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A PWNAGE Announcment, Decree, Edict, Dispatch, etc.

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Okay, so PWNAGE saw this dude walking down the street so we were all like, wow dude, we gotta help that dude out. So we helped this dude out.

PWNAGE (Pink Warrior Network Assembly of General Economics) Treaty


The signatories of PWN and PWNAGE recognize the importance of a unified and stable Pink Team. This treaty brings the signatory alliances together to pursue an improved Pink Sphere through economic cooperation and prosperity.

Article 1 - Trades and Economics

The signatories shall be open to trading, tech dealing, donation dealing, and all other forms of economic cooperation with all signatories of both PWNAGE and PWN. The signatories shall work with all signatories on the PWN forums to enrich the Pink Sphere.

Article 2 - Structure

The signatories recognize that they are not members of PWN, but are economic partners to the signatories of PWNAGE and PWN. Signatory alliances are not required to support PWN signatory alliances in any militaristic, diplomatic, or financial actions. However, they are afforded the option to do so with the approval of PWN signatories.

Article 3 - Aggression

In no way is this agreement a non-aggression pact, nor is it defensive. Diplomatic avenues are of course encouraged for the resolution of any conflicts.

Article 4 - Promotion

Should members of PWN wish to give membership to any signatory alliance into PWN, they may do so. Likewise, should signatory alliances wish for membership into PWN, they may apply for membership following a 6 week tenure in PWNAGE.

Article 5 - Cancellation

Should any signatory of PWNAGE drop below 25% pink and make no visible effort to rectify the situation, said signatory will be expelled from PWNAGE by the signatories of PWN. If any signatory alliance wishes to remove themselves from this agreement, they may do so.


For Aquitaine,

Princess Pirate Fluffy Pants -- Typhoid Mary

Chief Manager o' Plunder -- LuckyBob343

Queen of ...something, this is actually a working title -- Queen Miranda

Pirate King of Bass'o'matics -- Ron Popeil

For White Tree,

Fenris, Leader / Founder

Insanium, Deputy Leader / Founder

CitizenKane, External Affairs / Founder

For the Libertarian Socialist Federation:

Delegates Council of the Libertarian Socialist Federation

For the Independent Coalition of Nations:

Emperor Jack o lantern of Atlantiss

Founder Bloody of BloodNation

For The Paladins:

890765, King of The Paladins

KingMichel, Paladin Lord of State

Please join me in welcoming The Paladins to PWNAGE.

Approved by PWN,


For The Republic of Allied Defenses:

Mr. Bill - Emperor

Jason8 - Right Hand Man

Comrade Josh - Director of Interior Design

Nuhotness - LOLUDED

Caliph - Director of Hippie Love

SWATEnfo - Director of Economics


For The Centurion Brotherhood:

King Xander the Only, King of the Brotherhood

The Royal Centurion Court


For Poison Clan:

Chinatownbus - The Toad

TwistedRebelDB47 - Master Killer

Pooksland - The Centipede

Syrik - The Snake

Revelation - The Snail

Boogeyman657 - The Trout

Don Fernando - The Komodo Dragon

Liquid Fire - Master of the Domain

Plysprtz - Hybrid Venom

Pensfan, Minister of Alliance Hopping & Nook Roguery

Chicken Dippah, Minister Of Love and Cuddles

Uzigrl, Mistress of Extra Nipples and Engorged *edit for content*

Citizenkane, Minister of internal chicken dippers

Leatherneck, Minister of Fussy Faceless Fearful Fighting Flying Fish (MoFFFFFF)

Shiftee Foxxe, Minister of Social Existential Systems (MoSES)

Korndmc, Minister of Agriculture

jgator, Minister of Poison Cookies

AcDc3, Optimus Prime Minister

TheRulerHimself, Minister of Yo Mamma

Banslam, Minister of Evil Chocolate Muffins

Marcus Obafemi, Minister of Extraterrestrial Technology Integration

Chairman Cao, Minister of Complacent Rationalization of Assumed Prerogative (CRAP)

Thewho, Minister of Naked Barbie Dolls (including a few Kens)

Jayson Almighty, Minister of Boobage and all things Boob related

Chris of Khi, Minister of Intelligence Leaking Foreigners (MILF)

Cowen70, Minister of Bangladeshi e-commerce trade solutions and facilitation of the application of targeted funding and appropriate resource allocation within the financial sector of the Peruvian community in the northeast

Velocity111, Minister of Ministering

Coffee Shock, Minister of Alcoholic Drinks (MAD)

Saitan, Minister of War Unseen "If you don't get caught, you won't get caught"

GreatKhanofLight, Minister of kute kuddley kittens

Energizer, Minister of Bartending

yogiebere, Minister of Music

tseitz, Minister of the Social Economic Xperience

Sanguine Demon, Minister of Inactivity

Knight2216, Minister of ensuring that a chick is really a chick, not a chick with a banana and apples. (Mushi might like this one?)

Mushi, Minister of stupid questions and worthless answers

Trigger, Minister of Various Associated Geriatric Invalids Needing Alcohol

Alex the Great, Minister of Felching and Faunoiphilia

Victor Hoffman, Prime Rib Roast Minister

Timmie the great, Minister of kicking your arse

Tashees2, Minister of n3wbs

b3x, Brewmaster and Lord God King of the Keg

Caseus, Minister of Cannabis Engineering

The King of Town, Minister of Death to the Infidels!!

JoseyWales, Minister of Laughs and Giggles.

Breadfan, Third Interim Associate Head Deputy General Viceroy Secretary's Dog's Brother's Uncle's Best Friend's Second Assistant Vice Ruling Executive Minister of Government Streamlining and Efficiency

Wak728, Minister of Wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka

Venhith, Minister of Cinamon

Aina, Mistress of Sims

Stocker, Minister of warehousing and stocking

Olaf, Minister of Topia

Gina, adMinister of Ministering

D3V1L5ADV0CAT3, Minister of coal, GOLD and darkness

King Aragorn, Minister of Young Ceasar

adzzz, Minister of nuclear sunrise and moolah

Topia SR, Minister of being grounded for playing CN lol

ka2552001, Minister of global oil prices and $1.88/gal in Champaign

tallfreek, Minister of giants

dieselshak, Minister of SPARTANS AND GLADIATORS

cgn494, The new guy

Johnnyvegas15, Minister of Jarheads

Southern Comfort, Minister of annoying ideas that cannot be turned off without a swift kick/ban

Craig Mellor, Minister of Mellons

newyorkthug, Minister of thugged out, bling bling, bang bang

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