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Announcement from the Viridian Entente

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eh? They didn't post the reasons for our cancellation with them. I'm not annoyed about anything more disappointed that A) The reasons posted could have been kept private but VE choose to create a bash on the hegemony thread, B) VE didn't bother to even notify their ex allies in NPO prior to posting it and C) Didn't bother to read the terms of the GGA treaty or they would have noticed that they just breached their treaty.

We don't have principles? give me a break.

Classy move VE, especially the decision to not privately inform the NPO of your cancellation.

The Viridian Entente does not wish to be allied to those who cannot be honest, forthright, and frank with us about their intentions and reasoning.

So you demand it but don't offer it in return?

Edited by Authur
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You cancelled on Polaris when it was convenient, you run away from your friends upon your inception, and now you run away from your allies in a rather demonstrative cancellation.

Many may blindly hail your bold actions, however I can clearly see through your ruse. You seek good publicity from your words, yet do not back it up with your actions. I'd like to say good luck to all those involved, apparently something's going down and it's going down soon.

No Soldiers below Chancellor may post in this thread.

Edited by The AUT
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I remember a time when VE canceled some very important treaties. I also remember my infrastructure shrinking rapidly in defense of that decision.

o/ Viridia

You shall always hold a place in my heart.

I remember this as well. Sad day when we disbanded...

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A long, long time ago, a certain Confederacy stood firmly beside a certain Entente. May Viridia stand strong in these hard times.. though this is a very different world.

Edited by Wickistan
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some say "lines" some say "popcorn" some say "expected" while others say "omg wtf" I say "Get the beer and the ladies. Its a hot time in Viridia tonight."

Nice to see our fellow green brothers stand up for themselves and show the world that VE still has a set to be proud of.......

Been a long time in coming but I for one am happy as hell to see you all take out the trash it was to a point we didnt want to come over n and drink beer with yas. It was smelling too damn bad.

bit harsh? NO. My opinions are just that.... MINE

Hail VE

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You cancelled on Polaris when it was convenient, you run away from your friends upon your inception, and now you run away from your allies in a rather demonstrative cancellation.

Many may blindly hail your bold actions, however I can clearly see through your ruse. You seek good publicity from your words, yet do not back it up with your actions. I'd like to say good luck to all those involved, apparently something's going down and it's going down soon.

No Soldiers below Chancellor may post in this thread.

Finally, someone says what I've been trying to. Thanks AUT. Should virdia actually make it through a losing war without disbanding, then, then maybe they will have my respect. For now, I see them as oppurtunists, just trying to survive.

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Many may blindly hail your bold actions, however I can clearly see through your ruse. You seek good publicity from your words, yet do not back it up with your actions. I'd like to say good luck to all those involved, apparently something's going down and it's going down soon.

Ruse eh? :rolleyes:

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Overall VE I hope you now realise you made a mistake when you left NpO and her allies out to dry by siding with the New Pacific Order (the true masters behind the plot to undermine NpO). This comes far too late to make amends for your betrayal, as you have supported the Great Satan countless times within their past evil, unjustified deeds, but this certainly is a step in the right direction.

I want some of whatever you're smoking :P

You cancelled on Polaris when it was convenient, you run away from your friends upon your inception, and now you run away from your allies in a rather demonstrative cancellation.

At King Penchuck and The AUT, wasn't it NpO who got into an unnecessary scuffle with VE for simply mediating a conflict between Polar and FIST over that whole impersonation thing? I'm sure it made VE regret dropping Polar as treaty partners :rolleyes:

Edited by DerekJones
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Finally, someone says what I've been trying to. Thanks AUT. Should virdia actually make it through a losing war without disbanding, then, then maybe they will have my respect. For now, I see them as oppurtunists, just trying to survive.

Canceling treaties with NPO and IRON is an opportunistic move these days?

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Classy move VE, especially the decision to not privately inform the NPO of your cancellation.

The Viridian Entente does not wish to be allied to those who cannot be honest, forthright, and frank with us about their intentions and reasoning.

So you demand it but don't offer it in return?

I'm sorry but I think what MCRABT said, then what you added, is truly hilarious.

If they were anything but hollow words I would have began searching for your cancellation with GGA.

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Canceling treaties with NPO and IRON is an opportunistic move these days?

seriously they had to jump out of that sinking ship, now that Vox controls GGA they knew their days were numbered if they didn't act fast!!

Seriously what the hell are you guys smoking?

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I want some of whatever you're smoking :P

At King Penchuck and The AUT, wasn't it NpO who got into an unnecessary scuffle with VE for simply mediating a conflict between Polar and FIST over that whole impersonation thing? I'm sure it made VE regret dropping Polar as treaty partners :rolleyes:

Aut is hardly worth replying to. He censored his alliance after making his nonsense reply. it would look silly for his party line to be contradicted by his own members. ^_^

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Finally, someone says what I've been trying to. Thanks AUT. Should virdia actually make it through a losing war without disbanding, then, then maybe they will have my respect. For now, I see them as oppurtunists, just trying to survive.

That's how most of the alliances in CN are. I know it is an insult to be in that group, but you make it out much worse than it is

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seriously they had to jump out of that sinking ship, now that Vox controls GGA they knew their days were numbered if they didn't act fast!!

Seriously what the hell are you guys smoking?

I've just invented a new disease.

Shaneprincitis - a psychological disorder which manifests as a clinical inability to be allied to members of OneVision. Transmission is highly effective, with a single Shaneprice organism being able to infect the host in most situations. However, this organism thrives and grows in the body's CNS (spine and brain). Hosts who lack a CNS will find themselves immune to Shanepricitis.

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I've just invented a new disease.

Shaneprincitis - a psychological disorder which manifests as a clinical inability to be allied to members of OneVision. Transmission is highly effective, with a single Shaneprice organism being able to infect the host in most situations. However, this organism thrives and grows in the body's CNS (spine and brain). Hosts who lack a CNS will find themselves immune to Shanepricitis.

Quick shanprice join ODN before you continue to spread!

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I'm sorry but I think what MCRABT said, then what you added, is truly hilarious.

If they were anything but hollow words I would have began searching for your cancellation with GGA.

So canceling a treaty without informing the other party first is an honorable and respectful action now?

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