that? Because I intend to stick to the 'current excuse.'

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Moo's connection 'last' cut out on 4/20 with less than an hour before update, before he could post the DoW. But it is my understanding that the final offer to OV was rejected well in advance of this, thus ending the peace talks. Did I say something in my previous post contrary to that? Because I intend to stick to the 'current excuse.'

No, you did not contradict that. However the negotiations were still taking place at the time of the DoW. If you dispute the fact that an official mediator was discussing the negotiations with OV, then there is still the fact that no word was given (clearly) to the other parties involved that the negotiations had been terminated. This can only be construed as a deliberate act intended to aide in the launching of a surprise attack, which again lends credit to the belief that the "connection failure" is a convenient excuse.

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Considering to date they have been prepared to precisely nothing for the past 2+ years, some sign of life would be good I think. Kudos to ODN for still keeping people thinking that you might actually do something at some stage.

I know we have earned the emnity of you and your community and as hopeful as i am i know nothing we can do or say will ever atone for our past actions, but honestly some of us harbour sincere regret and no one is more critical of ODN than many of us currently in its ranks :(

If ODN declares neutrality in this one, they will be isolated and alone forever

Neutrality is not an option, that much is certain.

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Moo's connection 'last' cut out on 4/20 with less than an hour before update, before he could post the DoW. But it is my understanding that the final offer to OV was rejected well in advance of this, thus ending the peace talks. Did I say something in my previous post contrary to that? Because I intend to stick to the 'current excuse.'

Your leaders are already saying something different.

Please try again.

(Here's a hint.)

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I like the aggressiveness of some ODN members about this.

well. if you don't agree with your alliance's neutrality you can always leave and join someone who supports your side.

what ODN will do is not up to me, or to any single ODN member.

Considering to date they have been prepared to precisely nothing for the past 2+ years, some sign of life would be good I think. Kudos to ODN for still keeping people thinking that you might actually do something at some stage.

oh come on. what have you guys done? attacked GATO and gotten rolled. the latter hardly counts as doing something since its rather passive.

Epic you say, to actually be able to post valid discussion is epic, you must not get out much. As for the current point, The NPO doesn't bandwagon, we honor our treaties and press forward. Personally I know some who do not ever come to these forums over a few different alliances for the lack of rationality used in posts and how everything somehow gets down to a "No, you" discussion. As both sides have something which added to this mess, blame both. All I say is don't count us down until everything has played out.

NPO doesn't bandwagon?

you post that and expect people to take you seriously?

and of course the war will be long and hard... but this time you will lose.

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