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CN Razzies: Presenting the Winners!


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Today it gives me great pleasure to address approximately 25,000 gentlemen and 3 confirmed women of CyberNations in presenting the winners and awards of the CN Razzies.

Firstly, my apologies for this thread being later than scheduled. Due to some issues at home I had to take care of I postponed the vote count and as of half past nine Greenwich Meantime I tallied all the votes of every thread to that point and I can now present the full results to you. It goes without saying that all votes now beyond this point are to be considered void and the voting booth threads still intact no longer mean anything.

Without further ado.

First comes the Most Unattractive Forums category. This was an interesting race but I have the results below.

In third place with 59 votes is...

Random Insanity Alliance

In second with 73 votes...

Grey Council

And finally, in the infamous first place with 93 votes is Moldavi's...

New Sith Order

Congrats NSO! :P Wear your userbar with humility:


Next up is Worst Player/Alliance Comeback. This poll made it pretty obvious who would win but the results are interesting to see none the less.

Third place goes to...

Ivan Moldavi

He came back two weeks after retirement... yes second goes to...

Van Hoo III

And finally. The winner is:


Well done Jarheads, wear this userbar with pride on the Runescape forums:


Next comes Worst Mistake.

In third place;

"NPO's lack of SDI's/MilitaryWonders during their fight with MK."

Second place with 78 votes goes to...

"GGA for DoWing Hyperion for tech dealing with Chickenzilla because he is on their perma ZI...and to this day they still don't have a reason for putting him there."

And finally first place, better known as 'Moo's Contradiction' goes to...

"Moo saying "the OoO is strong as ever, won't break till hell freezes over, etc" and then not a week later canceling the invincible OoO."

Good job Moo. Now you can show this userbar off to all your friends!


No doubt the most prestigious title, Ugliest Avatar. Nintenderek said he'd change his avatar if he won or got 200 votes or something like that.

Without further ado in third place is...






And first sadly with only 172 votes is....



Congrats ... Derek? Is that your name? Anywho. Here's your userbar. :P


And now onto the Craziest IRC Channel award. This one caused much uproar throughout the candidate channels, but now the winners have been decided. It was a close race, but we have the results!

In third with 47 votes it's...


Finishing so closely in second with 103 votes it's...


And finally in first place with an astonishing 108 votes, the winner is:


Congrats, dicks. Here's your trophy: :P


Now we come to our last two categories starting with Most Annoying/Disliked Player. This thread was the busiest of all and received a staggering total of 571 votes overall. Here though, are the final results.

Finishing in third is...


Second goes to:


And a big round of applause to CN's most annoying/disliked player; it's...

Count da Silva

Wear it with pride, Count.


And finally our little ceremony draws to a close, with the award for Most Embarassing Player. An interesting race, and possibly a predictable one? It's time to find out.

Finishing in a disrespectable third, it's...


Second place goes to the wrong, dishonourable...


And finally, CyberNation's most embarrasing player. Is.

Bob Sanders.

Congrats Bob. :lol: And as all the others, here is your userbar.


Congratulations, I guess... to everyone who won an award.


Yes, secretly all this time I've been plotting an extra SECRET award that would be judged known as the 'CN Razzies 2009 Facepalm Cup'. This award goes to the player who throughout the past year has entertained us all with his/her ridiculous and embarassing but most importantly, made us just want to facepalm the most. After discussing the potential winner with my alliance friends, and Londo of Athens I came to a conclusion.

The CN Razzies' Facepalm Cup 2009 goes to.... *drum roll*


Humiliating and publically embarassing himself has left us entertained for months. Originally I was going to give this to Jack the great, but I didn't want to flatter myself. :D

Congratulations RyanGDI on making CN facepalm the most. Here is your extra special userbar:


That's all until next year! :P


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Say what? How in the heck did I get nominated into this? It's great and all, but not even mentioning King Daniel of TUON is rather upsetting and biased. Like come on, who can forget their DoW on SMF for name-calling, or Daniel's plan for fixing his alliance by splitting itself in half, trying to stop GW5, not to mention when Jofna stepped in... :awesome:

However, I humbly accept this award. Regardless of what it's intentions are, it's still good to look back at the past. :)

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I wouldn't want to be an operator on #dick. That's just too......gay

Ya know...technically all men have ops on #dick. At least I should hope you don't need help with that when in the "little cowboy's room". Now *that* would be a little gay. :awesome:

Congrats to the winners(?)!

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